Report lost pigeon

* At least one contact field is required

You should find 3 or 4 pieces of data on pigeon's ring (depending on country). Every pigeon has unique combination of ring data.

  1. Country code: usually 2 or more characters describing country of origin. Examples: SK, CZ, HUNG, AUSTRIA, NL, BELG...
  2. Year: 2 or 4 digits describing year of pigeon's hatching. Examples: 02, 10, 14 or 2002, 2010, 2014...
  3. Organisation (optional): used only by some federations (Slovak, Czech, Hungarian, German...). Code of organisation usually starts by zero. Please do not mix it with ring number. Examples: 0107, 0400, 03779... Sometimes it can be special string like DERBY, OLIMPIA, VR98, M-55, PZHGP
  4. Ring number: numeric value, unique for ring series. Examples: 12, 397, 12556...

Please always use this specific order while reporting a lost pigeon. You can separate the data by white space, dash, comma, colon or semicolon...


  • SK 12 02302 841
  • CZ 08 0245 652
  • DV 12 03548 3214
  • BELG 11 1254788
  • PL 11 PZHGP 45878
  • PL 14 0235 6874
  • HU 11 D 45878
  • HU 14 06 6548

International reporting tools for lost pigeons

List of reported pigeons


Band number Pigeon condition Date Reported by Fancier Organisation Detail
SK-2023-02002-269 Exhausted 05.12.2024 Szymon Not available OZ Pezinok
SK-2024-01608-410 Able to fly 04.12.2024 Stanislav Not available OZ Čadca
SK-2021-0607-48 Able to fly 04.12.2024 Marian Bernat SANTA ŠTEFAN OZ Trenčín
SK-2023-0999-5739 Able to fly 04.12.2024 Marian Bernat Not available Not available
SK-2023-03604-48 Able to fly 04.12.2024 Marian Bernat Lorko František OZ Gemer
SK-2007-024-2751 Injured 04.12.2024 Iwona Lenart-Pikus Not available Not available
SK-2020-03402-1240 Dead 04.12.2024 PaedDr. Milan Cesnek Not available OZ Dubeň
CZ-2022-0191-882 Dead 03.12.2024 Marta Hološková Not available Not available
CZ-2022-0882-191 Dead 03.12.2024 Marta Hološková Not available Not available
SK-2021-02401-3342 Able to fly 03.12.2024 František Matura Not available OZ Košice
[PL-2023-PZHGP-11979 Able to fly 03.12.2024 Karolina Not available Not available
[PL-2023-011-11979 Able to fly 03.12.2024 Karolina Not available Not available
HU-2024-D-84075 Exhausted 03.12.2024 Stanislaw Not available Not available
SK-2024-02508-381 Able to fly 03.12.2024 Miskovic Jozef Not available OZ Prešov
SK-2024-03502-1791 Able to fly 03.12.2024 Miskovic Jozef Not available OZ Sabinov
SK-2024-02703-1921 Able to fly 03.12.2024 Miskovic Jozef Not available OZ Michalovce
SK-2024-03602-528 Able to fly 02.12.2024 Farkas Not available OZ Gemer
SK-2024-A-542 Injured 02.12.2024 Miroslav Not available Not available
SK-2016-01107-219 Able to fly 01.12.2024 tibor cernansky Konš Jozef+Viera OZ Topoľčany
SK-2024-0999-4812 Exhausted 01.12.2024 Lucia Not available Not available
SK-2022-02804-762 Able to fly 01.12.2024 Jan Gomolák Šoltés Marko OZ Kežmarok
DV-2024-05076-4504 Able to fly 01.12.2024 péter Not available Not available
