Report lost pigeon

* At least one contact field is required

You should find 3 or 4 pieces of data on pigeon's ring (depending on country). Every pigeon has unique combination of ring data.

  1. Country code: usually 2 or more characters describing country of origin. Examples: SK, CZ, HUNG, AUSTRIA, NL, BELG...
  2. Year: 2 or 4 digits describing year of pigeon's hatching. Examples: 02, 10, 14 or 2002, 2010, 2014...
  3. Organisation (optional): used only by some federations (Slovak, Czech, Hungarian, German...). Code of organisation usually starts by zero. Please do not mix it with ring number. Examples: 0107, 0400, 03779... Sometimes it can be special string like DERBY, OLIMPIA, VR98, M-55, PZHGP
  4. Ring number: numeric value, unique for ring series. Examples: 12, 397, 12556...

Please always use this specific order while reporting a lost pigeon. You can separate the data by white space, dash, comma, colon or semicolon...


  • SK 12 02302 841
  • CZ 08 0245 652
  • DV 12 03548 3214
  • BELG 11 1254788
  • PL 11 PZHGP 45878
  • PL 14 0235 6874
  • HU 11 D 45878
  • HU 14 06 6548

International reporting tools for lost pigeons

List of reported pigeons


Band number Pigeon condition Date Reported by Fancier Organisation Detail
CHN-2019-227914 Exhausted 07/25/2024 Pauline Not available NWC
PL-2023-0437-77 Able to fly 07/25/2024 Наталья Not available Not available
RO-2024-1300104 Able to fly 07/25/2024 Peter Not available NWC
AU-2024-MOLY-1192 Exhausted 07/25/2024 Ricky Green Not available Not available
AU-2024-IHU-945 Exhausted 07/24/2024 Ashlie Williams Not available Not available
AU-2024-CVA-753 Injured 07/23/2024 Tammy Cornelius Not available Not available
IF-2024-2243 Injured 07/23/2024 Daniele Sella Not available NWC
AU-2024-HAR-62 Able to fly 07/23/2024 Theresa Cross Not available Not available
RUS-2024-00-85259 Able to fly 07/21/2024 Somlai Brigitta Not available Not available
GB-2024-274 Able to fly 07/21/2024 Полина Not available NWC
GB-2024-209901 Able to fly 07/21/2024 Tiffany Treloar Not available NWC
NL-2023-9392747 Dead 07/20/2024 Paula coelho Not available NWC
NL-2024-53311 Able to fly 07/19/2024 Stephen Elia Not available NWC
AU-2024-FOYS-3947 Able to fly 07/19/2024 Rachael Weess Not available Not available
NL-2023-273707 Able to fly 07/18/2024 Дарья Not available NWC
NL-2023-273077 Able to fly 07/18/2024 Дарья Not available NWC
AU-2023-ARPU-1175 Able to fly 07/18/2024 Marina Not available Not available
AU-2024-ARPU-8005 Able to fly 07/18/2024 Melanie Not available Not available
ARPU-2024-AU-8005 Able to fly 07/18/2024 Melanie Not available Not available
AU-2024-JED05-47608 Exhausted 07/17/2024 Lauren Buchholz Not available Not available
HU-2021-23-29166 Dead 07/16/2024 Viktor Not available Not available
AU-2024-MOLY-1192 Exhausted 07/16/2024 Michel moya cardenas Not available Not available
RUS-2023-SRSO-48411 Exhausted 07/15/2024 Людмила Not available Not available
AU-2024-SOI-1822 Able to fly 07/14/2024 Caitlin Kennedy Not available Not available
CHN-2020-811725 Able to fly 07/13/2024 Rita dushaj Not available NWC
RUS-2024-SRSG-53355 Able to fly 07/12/2024 Алексей Not available Not available
GB-2024-209 Able to fly 07/12/2024 Diana Hall Not available NWC
N-2024-FR-2017 Injured 07/12/2024 Jason Not available Not available
AU-2023-ARPU-9691 Able to fly 07/11/2024 Haley Mroczek Not available Not available
IF-2001-11279 Able to fly 07/10/2024 Thomas Stitt Not available NWC
SVL-2024-GA-52 Able to fly 07/10/2024 Amber Not available Not available
GA-2024-SVL-52 Exhausted 07/10/2024 Amber Not available Not available
RO-2024-48940 Exhausted 07/10/2024 Евгений Not available NWC
AU-2024-ESM-462 Exhausted 07/10/2024 Bill Sterner Not available Not available
ZA-2023-706 Injured 07/09/2024 Peterose Lenka Not available NWC
IF-2018-8018831 Injured 07/09/2024 Neuza Antonelli Not available NWC
