Report lost pigeon

* At least one contact field is required

You should find 3 or 4 pieces of data on pigeon's ring (depending on country). Every pigeon has unique combination of ring data.

  1. Country code: usually 2 or more characters describing country of origin. Examples: SK, CZ, HUNG, AUSTRIA, NL, BELG...
  2. Year: 2 or 4 digits describing year of pigeon's hatching. Examples: 02, 10, 14 or 2002, 2010, 2014...
  3. Organisation (optional): used only by some federations (Slovak, Czech, Hungarian, German...). Code of organisation usually starts by zero. Please do not mix it with ring number. Examples: 0107, 0400, 03779... Sometimes it can be special string like DERBY, OLIMPIA, VR98, M-55, PZHGP
  4. Ring number: numeric value, unique for ring series. Examples: 12, 397, 12556...

Please always use this specific order while reporting a lost pigeon. You can separate the data by white space, dash, comma, colon or semicolon...


  • SK 12 02302 841
  • CZ 08 0245 652
  • DV 12 03548 3214
  • BELG 11 1254788
  • PL 11 PZHGP 45878
  • PL 14 0235 6874
  • HU 11 D 45878
  • HU 14 06 6548

International reporting tools for lost pigeons

List of reported pigeons


Band number Pigeon condition التاريخ Reported by المتسابق الجمعية التفاصيل
AUSTRIA-2024-906-234 Injured 25.07.2024 Belén Jiménez Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis Ost
HU-2020-D-540266 Able to fly 24.07.2024 Josef Dober Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2008-22-137 Exhausted 24.07.2024 Tanja Sodoma Not available ÖBTZ
HU-2023-D-756666 Exhausted 18.07.2024 Helmut Tomaschko Not available Not available
HU-2023-01-14372 Able to fly 16.07.2024 Tierklinik Gilli - Deutsch OG Not available Not available
RO-2000-54316 Able to fly 15.07.2024 Carina Grießer Not available Not available
AUSZTRIA-2023-605-256 Able to fly 15.07.2024 István Not available VRV Österreich Süd
RO-2022-522106 Able to fly 13.07.2024 Michal Odrobina Not available Not available
HU-2022-19-822 Exhausted 04.07.2024 Bart Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2023-612-514 Able to fly 02.07.2024 Bogdán Ruben Not available VRV Österreich Süd
RO-2023-67317 Able to fly 02.07.2024 Andreas Ochabauer Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2023-209-2402 Dead 29.06.2024 Jennifer Langmann Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2023-23-300 Exhausted 28.06.2024 PT Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2023-317-131 Able to fly 25.06.2024 Martin Mizerák Not available VRV Österreich Süd
AUSTRIA-2022-105-1356 Able to fly 25.06.2024 M Kohut Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis Mitte
BE-2020-3127160 Exhausted 24.06.2024 Mandy Not available Not available
HU-2023-D-747056 Dead 24.06.2024 Franz List Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2024-906-59 Able to fly 23.06.2024 Merész Pál Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis Ost
AUSTRIA-2024-805-426 Dead 22.06.2024 Robert Terkl Not available ÖBTZ
HU-2023-23-49891 Able to fly 20.06.2024 Manfred P. Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2021-NULL-787 Dead 20.06.2024 Damian Not available Not available
PL-2023-01139-330 Able to fly 17.06.2024 Christel Werner Not available Not available
HU-2023-08-47612 Able to fly 16.06.2024 Kremnitzer Mario Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2024-3181-368 Able to fly 13.06.2024 Denys Yasmine Not available Not available
PL-2023-0331-3056 Able to fly 10.06.2024 Michaela Wagner Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2023-101-301 Exhausted 08.06.2024 krzysztof Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis Mitte
HU-2021-N-25008 Able to fly 08.06.2024 Börcsökné Konyecsni Valéria Not available Not available
HU-2023-16-76761 Able to fly 06.06.2024 Jürgen Sieg Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2002-23-847 Able to fly 05.06.2024 Regina Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2012-315-170 Dead 04.06.2024 Horvath Mihály Not available VRV Österreich Süd
AUSTRIA-2023-426-1106 Dead 02.06.2024 Maria Krismer Not available Not available
CZ-2023-0400-217 Exhausted 02.06.2024 Mattias Schleinzer Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2023-106-442 Able to fly 25.05.2024 Adrián Arnold Not available VRV Österreich Süd
AUSTRIA-2022-0101-1554 Exhausted 25.05.2024 Fr.Weiss Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2023-106-308 Exhausted 24.05.2024 m Not available VRV Österreich Süd
CZ-2020-045-2666 Dead 20.05.2024 Angelika Riedl Not available Not available
AUSZTRIA-2024-612-454 Injured 20.05.2024 Rácz lászlóné Not available VRV Österreich Süd