CZ-2024-01220-104 Injured 30.11.2024 Sabine Führer Not available Not available
SK-2024-01404-307 Dead 30.11.2024 Jana Not available OZ Žilina
SK-2024-0104-1220 Injured 30.11.2024 Melanie Hetzer Not available OZ Bratislava
SK-2024-01220-104 Injured 30.11.2024 Melanie Hetzer Not available Not available
DV-2024-06502-36 Able to fly 30.11.2024 Peter Okrucký Peter OZ Bytča
SK-2023-01704-1151 Able to fly 30.11.2024 Pavol Babic Not available OZ Martin
SK-2009-0000-982 Exhausted 29.11.2024 Martin Ujházy Not available Not available
SK-2024-03301-2064 Able to fly 29.11.2024 Leopold Not available OZ Bytča
SK-2023-02001-334 Able to fly 28.11.2024 Pavel Jankovský Lukačovič Peter OZ Pezinok
SK-2024-01906-328 Able to fly 28.11.2024 Pavel Šutinský Not available OZ Zvolen
SK-2023-01603-41 Able to fly 28.11.2024 Jožo Not available OZ Čadca
SK-2024-03301-1727 Able to fly 27.11.2024 Vladislav Kerchev Not available OZ Bytča
SK-2024-02312-375 Dead 27.11.2024 Leopold Gerda Pavol OZ Spišská Nová Ves
SK-2024-017-63969 Able to fly 26.11.2024 Dékai Norbert Not available Not available
SK-2024-03104-3 Dead 26.11.2024 Jaroslav Not available OZ Liptovský Mikuláš
SK-2024-M-55-5514 Able to fly 26.11.2024 Anton Óváry DOHŇANSKÝ FRANTIŠEK OZ Trenčín
SK-2007-EE-598 Exhausted 26.11.2024 Franziska Not available Not available
PL-2024-0273-4144 Injured 26.11.2024 Katarzyna Not available Not available
PL-2021-0260-9153 Able to fly 26.11.2024 Ján Blahovec Not available Not available
SK-2024-0802-665 Able to fly 25.11.2024 Bohumír Jeťko Not available OZ Spiš
SK-2024-02103-21 Able to fly 25.11.2024 M. Kohut Not available OZ Rimavská Sobota
PL-2024-0360-1313 Dead 24.11.2024 Katrin Not available Not available
BG-2016-68777 Dead 24.11.2024 Daniel Mrozek Not available OZ Trnava
HU-2023-05-99824 Able to fly 24.11.2024 Kamil Slíž Not available Not available
HU-2024-D-815142 Dead 23.11.2024 Libor Not available Not available
SK-2024-03503-136 Able to fly 23.11.2024 Šefčík Bohuslav Not available OZ Sabinov
DV-2023-06141-78 Able to fly 23.11.2024 Milan Ištvan Not available Not available
SK-2024-02703-869 Able to fly 23.11.2024 oldřich Not available OZ Michalovce
SK-2024-0610-45 Able to fly 23.11.2024 Milan Not available OZ Trenčín
SK-2024-03301-1160 Able to fly 23.11.2024 Milan Not available OZ Bytča
SK-2024-01009-1089 Able to fly 23.11.2024 Jan Pesko Vajda Štefan, Ing. OZ Nitra
SK-2024-0102-663 Able to fly 23.11.2024 Jan Pesko Not available OZ Bratislava
SK-2024-01802-132 Dead 23.11.2024 Bohumil Probošt Not available OZ Levice
SK-2024-0108-621 Able to fly 23.11.2024 Bohumil Probošt Not available OZ Bratislava
ČR-2021-0269-512 Able to fly 22.11.2024 Leopold Not available Not available
PL-2024-0210-594 Able to fly 22.11.2024 *Lubo Not available Not available
SK-2022-09-480 Exhausted 21.11.2024 Veronika Galova Not available Not available
CZ-2023-0182-104 Able to fly 21.11.2024 Jozef Béder Not available Not available
SK-2024-01408-86 Able to fly 21.11.2024 Dušan Pavel Not available OZ Žilina