IF-2022-9153 Exhausted 07/09/2024 Omar Sharief Not available NWC
BE-2024-111616 Injured 07/09/2024 Leah Not available NWC
PL-2022-047-3728 Able to fly 07/08/2024 MACIEJ Not available Not available
IF-2020-SCO-53 Exhausted 07/07/2024 Christopher Not available Not available
AU-2024-T-2963 Able to fly 07/07/2024 Audrey MacKnight Not available Not available
NL-2024-362088 Exhausted 07/06/2024 Яна Not available NWC
FR-2024-511241 Exhausted 07/06/2024 Skyler K Vang Not available NWC
AU-2023-CHICAGO-7991 Exhausted 07/05/2024 Christine Cheney Not available Not available
RO-2023-45023 Able to fly 07/05/2024 Ульяна Not available NWC
RO-2023-450 Able to fly 07/05/2024 Ульяна Not available NWC
AU-2024-ARPU-9183 Dead 07/05/2024 K. en K. Meijers Not available Not available
GB-2023-42352 Exhausted 07/05/2024 Жанна Not available NWC
+351-2021-PORTUGAL-1114831 Able to fly 07/03/2024 Daniel Not available Not available
AU-2023-ARPU-9766 Exhausted 07/03/2024 Администратор Илона Not available Not available
IF-2024-LOYD-167 Dead 07/02/2024 Chastity R Pawloski Not available Not available
IF-2024-718 Injured 07/02/2024 Joachim Not available NWC
USA-2022-IPB-2984 Exhausted 07/02/2024 Jolene Metty Not available Not available
AU-2024-010-7 Able to fly 07/01/2024 Wendy Scuglia Not available Not available
FR-2022-31271 Exhausted 07/01/2024 Lauren Smith Not available NWC
NL-2024-84255 Able to fly 07/01/2024 Смирнова Н.Н. Not available NWC
AU-2016-BBMT-499 Exhausted 07/01/2024 David Endres Not available Not available
AU-2023-CHICAGO-210 Exhausted 06/30/2024 Austin Not available Not available
AU-2024-ARPU-4797 Dead 06/30/2024 Daniela Schellenberg Not available Not available
AU-2024-ARPU-69678 Exhausted 06/30/2024 Kellee O Not available Not available
USA-2019-NPA-82829 Injured 06/29/2024 GRACE O Not available Not available
UKR-2024-1943308 Exhausted 06/29/2024 Валерий Not available NWC
RUS-2024-СРСГ-18102 Injured 06/29/2024 Александр Not available Not available
RUS-2024-SRSG-18102 Injured 06/29/2024 Александр Not available Not available
AU-2022-ARPU-2138 Exhausted 06/29/2024 Javier Not available Not available
GB-2019-2340607 Exhausted 06/29/2024 Giancarlo Perlloni Rosso Not available NWC
RUS-2024-SRSG-1130 Injured 06/28/2024 Василиса Not available Not available
GB-2024-296884 Exhausted 06/28/2024 Виктория Not available NWC
USA-2017-BHS-787 Able to fly 06/27/2024 Michele Asalone Not available Not available
RUS-2022-SRSG-35628 Exhausted 06/27/2024 Юлия Васюкова Not available Not available
IF-2017-BHS-787 Injured 06/27/2024 Carol Gormish Not available Not available
US-2022-CHICAGO-4317 Dead 06/25/2024 Amy Prochot Not available Not available
PL-2023-0399-8360 Able to fly 06/25/2024 Дмитрий Not available Not available
AU-2021-ARPU-833 Able to fly 06/25/2024 Samantha Moyed Not available Not available
GB-2024-19-3603 Exhausted 06/25/2024 Lauren Smith Not available Not available
GB-2024-019-3603 Exhausted 06/25/2024 Lauren Smith Not available Not available
GB-2024-193603 Exhausted 06/25/2024 Lauren Smith Not available NWC
CHN-2019-2934032 Able to fly 06/24/2024 Waheed Not available NWC
RUS-2024-SRSG-49532 Able to fly 06/24/2024 Алексей Not available Not available
PL-2021-0132-4111 Able to fly 06/24/2024 Юрий Not available Not available
AU-2015-JEDDS-26065 Dead 06/24/2024 Stephanie Not available Not available
ARPU-2023-AU-8786 Injured 06/23/2024 Vivien Karassek Not available Not available
IF-2023-7021 Able to fly 06/23/2024 Екатерина Васильевна Кузьмина Not available NWC
US-2024-RDU-4277 Dead 06/23/2024 Travis Not available Not available
IF-2018-AU-32735 Able to fly 06/22/2024 Carolyn Carr Not available Not available
IF-2021-12111 Exhausted 06/22/2024 Sean Ryan Not available NWC
SK-2023-01106-802 Injured 06/22/2024 Claudia Pierbaumer Not available Not available
PT-2023-3071328 Able to fly 06/22/2024 luis Not available NWC
GB-2024-14182 Injured 06/21/2024 Fabrício Souza Not available NWC