AUSZTRIA-2023-107-100 Able to fly 19.05.2024 Kovács János Not available ÖBTZ
SK-2024-0108-342 Able to fly 19.05.2024 Menderes Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2024-0108-342 Able to fly 19.05.2024 Mendered Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2023-2385-430 Able to fly 19.05.2024 Kasia Not available Not available
HU-2021-D-64869 Able to fly 15.05.2024 Theresia Härzer Not available Not available
HU-2021-05-96357 Able to fly 09.05.2024 Kogelhof Not available Not available
HU-2023-D-789857 Dead 22.04.2024 Doris Schmidt Not available Not available
DV-2022-04562-816 Able to fly 17.04.2024 lena schepers Not available Not available
CZ-2023-0247-535 Exhausted 06.04.2024 Christy Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2021-315-351 Exhausted 30.03.2024 Róbert Kišš Not available VRV Österreich Süd
AUSTRIA-2023-612-213 Able to fly 27.03.2024 Magoci Imrich Not available VRV Österreich Süd
PL-2011-012-507 Able to fly 18.03.2024 Rafał Felsztyński Not available Not available
WB-2024-AGF-388 Able to fly 09.03.2024 Brantner Daniela Not available Not available
WB-2024-0388-95 Able to fly 09.03.2024 Brantner Daniela Not available Not available
PT-2023-3246874 Dead 10.01.2024 Jorge Ferreira Not available Not available
HU-2017-17-2185 Injured 10.01.2024 HORVÁTH GYÖRGY Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2022-601-84 Able to fly 02.01.2024 Jano SK Not available VRV Österreich Süd
AUSTRIA-2021-320-461 Injured 16.11.2023 jovica mileusnic Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis Ost
AUSTRIA-2023-3112-392 Able to fly 31.10.2023 Gulyás Gábor Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2018-25-319 Exhausted 29.10.2023 Erika Peniakova Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2023-310-1808 Dead 24.10.2023 Jugendsporthaus Schladming Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis West
DV-2021-04211-7810 Injured 16.10.2023 Maciej Not available Not available
PT-2023-3499283 Dead 16.10.2023 Angela Águas Not available Not available
PT-2023-349 Dead 15.10.2023 Angela Águas Angela Águas Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2023-225-318 Dead 09.10.2023 Karol Urbanovic Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2023-317-499 Able to fly 29.09.2023 Klein-Huszák Dóra Not available VRV Österreich Süd
AUSTRIA-2023-323-205 Dead 25.09.2023 Robert Herbst Not available VRV Niederösterreich-Ost
HU-2023-13-71652 Dead 24.09.2023 Schaittenberger Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2022-601-84 Able to fly 20.09.2023 Jano SK Not available VRV Österreich Süd
HU-2022-30-59780 Able to fly 19.09.2023 Stefan Schlechter Not available Not available
SK-2023-01010-842 Injured 15.09.2023 Andy Not available Not available
PL-2023-0281-3614 Dead 13.09.2023 Antonio Not available Not available
HU-2023-14-800 Able to fly 12.09.2023 Rameis Günther Not available Not available
HU-2023-12-87214 Able to fly 12.09.2023 Katharina Not available Not available
RO-2023-89772 Dead 10.09.2023 Christian Genitheim Not available Not available
AU-2023-612-105 Able to fly 08.09.2023 István Szigeti Not available VRV Österreich Süd
CZ-2023-053-3 Exhausted 05.09.2023 Rauchberger Conny Not available Not available
CZ-2023-03-53 Exhausted 05.09.2023 Rauchberger Conny Not available Not available
SK-2023-0MARATON55-3607 Injured 04.09.2023 Elisabeth Schlee Not available Not available
SK-2023-01301-681 Able to fly 03.09.2023 Stano Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2023-01301-6816 Able to fly 03.09.2023 Stano Not available Not available
AUSZTRIA-2023-609-257 Able to fly 02.09.2023 GÉZA LANTAI Not available ÖBTZ
L+3670-2005-13-2296 Injured 02.09.2023 Tomasich katharina Not available Not available
NL-2022-1448 Injured 02.09.2023 Angela Radde Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2023-315-507 Exhausted 30.08.2023 Begala Gergő Not available VRV Österreich Süd
AUSZTRIA-2023-312-441 Able to fly 29.08.2023 Zelovics Péter Not available VRV Österreich Süd
CZ-2023-0264-326 Able to fly 25.08.2023 Liselotte Lengl Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2023-104-49 Able to fly 23.08.2023 Prèm Zoltán Not available VRV Österreich Süd
SLOVENIJA-2023-117-3417 Dead 22.08.2023 Andrea Not available Not available
RO-2023-58849 Exhausted 21.08.2023 marco zischg Not available Not available
CZ-2023-0122-163 Dead 20.08.2023 Tanja Not available Not available
CZ-2023-0163-122 Dead 20.08.2023 Tanja Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2007-21-189 Able to fly 20.08.2023 Schatz Alexandra Not available Not available
