Report lost pigeon

* At least one contact field is required

You should find 3 or 4 pieces of data on pigeon's ring (depending on country). Every pigeon has unique combination of ring data.

  1. Country code: usually 2 or more characters describing country of origin. Examples: SK, CZ, HUNG, AUSTRIA, NL, BELG...
  2. Year: 2 or 4 digits describing year of pigeon's hatching. Examples: 02, 10, 14 or 2002, 2010, 2014...
  3. Organisation (optional): used only by some federations (Slovak, Czech, Hungarian, German...). Code of organisation usually starts by zero. Please do not mix it with ring number. Examples: 0107, 0400, 03779... Sometimes it can be special string like DERBY, OLIMPIA, VR98, M-55, PZHGP
  4. Ring number: numeric value, unique for ring series. Examples: 12, 397, 12556...

Please always use this specific order while reporting a lost pigeon. You can separate the data by white space, dash, comma, colon or semicolon...


  • SK 12 02302 841
  • CZ 08 0245 652
  • DV 12 03548 3214
  • BELG 11 1254788
  • PL 11 PZHGP 45878
  • PL 14 0235 6874
  • HU 11 D 45878
  • HU 14 06 6548

International reporting tools for lost pigeons

List of reported pigeons


Band number Pigeon condition التاريخ Reported by المتسابق الجمعية التفاصيل
NL-2024-2437572 Dead 07.06.2024 Adriana Ruse Not available Not available
TH-2016-TR-22 Exhausted 22.05.2024 Han Buijze Not available Not available
TH-2020-765497 Injured 31.03.2024 GILDO ANDRE MATIAS Not available Not available
TH-2023-22337 Exhausted 20.09.2023 Supaluk Not available Not available
FR-2021-114838 Exhausted 23.07.2023 Jan Scheirs Not available Not available
THAILAND-2022-HFT-219 Exhausted 26.06.2023 Denis Not available Not available
CZ-2022-0285-3130 Able to fly 05.09.2022 Alexander Lehocky Not available Not available
PL-2022-017-2140 Able to fly 05.09.2022 Alexander Lehocky Not available Not available
CZ-2022-0112-2562 Exhausted 17.08.2022 Szafian Zsolt Not available Not available
TH-2022-0112-2562 Exhausted 17.08.2022 Szafian Zsolt Not available Not available
TH-2019-339053 Injured 21.07.2021 Jack Pearson Not available Not available
TH-2019-RPIA-38848 Injured 16.05.2020 DANIEL GARNIRON Not available Not available
RO-2015-310219 Exhausted 05.04.2020 iacoban Mihai Cristian Not available Not available
AU-2018-602-597 Able to fly 05.04.2020 iacoban Mihai Cristian Not available Not available
AU-2018-602-580 Able to fly 05.04.2020 iacoban Mihai Cristian Not available Not available
TH-2018-THAILAND-47767 Exhausted 25.04.2019 Manuela Ollivier Not available Not available
HU-2016-N-849 Dead 10.03.2019 H Not available Not available