AU-2024-GRPC-4780 Injured 06/21/2024 Amber Thrower Not available Not available
IF-2024-GE-638 Able to fly 06/21/2024 Sheila R Not available Central Jersey Homing Pigeon Combine
IF-2024-NKC-905 Injured 06/20/2024 Alyssa Jones Not available Not available
IF-2015-21 Able to fly 06/20/2024 Malcolm Spruce Not available NWC
IF-2018-438 Able to fly 06/20/2024 Лена Not available NWC
AU-2024-GA-102 Able to fly 06/20/2024 Logan Bennett Not available Not available
GA-2024-AU-102 Able to fly 06/20/2024 Logan Bennett Not available Not available
RUS-2024-SRSG-17773 Dead 06/19/2024 Александр Not available Not available
RUS-2024-00-95674 Exhausted 06/19/2024 Анастасия Not available Not available
PT-2022-2210870 Injured 06/18/2024 EJ Meade Not available NWC
IF-2024-PERTH-5103 Exhausted 06/17/2024 Andres Torres Not available Not available
IF-2023-BSC-1384 Able to fly 06/16/2024 Ted Harries MINNUIES, JOHN Central Jersey Homing Pigeon Combine
IQ-2018-57-8 Able to fly 06/15/2024 Вера Not available Not available
CHN-2023-32 Able to fly 06/15/2024 Lexi Not available NWC
TAIWAN-2024-O-67046 Exhausted 06/14/2024 Jeffrey Timmons Not available Not available
IF-2020-PA-3139 Able to fly 06/13/2024 STANLEY KRAWIEC Not available Central Jersey Homing Pigeon Combine
AU-2023-ARPU-15 Able to fly 06/13/2024 Ulrika Ljungkvist Not available Not available
IF-2023-PAOF-90 Able to fly 06/13/2024 STANLEY KRAWIEC VINNIE MULAWKA Central Jersey Homing Pigeon Combine
AU-2022-EHC-343 Exhausted 06/12/2024 Nigel Not available Not available
IF-2022-CHN-834197 Able to fly 06/12/2024 Mari Sue Hastings Not available Not available
AU-2021-ARPU-4866 Exhausted 06/12/2024 Timothy W. Meadows Not available Not available
AU-2024-EHC-326 Exhausted 06/11/2024 Marcin Not available Not available
AU-2024-RTL-5 Able to fly 06/11/2024 Zack Not available Not available
IPB-2024-R-2684 Exhausted 06/10/2024 Hannah Blackmore Not available Not available
GB-2022-51683 Exhausted 06/10/2024 Heidi Onions Not available NWC
GB-2022-54683 Exhausted 06/10/2024 Heidi Onions Not available NWC
AU-2023-ARPU-4259 Able to fly 06/10/2024 Muhammad Tasleem Not available Not available
IF-2023-BE-2681 Able to fly 06/10/2024 Kelcey reynolds Not available Not available
AU-2021-WPR-6187 Injured 06/10/2024 Lori L Christianson Not available Not available
NL-2023-241698 Exhausted 06/10/2024 Janet DeGrandis Not available NWC
GB-2023-123284 Dead 06/10/2024 MICHAEL S PETERS Not available NWC
AU-2021-O-814 Exhausted 06/09/2024 FRANK B ZAGOTTI Not available Not available
AU-2021-HOF-814 Exhausted 06/09/2024 FRANK B ZAGOTTI Not available Not available
IF-2022-1098 Exhausted 06/09/2024 Guillermo Not available NWC
AU-2020-ARPU-9021 Able to fly 06/08/2024 Евгений Not available Not available
IF-2002-2418089 Exhausted 06/07/2024 Олександр Not available NWC
IF-2002-24-18089 Exhausted 06/07/2024 Олександр Not available Not available
AU-2023-ARPU-79211 Exhausted 06/07/2024 Craig Stroube Not available Not available
AU-2017-HRPC-5088 Injured 06/06/2024 Victor Hernandez Not available Not available
USA-2023-JEDDS-44688 Dead 06/05/2024 RICHARD ELDREDGE Not available Not available
AU-2023-CIZ-708 Injured 06/04/2024 Jessica Schoettel Not available Not available
AU-2021-AA-12783 Able to fly 06/04/2024 STANLEY KRAWIEC VIGGORITTO, RICH Central Jersey Homing Pigeon Combine
CHN-2021-382150 Able to fly 06/04/2024 Виктор Not available NWC
AU-2021-TOP-1757 Exhausted 06/03/2024 Catherine M Hopkins Not available Not available
JAPAN-2019-N-129888 Injured 06/03/2024 Ольга Not available Not available
AU-2024-NOLA-11 Able to fly 06/03/2024 Heather Gardner Not available Not available
ANO-2020-MALTA-911 Able to fly 06/02/2024 Hamza Not available Not available
ANO-2020-MALTA-30911 Able to fly 06/02/2024 Hamza Not available Not available
RUS-2024-SRSG-48707 Able to fly 06/02/2024 Иван Not available Not available
RUS-2020-SRSG-9562 Able to fly 06/02/2024 Лилия Not available Not available