NL-2023-2326 Able to fly 20.08.2023 Sylvia Gander Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2023-104-23 Able to fly 20.08.2023 Prèm Zoltán Not available VRV Österreich Süd
AUSTRIA-2023-892-503 Injured 19.08.2023 Friedrich Kern Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2023-328-201 Dead 16.08.2023 Bernadette Weiß Not available VRV Niederösterreich-Ost
HU-2023-D-741956 Injured 14.08.2023 Eva Suchy Not available Not available
HU-2023-D-790594 Able to fly 14.08.2023 Markus Hummel Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2023-417-1031 Exhausted 11.08.2023 Raimund Denk Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis West
BV-2023-1154-825 Injured 08.08.2023 Victor Manuel Proença Victoria Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2022-0503-930 Exhausted 07.08.2023 Viera Not available Not available
AUSZTRIA-2023-605-445 Able to fly 07.08.2023 Viglidán Péter Not available VRV Österreich Süd
HU-2021-D-605467 Exhausted 05.08.2023 Varga Dávid Not available Not available
AU-2023-BPRC-526 Dead 02.08.2023 kristy wetherbee Not available Not available
AUSTRI-2020-307-601 Exhausted 02.08.2023 Peter Lipták Not available VRV Österreich Süd
AUSTRIA-2008-D-665 Able to fly 29.07.2023 Stefan Not available Not available
HU-2021-31-18041 Dead 18.07.2023 Lisi Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2023-D-586 Exhausted 17.07.2023 Alexandra Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2022-01808-703 Able to fly 14.07.2023 Sabine Eisen Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2023-330-125 Able to fly 11.07.2023 Csontos Gyula Not available VRV Niederösterreich-Ost
SK-2020-02903-2035 Dead 02.07.2023 Andreas Krauter Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2007-23-89 Exhausted 26.06.2023 Johann Not available Not available
CZ-2021-0394-90 Able to fly 25.06.2023 Karin Leichtfried Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2023-22-51 Exhausted 21.06.2023 Konrad Not available ÖBTZ
PL-2022-0124-987 Dead 20.06.2023 Kirstin Walkenhorst-Pick Not available Not available
HU-2023-29-14915 Injured 20.06.2023 Timna Eibl Not available Not available
HUNGDERBY-2021-D-621328 Exhausted 19.06.2023 Sumerauer Heidi Not available Not available
PT-2022-2056991 Exhausted 17.06.2023 Nuno Not available Not available
DV-2023-01226-8338 Injured 16.06.2023 Histermann Not available Not available
CZ-2022-0123-344 Injured 16.06.2023 Litschauer Ingrid Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2023-953-7 Exhausted 16.06.2023 Jasmin Karer Not available Not available
HU-2020-D-530714 Able to fly 14.06.2023 Theuretzbacher Alexander Not available Not available
SK-2022-03503-729 Exhausted 13.06.2023 Eva Not available Not available
HU-2022-BENZING-976 Dead 08.06.2023 Spufl Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2018-612-1058 Able to fly 07.06.2023 bela Not available VRV Österreich Süd
AUSTRIA-2022-106-161 Exhausted 05.06.2023 dusan Not available VRV Österreich Süd
AUSTRIA-2023-AD-18 Able to fly 05.06.2023 Mario Don Not available Not available
HU-2022-06-58614 Exhausted 01.06.2023 Nikoleta Not available Not available
PL-2021-0334-460 Exhausted 30.05.2023 Dawid Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2002-787-301 Able to fly 28.05.2023 Jiří Sýkora Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2021-465-315 Able to fly 27.05.2023 Rigó Mihaly Not available Not available
HU-2022-31-21361 Exhausted 26.05.2023 Daniel Nussbaumer Not available Not available
CZ-2021-01325-3 Injured 24.05.2023 Karin Leichtfried Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2022-17-52594 Exhausted 23.05.2023 Georg Lach Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2022-307-473 Able to fly 13.05.2023 dobos tamásné Not available VRV Österreich Süd
AUSTRIA-2011-22-363 Exhausted 12.05.2023 Petra Zant Not available ÖBTZ
AU-2022-CHICAGO-5296 Able to fly 11.05.2023 Hopfensberger Hansgeorg Not available Not available
HU-2022-17-49756 Able to fly 11.05.2023 Stefan Beck Not available Not available
AU-2019-302-252 Exhausted 09.05.2023 zoltán szabó Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis Mitte
HU-2022-D-690772 Exhausted 01.05.2023 Semmelmayer Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2022-307-456 Exhausted 30.04.2023 Krepsz Imre Not available VRV Österreich Süd
AU-2017-ARPU-45537 Able to fly 27.04.2023 Gilbren Hernandez Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2003-18-21 Able to fly 26.04.2023 Daša Čambalová Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2021-301-1532 Able to fly 20.04.2023 J Forest Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis West