AU-2024-FOYS-8071 Able to fly 06/02/2024 Megan Demsky Not available Not available
IF-2023-1508 Able to fly 06/02/2024 Jenna Fistner Not available NWC
AU-2022-LFO-652 Exhausted 06/01/2024 Dawn Sweet Not available Not available
ITAU-2024-CHICAGO-45 Dead 05/31/2024 Jasmin Not available Not available
AU-2024-CHICAGO-45 Dead 05/31/2024 Jasmin Not available Not available
OIF-2023-MCF-220 Exhausted 05/31/2024 Jonathan Smith Not available Central Jersey Homing Pigeon Combine
RO-2023-764602 Able to fly 05/31/2024 Szabó Máté Not available NWC
AU-2022-ILL-5159 Exhausted 05/30/2024 Glenn Breuklander Not available Not available
AU-2023-FVC-1185 Able to fly 05/29/2024 Shawn Collins Not available Not available
AU-2024-GSC-16 Dead 05/28/2024 Ron Halverson Not available Not available
AU-2023-ARPU-102344 Injured 05/28/2024 Tracey Stanphill Not available Not available
IF-2021-260 Exhausted 05/27/2024 Terry Not available NWC
CHN-2021-1075241 Able to fly 05/27/2024 Анна Not available NWC
NL-2023-9541101 Exhausted 05/26/2024 Heleen Hovenkamp Not available NWC
IF-2018-1235 Dead 05/25/2024 Michael D Milbut Not available NWC
AU-2023-ARPU-7475 Exhausted 05/25/2024 Kaleb Not available Not available
GA-2023-NA-501 Exhausted 05/24/2024 Nikhita Not available Not available
IF-2024-11654 Able to fly 05/24/2024 Ольга Not available NWC
AU-2024-PSF-232 Injured 05/24/2024 Cindi L Walker Not available Not available
GB-2024-267767 Able to fly 05/24/2024 Марина Not available NWC
GB-2024-165308 Injured 05/23/2024 Thomas Lewis Not available NWC
AU-2024-FOYS-8780 Injured 05/22/2024 Hailey Roper Not available Not available
AU-2022-ARPU-88599 Able to fly 05/21/2024 Christi Stormant Not available Not available
MALTA-2008-14-242 Exhausted 05/21/2024 Ganna Snitsar Not available Not available
CHN-2023-372639 Able to fly 05/21/2024 Graham Gardner Not available NWC
APRU-2023-AU-9020 Exhausted 05/21/2024 Tatjana Not available Not available
APRU-2020-AU-75069 Injured 05/21/2024 Karin Not available Not available
AU-2020-APRU-75069 Injured 05/21/2024 Karin Not available Not available
ES-2016-237313 Injured 05/20/2024 Youssef Not available NWC
HKPA-2021-US-1290593 Able to fly 05/19/2024 Kateryna Not available Not available
CHN-2023-195027 Able to fly 05/18/2024 Officer Price Not available NWC
NPA-2011-164-23 Able to fly 05/15/2024 Kelley Pentzakis Not available Not available
IF-2007-2017-1655 Able to fly 05/15/2024 Massiel Morales Not available Not available
AU-2024-TCPC-1302 Injured 05/14/2024 Dawn Huddleston Not available Not available
IF-2024-D-837931 Injured 05/13/2024 Berkovics Gyula Not available Not available
DV-2024-07392-358 Exhausted 05/13/2024 Frans Not available Not available
DV-2024-0358-7392 Exhausted 05/13/2024 Frans Not available Not available
AU-2022-ARPU-9060 Able to fly 05/13/2024 Robert edwards Not available Not available
AU-2023-ARPU-8322 Exhausted 05/12/2024 Alexander Lovell Not available Not available
USA-2022-IPB-6660 Able to fly 05/12/2024 Angelique Isdell Not available Not available
TAIWAN-2023-118-614 Able to fly 05/12/2024 Michael Wolf Not available Not available
PBB-2008-2022-3233 Able to fly 05/12/2024 Michael Shattuck Not available Not available
CHN-2020-254016 Dead 05/12/2024 Catherine Roe Not available NWC
AU-2023-NLIC-590 Able to fly 05/11/2024 Pamela Lee Not available Not available
RUS-2023-ШШ-916 Able to fly 05/10/2024 Алена Not available Not available
IF-2023-97367 Able to fly 05/10/2024 Melitsa Aldridge Not available NWC
IF-2001-2024-6553 Injured 05/08/2024 Heydi Not available Not available
PL-2023-02771-320 Dead 05/06/2024 Aglaya Not available Not available
BE-2022-6613 Dead 05/06/2024 James McMichael Not available NWC
AU-2021-ARPU-4978 Able to fly 05/04/2024 Иван Not available Not available
PORTUGAL-2022-CFL-2546526 Able to fly 05/03/2024 Raul Salazar Not available Not available