AUSTRIA-2021-AUSTRIA-301 Able to fly 20.04.2023 J. FOEST Not available Not available
HU-2022-11-81259 Dead 18.04.2023 Schulmeister Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2019-325-540 Able to fly 22.03.2023 Kapinya István Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis Ost
PORTUGAL-2022-58-307 Exhausted 15.03.2023 Carlos Heitor Not available Not available
BR-2020-FCB-84603 Able to fly 10.03.2023 Antônio Not available Not available
SEN-2022-FCS-76395 Able to fly 01.02.2023 Venair Gomes Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-1984-906-97 Dead 29.01.2023 Samuel Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis Ost
AUSTRIA-2022-302-308 Able to fly 10.01.2023 Valápka Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis Mitte
AUSTRIA-2022-327-421 Able to fly 25.12.2022 Milan Not available VRV Niederösterreich-Ost
AUSTRIA-2022-102-5307 Able to fly 17.11.2022 Milan Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis Mitte
AUSTRIA-2022-409-2387 Exhausted 17.11.2022 Marianne Wimmer Not available VRV Oberösterreich
AUSTRIA-2022-315-425 Able to fly 06.11.2022 György Horvàth Not available VRV Österreich Süd
SK-2022-03304-775 Able to fly 01.11.2022 Milan Lenarth Not available Not available
CZ-2019-0117-561 Able to fly 01.11.2022 Milan Lenarth Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2021-106-847 Able to fly 01.11.2022 Milan Lenarth Not available VRV Österreich Süd
AUSTRIA-2021-0183-17854 Able to fly 21.10.2022 lucian mihailescu Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2022-102-5522 Exhausted 18.10.2022 Kovács Attila Robert Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis Mitte
PORTUGAL-2022-141-9672 Injured 02.10.2022 Ivo Alves Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2007-22H-125 Dead 27.09.2022 Peter Matulik Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2022-330-685 Exhausted 20.09.2022 Takács Tibor Not available VRV Niederösterreich-Ost
AUSTRIA-2022-323-449 Able to fly 18.09.2022 Bedő László Not available VRV Niederösterreich-Ost
HU-2022-11-88045 Able to fly 10.09.2022 Timna Eibl Not available Not available
CZ-2022-01568-112 Dead 09.09.2022 Josef Hagmann Not available Not available
AU-2021-ARPU-3937 Injured 04.09.2022 PP Not available Not available
SK-2022-01002-1448 Dead 29.08.2022 Hubeny Wilhelm Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2022-878-602 Able to fly 28.08.2022 Venczel Gábor Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2022-602-878 Able to fly 28.08.2022 Venczel Gábor Not available ÖBTZ
AUSTRIA-2021-301-21 Able to fly 17.08.2022 Susányi Imre Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis West
AU-2021-ARPU-5976 Exhausted 16.08.2022 Louise Not available Not available
UNGARIA-2014-15-2300 Able to fly 15.08.2022 Olaroiu Alexandru Not available Not available
UNGARIA-2015-14-2300 Able to fly 15.08.2022 Olaroiu Alexandru Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2017-610-319 Able to fly 15.08.2022 Olaroiu Alexandru Not available ÖBTZ
AUSTRIA-2022-774-607 Able to fly 14.08.2022 Szépfalusi Istvàn Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2022-607-774 Able to fly 14.08.2022 Szépfalusi Istvàn Not available ÖBTZ
AUSRLTRIA-2022-607-774 Able to fly 14.08.2022 Szépfalusi Istvàn Not available ÖBTZ
AUSTRIA-2022-048-297 Able to fly 10.08.2022 Andreas Konrad Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2022-906-221 Exhausted 07.08.2022 Zdeněk Adamík Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis Ost
AUSTRIA-2022-602-921 Able to fly 31.07.2022 Rosta Géza Not available ÖBTZ
CZ-2013-0296-711 Exhausted 30.07.2022 Bünger Werner Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2021-102-4012 Able to fly 28.07.2022 Augustín Pecko Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis Mitte
AUSTRIA-2021-5034-999 Able to fly 28.07.2022 Miskovio Jozef Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2022-101-5094 Exhausted 27.07.2022 Konkoly János Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis Mitte
AUSTRIA-2022-107-451 Able to fly 24.07.2022 Erzsébet Sárospataki Not available ÖBTZ
PT-2021-1310916 Dead 22.07.2022 Ana Filipa Relvas Nogueira Not available Not available
AU-2022-302-237 Injured 22.07.2022 Timna Eibl Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis Mitte
HU-2020-17-27704 Injured 21.07.2022 Timna Eibl Not available Not available
AUST-2018-330-183 Exhausted 19.07.2022 Veronika Eppingerová Not available VRV Niederösterreich-Ost