AU-2020-AA-15466 Exhausted 05/02/2024 Brittany Not available Not available
AU-2023-FR-427 Exhausted 05/01/2024 Caitlyn Silva Not available Not available
DV-2023-01182-1687 Exhausted 04/30/2024 Augusto Not available Not available
MALTA-2021-ANILLA-2523 Exhausted 04/30/2024 Juan Not available Not available
RUS-2023-13-599 Injured 04/29/2024 Олег Not available Not available
AU-2023-ARPU-8908 Exhausted 04/29/2024 Dani E. Not available Not available
AU-2024-SBL-1090 Injured 04/28/2024 JOHN MARTENS Not available Not available
GB-2021-1022390 Exhausted 04/28/2024 Carissa spradlin Not available NWC
AU-2024-GSP-3417 Able to fly 04/27/2024 Christine Not available Not available
USA-2023-NA-107 Able to fly 04/26/2024 Elana Barer Not available Not available
ARPU-2023-GC-344 Dead 04/26/2024 Gina Ferraro Not available Not available
AU-2023-ARPU-9152 Able to fly 04/26/2024 Nick Rorro Not available Not available
IF-2022-ARPU-50944 Able to fly 04/25/2024 randall Not available Not available
CHN-2022-814986 Able to fly 04/24/2024 Evgenii Not available NWC
CHN-2022-30 Able to fly 04/24/2024 Evgenii Not available NWC
IF-2001-2023-48 Injured 04/22/2024 Lisette Not available Not available
UA-2023-SUNBURST-232 Dead 04/22/2024 ryan Not available Not available
AU-2024-KY-24000 Able to fly 04/22/2024 Sergio Not available Not available
RUS-2021-SRSG-44605 Dead 04/22/2024 Виталий Not available Not available
TAIWAN-2021-032-469 Dead 04/22/2024 José Not available Not available
NL-2024-223803 Dead 04/22/2024 Joe Not available NWC
AU-2023-SOC-932 Exhausted 04/21/2024 Laetitia Loubser Not available Not available
CHN-2019-314610 Dead 04/19/2024 Gator Not available NWC
FR-2020-262081 Able to fly 04/19/2024 Christina Not available NWC
NL-2023-9343299 Exhausted 04/18/2024 Catana Mihai Not available NWC
ES-2023-281900 Dead 04/17/2024 Joan Not available NWC
CHN-2021-353590 Dead 04/17/2024 Константин Not available NWC
NL-2023-82931 Injured 04/16/2024 Елена Not available NWC
IF-2024-1336 Able to fly 04/16/2024 George Mutch Not available NWC
NL-2023-132802 Exhausted 04/15/2024 Людмила Not available NWC
AU-2022-PURGRAIN-112 Able to fly 04/15/2024 Lawrence Hofstad Not available Not available
AU-2020-AA-13984 Able to fly 04/14/2024 Reese Not available Not available
CHN-2020-827219 Able to fly 04/14/2024 Артем Not available NWC
AU-2023-NA-1398 Exhausted 04/13/2024 Tammy Not available Not available
AU-2015-DUTCH-217 Exhausted 04/12/2024 Dylan Roper Not available Not available
IF-2022-RUS-3761 Able to fly 04/12/2024 ЮлияГ Not available Not available
PORTUGAL-2022-217603-603 Able to fly 04/11/2024 Sandra Not available Not available
AU-2021-ARPU-33201 Able to fly 04/10/2024 Topanga L Not available Not available
EE-2022-D7-720 Able to fly 04/09/2024 Andrea Not available Not available
AU-2023-JEDDS-14261 Exhausted 04/09/2024 isabel aguilar Not available Not available
RUS-2023-SRSG-8866 Dead 04/09/2024 Александр Not available Not available
HU-2022-30-53406 Able to fly 04/02/2024 József Not available Not available
RUS-2021-EE-1151 Able to fly 04/02/2024 Osmany Véliz Hernández Not available Not available
AU-2023-AA-8200 Able to fly 04/01/2024 Alan Not available Not available
RUS-2021-011-51 Able to fly 04/01/2024 Osmany Véliz Hernández Not available Not available
TAIWAN-2023-032-871 Dead 04/01/2024 Osmany Véliz Hernández Not available Not available
GB-2023-9038 Able to fly 04/01/2024 Osmany Véliz Hernández Not available NWC
CHN-2024-518743 Injured 03/31/2024 Nicole Not available NWC
AU-2024-FVC-1120 Injured 03/30/2024 Marisol Mendoza Not available Not available
CHN-2021-565876 Dead 03/30/2024 Brent barre Not available NWC
AU-2024-ARPU-2143 Able to fly 03/26/2024 Nicolás cortes Not available Not available
RUS-2020-ШШ-242 Dead 03/25/2024 Екатерина Зотова Not available Not available
MALTA-2024-19-3457 Injured 03/25/2024 Emanuel Agius Not available Not available
AU-2023-WWC-256 Able to fly 03/24/2024 Adam Fain Not available Texas Center