AU-2021-ARPU-4013 Dead 14.07.2022 Katarzyna K. Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2021-5034-999 Injured 12.07.2022 Miskovio Jozef Not available Not available
PR-2021-7213 Able to fly 08.07.2022 Dušan Jurík Not available Not available
CZ-2021-0112-854 Able to fly 03.07.2022 Reisinger Günter Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2022-318-999 Exhausted 29.06.2022 Gülsüm Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis Mitte
AUSTRIA-2022-327-503 Able to fly 28.06.2022 Merész Pál Not available VRV Niederösterreich-Ost
AUSTRIA-2022-102-5026 Able to fly 27.06.2022 Pavol Bachár Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis Mitte
AUSTRIA-2022-111-32 Injured 22.06.2022 Kisné Tóth Alexandra Not available Not available
SLOVENIJA-2022-105-6083 Dead 19.06.2022 Peter Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis Mitte
HU-2021-16-69485 Dead 08.06.2022 H.-R. Koch Not available Not available
HU-2020-R-201112 Injured 06.06.2022 Carina Skladal Not available Not available
RO-2021-728785 Exhausted 05.06.2022 Barbara Müller Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2021-102-4505 Exhausted 05.06.2022 Cingálek Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis Mitte
RO-2021-338807 Able to fly 03.06.2022 Michaela Schusser Not available Not available
AU-2021-315-9 Able to fly 28.05.2022 Kovács Gábor Not available VRV Österreich Süd
AUSTRIA-2021-9-315 Able to fly 28.05.2022 Gábor Kovács Not available Not available
BELG-2010-2120373 Dead 20.05.2022 Gabriela Not available Not available
DV-2021-0417-303 Dead 20.05.2022 Michaela Kleemaier Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2020-319-319 Exhausted 20.05.2022 Tamás Csekő Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis West
HU-2021-ROAL-220454 Able to fly 18.05.2022 Manfred Kraus Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2020-323-361 Able to fly 16.05.2022 Martin Švec Not available VRV Niederösterreich-Ost
AUSTRIA-2018-45-315 Injured 16.05.2022 Menyhárt Gábor Not available Not available
HU-2020-12-68201 Able to fly 13.05.2022 Kajtár Attila Not available Not available
PORTUGAL-2019-9110035-2019 Able to fly 09.05.2022 Paulo Not available Not available
PORTUGAL-2019-9110036-2019 Able to fly 09.05.2022 Paulo Not available Not available
SK-2016-01006-186 Exhausted 03.05.2022 Manfred Popp Not available Not available
PT-2019-9507893 Able to fly 02.05.2022 Pedro Sousa Not available Not available
PT-2019-9147289 Able to fly 26.04.2022 Francisco Ferreira Not available Not available
PT-2021-1204199 Injured 16.04.2022 VItor Duarte Not available Not available
PT-2021-1493865 Exhausted 13.03.2022 Júlio Santos Not available Not available
PT-2021-1485526 Exhausted 07.02.2022 Sandra Cunha Not available Not available
AU-2020-ARPU-8060 Injured 07.02.2022 Galina Not available Not available
AU-2020-JEDDS-31908 Able to fly 02.02.2022 Kenneth Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2021-37-609 Able to fly 09.01.2022 László Nagy Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2021-PORTUGAL-1408855 Injured 18.12.2021 Hugo Not available Not available
BR-2021-1057646 Injured 29.11.2021 Taime Jesus lima Not available Not available
AU-2020-82-77 Exhausted 18.10.2021 Schvarcz Ferenc Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2021-417-119 Able to fly 11.10.2021 Miklós Mácsik Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis West
AUSTRIA-2019-EE-9 Exhausted 09.10.2021 Reinhard Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2018-BAKE-13 Able to fly 03.10.2021 Veronika Koľveková Not available Not available
CZ-2021-099-255 Able to fly 30.09.2021 Susanne Mlasko Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2021-204-144 Able to fly 24.09.2021 Sass László Not available RV Kärnten
AUSTRIA-2021-315-859 Able to fly 24.09.2021 Luknár Not available VRV Österreich Süd
AU-2021-6066-666 Able to fly 23.09.2021 Domonkos Miklós Not available Not available
SK-2021-02302-806 Exhausted 22.09.2021 Sylvia Not available Not available
SK-2021-0108-434 Able to fly 21.09.2021 Benjamin Neag Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2021-04-20381 Able to fly 15.09.2021 p Not available Not available
HU-2021-17-44355 Exhausted 13.09.2021 Wolfgang Bauer Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2001-21-51109 Dead 09.09.2021 Tina stepney Not available Not available
HU-2021-11-70594 Able to fly 09.09.2021 MAJA Dan Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2021-98-1104 Able to fly 08.09.2021 Pavol Bednár Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2021-HUNG-171241 Exhausted 30.08.2021 Jaro Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2019-307-188 Able to fly 29.08.2021 Edo Not available VRV Österreich Süd