CHN-2022-133969 Able to fly 03/24/2024 Arlette Camarena Not available NWC
AU-2020-ARPU-1934 Exhausted 03/24/2024 jon Not available Not available
PT-2023-3251938 Exhausted 03/23/2024 Miguel Carvalho Not available NWC
IF-2024-PAOF-1120 Injured 03/21/2024 Burhan Arvuz VINNIE MULAWKA Central Jersey Homing Pigeon Combine
IF-2024-1120 Injured 03/21/2024 Burhan Arvuz Not available NWC
AU-2022-ARPU-6554 Able to fly 03/21/2024 Heather Barr Not available Not available
AU-2022-ARPU-2037 Exhausted 03/19/2024 Sergio Not available Not available
BM-2021-NPA-590 Exhausted 03/15/2024 Sam Axten Not available Not available
RUS-2023-SRSG-32439 Dead 03/14/2024 Станислав Дорофеев Not available Not available
BELG-2023-53234 Injured 03/09/2024 Jose Paulino Not available NWC
AU-2023-ARPU-3234 Injured 03/07/2024 Richard Gonzalez Not available Not available
AU-2023-JEDDS-36732 Able to fly 03/06/2024 Alejandra Not available Not available
AU-2023-EVV-80 Able to fly 03/04/2024 Advent Vet. Services Not available Not available
AU-2023-BRFT-938 Exhausted 03/03/2024 Kerry murray Not available Not available
PT-2023-3000984 Exhausted 03/02/2024 Ricardo Not available NWC
GB-2022-00-191036 Able to fly 03/01/2024 Artur Korol Not available Not available
CHN-2019-32 Able to fly 02/28/2024 POLARIS LOFT Not available NWC
IF-2023-1179 Exhausted 02/26/2024 Madison Ranney Not available NWC
CHN-2022-513232 Exhausted 02/25/2024 den Boer Not available NWC
FR-2021-14565 Able to fly 02/25/2024 СЕРГЕЙ Not available NWC
AU-2018-DEN-867 Exhausted 02/24/2024 Karol Morgan Not available Not available
AU-2023-ER-914 Exhausted 02/23/2024 Jose Ruiz Not available Not available
ME-2023-FM-36429 Exhausted 02/22/2024 Rosa Mendez Not available Not available
GB-2020-00-1015729 Able to fly 02/22/2024 Patricia Edwards Not available Not available
CU-2022-842 Able to fly 02/22/2024 Dale garrison Not available NWC
AU-2023-JEDDS-1342 Dead 02/21/2024 William G Smith Not available Not available
MALTA-2023-10-2609 Able to fly 02/20/2024 Александр Якименко Not available Not available
AU-2023-RPC-77 Dead 02/14/2024 BRENDA TURRENTINE Not available Not available
AU-2021-ARPU-1333 Able to fly 02/11/2024 Valerie Not available Not available
AU-2023-FYOS-33098 Exhausted 02/09/2024 Annalese Jeske Not available Not available
HU-2023-01-15782 Able to fly 02/08/2024 Csorba Janos Not available Not available
AU-2023-UCPR-861 Exhausted 02/07/2024 Miguel Rosario Sanjurjo Not available Not available
IF-2023-189193 Injured 02/05/2024 Luis Dennovan Not available NWC
+27-2023-SLIM-681 Exhausted 02/04/2024 Armand Not available Not available
AU-2020-WWC-36 Exhausted 01/24/2024 Kenneth J Rockefeller Not available Texas Center
DV-2019-09538-436 Injured 01/21/2024 Alexander Not available Not available
CHN-2023-172998 Injured 01/20/2024 Kiara Rodgers Not available NWC
HU-2023-D-777110 Injured 01/10/2024 HORVÁTH GYÖRGY Not available Not available
AU-2021-JEDDS-47242 Exhausted 01/04/2024 Lesli Watkins Not available Not available
FR-2020-201934 Exhausted 01/02/2024 Надежда Not available NWC
NL-2023-197815 Exhausted 01/01/2024 Bruno Sanched Not available NWC
NL-2013-1725996 Able to fly 12/30/2023 Neil Beetham Not available NWC
GB-2022-00-39104 Injured 12/30/2023 Владимир Not available Not available
AU-2010-AA-13677 Exhausted 12/28/2023 VERONICA Not available Not available
CHN-2019-32 Able to fly 12/28/2023 Bevelyn Cabasug Not available NWC
IF-2023-319209 Able to fly 12/27/2023 Malynda Custer Not available NWC
HKPA-2021-OOO-1293119 Able to fly 12/25/2023 Владимир Александрович Зимарин Not available Not available
AU-2017-JEDDS-29558 Able to fly 12/20/2023 kevin macias Not available Not available
IF-2022-472 Able to fly 12/19/2023 Kelly Not available NWC
FR-2023-316619 Dead 12/18/2023 Евхимик Антон Валерьевич Not available NWC
NPA-2010-D-2700 Exhausted 12/17/2023 Michelle Lee Hafke Not available Not available