AUSTRIA-2007-19-355 Exhausted 26.08.2021 Sonja Frick Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2021-999-6177 Exhausted 25.08.2021 Fabian Mayr Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2021-334-165 Able to fly 23.08.2021 Prém Zoltán Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis Ost
AUSTRIA-2021-321-21 Exhausted 22.08.2021 Gábor Selmeczi Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis Ost
AUSTRIJA-2019-201-264 Exhausted 15.08.2021 Iko Not available RV Kärnten
AUSZTRIA-2021-201-602 Dead 13.08.2021 Szélig Zsolt Not available RV Kärnten
AUSZTRIA-2020-203-1362 Able to fly 10.08.2021 Kerschner Ferenc Not available RV Kärnten
HU-2014-D-829336 Able to fly 07.08.2021 Kajtár Attila Not available Not available
CZ-2020-0123-935 Exhausted 06.08.2021 Karin Leichtfried Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2020-201-189 Able to fly 05.08.2021 Gábor Harmat Not available RV Kärnten
RO-2021-287959 Exhausted 29.07.2021 Tiago Domingos Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2021-328-705 Dead 27.07.2021 Miloš Stúpala Not available VRV Niederösterreich-Ost
HU-2018-11-22438 Dead 27.07.2021 Miloš Stúpala Not available Not available
AUSZTRIA-2016-741-307 Able to fly 26.07.2021 Bak István János Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2018-106-1324 Exhausted 21.07.2021 krepsz imre Not available VRV Österreich Süd
SK-2019-0611-112 Exhausted 20.07.2021 Maria Revajova Not available Not available
SK-2019-01-2 Exhausted 20.07.2021 Maria Revajova Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2020-312-719 Able to fly 07.07.2021 Fehér Zoltán Not available VRV Österreich Süd
PL-2019-0436-3713 Exhausted 04.07.2021 Sabine Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2020-307-816 Able to fly 01.07.2021 Bálint Not available VRV Österreich Süd
HU-2019-D-458 Able to fly 30.06.2021 Christina Keller Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2019-ARPU-7013 Exhausted 27.06.2021 Полли Not available Not available
RO-2020-6779 Exhausted 25.06.2021 Fabian Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2020-102-3403 Able to fly 19.06.2021 Slavomír Šimko Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis Mitte
RO-2020-139748 Exhausted 18.06.2021 Helmuth Not available Not available
PL-2020-0440-3408 Able to fly 16.06.2021 droppa dusan Not available Not available
AU-2020-315-546 Exhausted 15.06.2021 Burkon Dániel Not available VRV Österreich Süd
AU-2020-868-318 Able to fly 13.06.2021 Zoltán Piller Not available Not available
AU-2020-323-1161 Exhausted 11.06.2021 Vertetics Szabolcs Not available VRV Niederösterreich-Ost
HU-2020-D-592752 Exhausted 06.06.2021 Rácz Árpád Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2017-805-592 Able to fly 02.06.2021 Kling Not available ÖBTZ
CZ-2020-03-296 Able to fly 30.05.2021 Nina Reiter Not available Not available
NL-2019-1648830 Able to fly 24.05.2021 Bieri Marcel Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2020-906-327 Exhausted 17.05.2021 PETER Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis Ost
DV-2020-05442-213 Able to fly 09.05.2021 Sibal Alois Not available Not available
SK-2020-01305-1459 Exhausted 07.05.2021 Sabrina Wimmer Not available Not available
DV-2021-01967-65 Dead 06.05.2021 jose Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2020-57-6006 Injured 03.05.2021 Michaela Not available Not available
AU-2020-503-632 Able to fly 24.04.2021 Alhasan Altumah Not available VRV Oberösterreich
AUSTRIA-2020-323-361 Able to fly 22.04.2021 Martin ŠVEC Not available VRV Niederösterreich-Ost
PORTUGAL-2019-9345222-2019 Able to fly 20.04.2021 Ahmed badmi Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2020-102-3352 Injured 12.04.2021 peter Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis Mitte
FR-2019-113889 Exhausted 24.02.2021 Mário Carvalho Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2020-302-114 Able to fly 19.02.2021 Jan Kouba Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis Mitte
AUSTRIA-2020-PORTUGAL-230558 Exhausted 27.01.2021 Álvaro Nazareth Not available Not available
AU-2019-ARPU-4007 Able to fly 23.01.2021 Izabella Pacheco Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2020-101-3202 Able to fly 30.11.2020 Selyem Tibor Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis Mitte
DV-2017-0402-3965 Able to fly 25.11.2020 Menderes sahverdioglu Not available Not available
DV-2019-0884-7438 Able to fly 25.11.2020 Menderes sahverdioglu Not available Not available
TH-2020-5701 Exhausted 14.11.2020 Celia Barata Gomes Not available Not available
AU-2019-312-305 Able to fly 09.11.2020 Fehér Ferenc Not available VRV Österreich Süd
AUSTRIA-2020-1173-602 Injured 07.11.2020 kun károly Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2020-602-1173 Injured 07.11.2020 kun károly Not available ÖBTZ
AUSTRIA-2018-906-279 Able to fly 21.10.2020 LAJOS Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis Ost
AUSTRIA-2020-323-756 Able to fly 20.10.2020 Bousek Not available VRV Niederösterreich-Ost
PORTUGAL-2018-N16-8304646 Exhausted 19.10.2020 Filipe Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2020-1706-1302 Able to fly 04.10.2020 Jürgen Fuchs Not available Not available
SK-2020-0608-342 Exhausted 03.10.2020 Dennis Not available Not available
HU-2020-23-12377 Able to fly 22.09.2020 Leitner Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2020-HUNG-12377 Able to fly 22.09.2020 Leitner Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2020-602-1775 Able to fly 22.09.2020 Jaroslav Not available ÖBTZ
HU-2020-08-903 Exhausted 20.09.2020 Lili Caracas Not available Not available
AUSZTRIA-2020-602-1530 Able to fly 18.09.2020 SZÉLES JÓZSEF Not available ÖBTZ
AUSTRIA-2020-612-579 Exhausted 17.09.2020 Tatiana Not available VRV Österreich Süd
AUSTRIA-2020-518-319 Injured 13.09.2020 Ala Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2017-407-904 Able to fly 12.09.2020 Rachid Not available VRV Oberösterreich
AUSZTRIA-2020-106-508 Able to fly 05.09.2020 Domonkos Miklós Not available VRV Österreich Süd
SK-2020-0752-428 Dead 03.09.2020 LTS Bgld Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2020-307-845 Able to fly 30.08.2020 Venczel Gábor Not available VRV Österreich Süd
AUSTRIA-2020-605-331 Injured 29.08.2020 Aprádi Hugó Not available VRV Österreich Süd
AUSTRIA-2019-107-443 Able to fly 27.08.2020 MARTINSICH FERENC Not available ÖBTZ
AU-2020-321-303 Injured 25.08.2020 Robert Bozin Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis Ost
AUSTRIA-2020-321-75 Able to fly 23.08.2020 Andik János Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis Ost
AUSZTRIA-2020-605-18 Able to fly 21.08.2020 Zelovics Péter Not available VRV Österreich Süd
AUSTRIA-2020-612-976 Able to fly 21.08.2020 Tarczi Ferenc ifj. Not available VRV Österreich Süd
AUSTRIA-2020-319-527 Exhausted 19.08.2020 Kecskés István Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis West
AUSTRIA-2020-61-21719 Dead 16.08.2020 Bákai Carolina-Piroska Not available Not available
RO-2019-576861 Able to fly 10.08.2020 Majlinger Gábor Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2020-301-1528 Able to fly 10.08.2020 István Szépfalusi Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis West
AUSTRIA-2020-DERBY-999 Exhausted 02.08.2020 Gerd Krizek Not available Not available
SK-2018-02-901 Dead 30.07.2020 Roland Not available Not available
SK-2018-0901-2 Dead 30.07.2020 Roland Not available Not available
HUNGARY-2019-ROYAL-178038 Exhausted 29.07.2020 Zoltán Holocsy Not available Not available
HU-2019-29-87129 Able to fly 20.07.2020 Ertl Nikolett Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2019-0906-316 Able to fly 19.07.2020 MIRO Not available Not available
AUSZTRIA-2019-274-106 Able to fly 13.07.2020 Szemző János Not available Not available
SLOVENIJA-2019-901-112 Able to fly 09.07.2020 Michelle Duflou Not available ÖBTZ
AUSTRIA-2020-101-3431 Exhausted 06.07.2020 Eva Harnišová Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis Mitte
AUSTRIA-2019-327-772 Able to fly 20.06.2020 Milan Heglas Not available VRV Niederösterreich-Ost
AUSTRIA-2019-312-46 Dead 19.06.2020 Balazs Not available VRV Österreich Süd
AUSTRIA-2019-906-316 Able to fly 18.06.2020 Miro Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis Ost
AUSTRIA-2018-327-884 Able to fly 16.06.2020 Jozef Kuchárik Not available VRV Niederösterreich-Ost
AUSTRIA-2019-317-212 Dead 06.06.2020 Konýček Not available VRV Österreich Süd
AUSTRIA-2018-TPES-568 Able to fly 03.06.2020 Andrea Not available Not available
AUSZTRIA-2019-204-222 Injured 27.05.2020 LIEBL ALFRÉD Not available RV Kärnten
AUSTRIA-2020-327-7 Able to fly 24.05.2020 ladislav kokta Not available VRV Niederösterreich-Ost
ASTRIA-2018-749-307 Able to fly 20.05.2020 István Héja Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2019-328-71 Able to fly 19.05.2020 miro Not available VRV Niederösterreich-Ost
AUSRIJA-2019-328-71 Exhausted 18.05.2020 Miro antolik Not available VRV Niederösterreich-Ost