IF-1992-2014 Injured 12/16/2023 Stephanie Cain Not available NWC
AU-2020-JEDDS-39733 Dead 12/16/2023 Bernard Johnston Not available Not available
RUS-2023-SRSG-14946 Injured 12/14/2023 Aigul Not available Not available
CHN-2021-115935 Able to fly 12/12/2023 kishan Not available NWC
BELG-2023-107746 Able to fly 12/12/2023 Дина Not available NWC
RUS-2019-EE-982 Exhausted 12/10/2023 Людмила Not available Not available
AU-2023-FM-101 Injured 12/10/2023 Dan stamper Not available Not available
CHN-2021-115935 Able to fly 12/09/2023 spyro Not available NWC
MEX-2023-FMC-24395 Able to fly 12/08/2023 Leidy Crescencio Mercado Not available Not available
IF-2023-8510 Dead 12/06/2023 Albert Baker Not available NWC
AU-2023-FM-101 Able to fly 11/29/2023 Jessica Nichols Not available Not available
IF-2023-17093 Exhausted 11/28/2023 Angeles Del Carmen Not available NWC
RI-2023-AU-1608 Able to fly 11/28/2023 Kamal Not available Not available
SC-2023-AU-1324 Able to fly 11/28/2023 Kamal Not available Not available
RI-2023-IF-1608 Able to fly 11/28/2023 Kamal Not available Not available
AU-2023-JEDDS-52860 Exhausted 11/27/2023 Joe Morgan Not available Not available
BY-2022-0000-3282 Injured 11/26/2023 Юлія Not available Not available
CHN-2021-32 Able to fly 11/25/2023 Luca Ramirez Not available NWC
AU-2023-COM-3463 Injured 11/25/2023 Inessa Burnell Not available Not available
IF-2011-12764 Dead 11/23/2023 Маргарита Not available NWC
NPA-2022-CG-1969 Exhausted 11/22/2023 Virginia Albrecht Not available Not available
PL-2023-044-988 Injured 11/21/2023 Ewelina Not available Not available
IF-2021-177 Able to fly 11/21/2023 Ashley Ford Not available NWC
FR-2023-421282 Able to fly 11/20/2023 Нурмухаммед Not available NWC
IF-2023-54499 Exhausted 11/15/2023 jose salvado Not available NWC
IF-2023-RUS-4613 Able to fly 11/14/2023 Юлия Not available Not available
AU-2023-JEDDS-5955 Dead 11/14/2023 Kirt Not available Not available
FR-2023-465448 Able to fly 11/12/2023 Лиджи Оконов Not available NWC
RUS-2022-SRSG-54572 Dead 11/07/2023 Roma Not available Not available
AU-2016-ARPU-86717 Dead 11/06/2023 Greg B Not available Not available
US-2022-GM-712 Able to fly 11/03/2023 Setara Ebadi Not available Not available
AU-2021-ARPU-51191 Exhausted 11/03/2023 Tara Colon Not available Not available
US-2023-ARPU-7091 Exhausted 11/02/2023 Patty Szala Not available Not available
AU-2023-JEDDS-19747 Able to fly 10/30/2023 Kim R Not available Not available
IF-2023-CLASSIC-3176 Dead 10/30/2023 Kamal Not available Not available
AU-2023-SAZF-633 Able to fly 10/29/2023 Brittany Not available Not available
IF-2023-AU-1108 Able to fly 10/29/2023 Maria Not available Not available
IF-2022-1248 Able to fly 10/28/2023 Víctor Not available NWC
AU-2023-GSC-1126 Able to fly 10/28/2023 Catricia Vandercreek Not available Not available
AU-2022-PSF-270 Injured 10/27/2023 Diana Keller Not available Not available
CHN-2019-1053426 Able to fly 10/27/2023 rouzi Not available NWC
AU-2022-ARPU-4131 Able to fly 10/26/2023 Rigo Mejia Not available Not available
RUS-2022-EE-20864 Exhausted 10/26/2023 Ольга Not available Not available
URC-2008-22-3461 Able to fly 10/25/2023 Katherine Ethen Not available Not available
AU-2023-ARPU-1799 Able to fly 10/24/2023 Melissa Guinness Not available Not available
IQ-2023-110824 Able to fly 10/24/2023 Stephanie Not available NWC
AU-2023-AA-14478 Exhausted 10/23/2023 Erika McKay Not available Not available
ARPU-2023-AU-2351 Able to fly 10/23/2023 Настя Not available Not available
AU-2023-ARPU-2351 Injured 10/23/2023 Настя Not available Not available
AU-2023-FOYS-9308 Injured 10/22/2023 Steve Snell Not available Not available
IF-2021-1221786 Exhausted 10/22/2023 Евгения Эдуардовна Кострикина Not available NWC
BELG-2023-189645 Injured 10/22/2023 Animal Shelter Employee Not available NWC
IF-2023-393487 Dead 10/21/2023 Dmitrij Not available NWC
AU-2023-CHN-32 Injured 10/20/2023 Marilea Hussain Not available Not available
AU-2017-JEDDS-29904 Injured 10/19/2023 Michelle Not available Not available
AU-2023-ARPU-44633 Able to fly 10/18/2023 Katie Not available Not available
ME-2021-FMC-158883 Able to fly 10/16/2023 Victoria Not available Not available
DV-2023-0479-5587 Able to fly 10/15/2023 Олег Not available Not available
USA-2023-AURP-18594 Dead 10/12/2023 Andrea Not available Not available
AU-2023-ESM-37 Dead 10/12/2023 Janna Not available Not available
FR-2023-505720 Exhausted 10/12/2023 Александра Not available NWC
RUS-2020-02-893 Able to fly 10/12/2023 Лиля Not available Not available
BELG-2022-110736 Exhausted 10/12/2023 George Szuhay Not available NWC
IF-2023-17445 Exhausted 10/11/2023 RONALDO AGUILAR ROMAN Not available NWC
IF-2023-LCM-1037 Able to fly 10/10/2023 connor JOHN COSGROVE - PURPLE MARTIN LOFT Central Jersey Homing Pigeon Combine
IF-2023-1037 Able to fly 10/10/2023 connor Not available NWC
GDL-2023-3317-903 Able to fly 10/10/2023 Jose angel Hinojosa lopez Not available Not available
MEX-2021-FMC-201344 Injured 10/08/2023 Tori Saunders Not available Not available
IF-2023-LPC-1832 Able to fly 10/07/2023 Luis Lopez Not available Not available
IF-2023-AU-2524 Able to fly 10/06/2023 Jonathan Greene Not available Not available
IF-2021-46312 Exhausted 10/06/2023 Ксения Not available NWC
IF-2021-43216 Exhausted 10/06/2023 Ксения Not available NWC
IF-2021-46321 Exhausted 10/06/2023 Ксения Not available NWC
AU-2023-JCS-315 Exhausted 10/05/2023 Nicole majer Not available Not available
UA-2020-#-118 Injured 10/03/2023 Margaret rybinski Not available Not available
AU-2023-CVR-5992 Injured 10/03/2023 Cazenovia Animal Hospital Not available Not available
AU-2023-OSTY-107 Exhausted 10/03/2023 Alexander Huras Not available Not available
IQ-2022-11847 Dead 10/01/2023 Валера Not available NWC
USA-2023-AU-2168 Able to fly 10/01/2023 Kathy Goodson Not available Not available
IF-2019-588 Able to fly 09/30/2023 Анна Not available NWC
BELG-2023-116731 Able to fly 09/30/2023 Annalee Not available NWC
AU-2019-JEDDS-45974 Able to fly 09/27/2023 Annette Myers Not available Not available
IF-2023-LCM-1129 Dead 09/26/2023 Michael Jones DAN CZARNIAK Central Jersey Homing Pigeon Combine
MEX-2023-FMC-138873 Dead 09/26/2023 Carlos Barco Not available Not available
AU-2023-IND-759 Dead 09/26/2023 Chris Not available Not available
IF-2023-QCP-373 Exhausted 09/24/2023 Nicole Falo Not available Central Jersey Homing Pigeon Combine
BELG-2023-157863 Exhausted 09/24/2023 Daniel Valenzuela Noriega Not available NWC
IF-2023-VLP-98 Able to fly 09/23/2023 Elizabeth Schlegel Not available Not available
CHN-2020-32 Able to fly 09/23/2023 Irving Chavez Not available NWC
PL-2023-016-10275 Dead 09/22/2023 Виктор Загдай Not available Not available
IF-2022-51328 Exhausted 09/22/2023 Оксана Not available NWC
TPA-2023-036728-238013 Able to fly 09/22/2023 Igor Not available Not available
IF-2022-87 Exhausted 09/22/2023 Billy Freeman Not available NWC
AU-2023-ARPU-81163 Dead 09/21/2023 Zac Lewis Not available Not available
CHN-2023-939287 Dead 09/21/2023 Jessica Not available NWC
AU-2023-RDU-3302 Exhausted 09/20/2023 Jonathan Coble Not available Not available
AU-2023-ARPU-28754 Dead 09/20/2023 Bob O'Neil Not available Not available
IF-2023-ARPU-28754 Dead 09/20/2023 Bob O'Neil Not available Not available
AU-2023-JEDDS-42541 Injured 09/19/2023 Gerardo Hernandez Not available Not available
CHN-2018-32 Injured 09/19/2023 Heather June Briant Not available NWC
AU-2023-KC-257 Able to fly 09/19/2023 Heather Witthar Not available Not available
CHN-2019-32 Exhausted 09/19/2023 Lisa Peine Not available NWC
US-2023-WTMC-2527 Injured 09/19/2023 Krista Mcnamara Not available Not available
IF-2023-NLI-565 Dead 09/18/2023 Jennifer Chamberlain Not available Long Island Combine
IF-2023-9414 Exhausted 09/17/2023 Angela Dunn Not available NWC