DV-2020-02881-239 Injured 09.05.2020 Michael Schmelling Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2018-323-622 Able to fly 19.04.2020 Jan Procinger jun. Not available VRV Niederösterreich-Ost
HU-2018-04-85618 Exhausted 18.04.2020 Manfred Karacson Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2017-999-2332 Injured 28.02.2020 Leitl Karl Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2019-413-2101 Injured 28.02.2020 Leitl Karl Not available VRV Oberösterreich
AUSTRIA-2016-320-290 Able to fly 20.01.2020 Milan Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis Ost
AUSTRIA-2016-290-320 Able to fly 20.01.2020 Milan Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2019-1-106 Able to fly 14.01.2020 Papp László Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2018-104-5372 Able to fly 05.01.2020 Rudolf Chalupka Not available VRV Österreich Süd
AUSTRIA-2018-307-572 Able to fly 02.01.2020 Alex Not available VRV Österreich Süd
AUSTRIA-2019-312-201 Dead 15.12.2019 Radim Tupý Not available VRV Österreich Süd
AU-2019-ARPU-653013 Injured 05.12.2019 darley house vets Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2018-201-694 Able to fly 07.11.2019 Peter Not available RV Kärnten
AUSTRIA-2019-336-154 Able to fly 03.11.2019 Bilicky Jozef Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis West
AUSTRIA-2016-322-415 Able to fly 03.11.2019 Xy Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2019-312-75 Able to fly 02.10.2019 Kóré István Not available VRV Österreich Süd
DV-2019-05402-439 Able to fly 01.10.2019 Drilling/Böhm Not available Not available
DV-2001-01125-181 Exhausted 22.09.2019 Józsa Péter Not available Not available
AU-2019-315-244 Exhausted 20.09.2019 Krško Július Not available VRV Österreich Süd
HU-2019-D-505845 Able to fly 16.09.2019 Melih Yasar Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2019-1-10 Able to fly 08.09.2019 Radovan Húska Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2001-10-19 Able to fly 08.09.2019 Radovan Húska Not available Not available
AU-2019-104-2132 Able to fly 03.09.2019 Fehér Ferenc Not available VRV Österreich Süd
AUSTRIA-2019-317-35 Dead 02.09.2019 Dušan Jánošík Not available VRV Österreich Süd
AUSTRIA-2019-312-565 Able to fly 01.09.2019 Adrián Arnold Not available VRV Österreich Süd
RAKUSKO-2019-312-13 Able to fly 30.08.2019 PilekJozef Not available VRV Österreich Süd
AUSTRIA-2019-312-583 Able to fly 29.08.2019 Haviar.M Not available VRV Österreich Süd
AUSTRIA-2019-20-605 Able to fly 29.08.2019 feri Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2019-109-223 Able to fly 24.08.2019 Andrej Jankura Not available VRV Österreich Süd
HU-2019-D-469896 Dead 23.08.2019 Raphaela Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2019-107-111 Able to fly 22.08.2019 Jakab István Not available ÖBTZ
HU-2019-31-6753 Exhausted 19.08.2019 meli Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2019-31-6753 Exhausted 19.08.2019 meli Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2019-327-618 Able to fly 19.08.2019 Ladislav Madaj Not available VRV Niederösterreich-Ost
PL-2019-0124-2713 Able to fly 11.08.2019 Ján Zajac Not available Not available
PL-2019-DERBY-748776 Able to fly 11.08.2019 Ján Zajac Not available Not available
PL-2019-DERBY-929635 Dead 11.08.2019 Ján Zajac Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2019-318-460 Injured 06.08.2019 Gábor Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis Mitte
CZ-2019-012-747 Exhausted 06.08.2019 Silke Mlejnek Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2018-201-55 Able to fly 02.08.2019 Tomaz Slibar Not available RV Kärnten
AUSTRIA-2019-328-219 Able to fly 01.07.2019 Pál Dankó Not available VRV Niederösterreich-Ost
AUSTRIA-2015-612-1061 Able to fly 29.06.2019 norbert poruban Not available VRV Österreich Süd
SK-2016-03502-509 Able to fly 27.06.2019 Dieter weratschnig Not available Not available
SK-2015-03602-509 Able to fly 27.06.2019 Dieter weratschnig Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2016-03602-509 Able to fly 27.06.2019 Dieter weratschnig Not available Not available
AUSTRIA-2019-433-1830 Able to fly 20.06.2019 Elekes József Not available VRV Oberösterreich
AUSTRIA-2018-330-53 Dead 19.06.2019 Fratric Patrik Not available VRV Niederösterreich-Ost
AUSTRIA-2019-301-1785 Exhausted 29.05.2019 Tomáš Not available VRV Wien NÖ Burgenland - Kreis West
AUSTRIA-2018-323-1036 Able to fly 18.05.2019 Jakub Staník Not available VRV Niederösterreich-Ost
HU-2018-13-20645 Exhausted 18.04.2019 Denis Dari Not available Not available