SK-2024-01-19724 Able to fly 21.11.2024 Kovacsgyorgy Not available Mega Customer
SK-2024-03502-949 Able to fly 20.11.2024 Ján Not available OZ Sabinov
SK-2007-022-108 Exhausted 20.11.2024 Joanna Blazejczak Not available Not available
SK-2024-03602-528 Able to fly 20.11.2024 Peter Not available OZ Gemer
SK-2009-MM-22480 Able to fly 20.11.2024 Peter Not available Not available
SK-2024-03301-536 Dead 20.11.2024 Róbert Kopera Not available OZ Bytča
SK-2024-0536-3301 Dead 19.11.2024 Róbert Kopera Not available Not available
SK-2022-01002-1128 Able to fly 19.11.2024 Wildopvang Krommenie Korec Jozef ml. OZ Nitra
SK-2024-01404-633 Able to fly 18.11.2024 Lubomír Jaroš Not available OZ Žilina
SK-2024-01701-574 Able to fly 18.11.2024 Leopold Stacho Ján OZ Martin
SK-2024-0502-604 Able to fly 18.11.2024 Tomáš Legiň Not available OZ Trnava
SK-2024-01303-351 Able to fly 18.11.2024 Pavel Svoboda Valach Stanislav OZ Považská Bystrica
CZ-2023-0163-2540 Dead 17.11.2024 Michal Vrabel Not available Not available
SK-2024-0906-266 Dead 16.11.2024 Leopold Steiger Not available OZ Šurany
SK-2024-03201-707 Able to fly 16.11.2024 Jozef Not available OZ Brezno
SK-2023-03201-421 Able to fly 16.11.2024 Jozef Not available OZ Brezno
SK-2024-01002-1953 Able to fly 15.11.2024 Kráľ Frantisek Not available OZ Nitra
SK-2024-02507-339 Able to fly 13.11.2024 Šefčík Bohuslav Baloga Ľubomír OZ Prešov
SK-2024-0999-5944 Able to fly 13.11.2024 Ladislav Not available Not available
SK-2024-M-55-1567 Able to fly 13.11.2024 V.Gagris Not available Not available
SK-2024-01004-77 Dead 12.11.2024 Gombor János Hlavatý Alexander, Ing. OZ Nitra
SK-2016-02906-579 Able to fly 12.11.2024 Gyurcsek Tibor Not available OZ Orava
HU-2024-29-21810 Injured 12.11.2024 Igor žiak Not available Not available
CZ-2023-0182-104 Able to fly 12.11.2024 Jozef Béder Not available Not available
PL-2023-0134-10450 Dead 11.11.2024 jozef Harvánek Not available Not available
SK-2024-0403-576 Able to fly 10.11.2024 Viliam Not available OZ Terchová
SK-2024-03601-535 Injured 10.11.2024 Doma Árpád Not available OZ Gemer
SK-2024-0305-414 Exhausted 10.11.2024 Lukáš Záborský Not available OZ Ružomberok
SK-2024-0304-172 Able to fly 09.11.2024 Ján Not available OZ Ružomberok
SK-2024-02305-537 Able to fly 09.11.2024 MICHALEK Not available OZ Spišská Nová Ves
SK-2024-02310-128 Able to fly 09.11.2024 MICHALEK Jozef Forgač OZ Spišská Nová Ves
CZ-2024-0278-931 Able to fly 08.11.2024 Sodoma Not available Not available
SK-2009-0902-957 Dead 07.11.2024 Samuel Šipoš Not available OZ Šurany
SK-2005-01002-1172 Dead 07.11.2024 Samuel Šipoš Not available OZ Nitra
SK-2005-0608-15 Dead 07.11.2024 Samuel Šipoš Not available OZ Trenčín
SK-2011-0109-1535 Dead 07.11.2024 Samuel Šipoš Not available OZ Bratislava
SK-2011-01706-1685 Dead 07.11.2024 Samuel Šipoš Not available Not available
SK-2023-0107-1117 Dead 07.11.2024 Samuel Šipoš Not available OZ Bratislava
SK-2023-01701-1281 Injured 07.11.2024 ING. Jan Silaj Not available OZ Martin
SK-2024-02210-46 Able to fly 07.11.2024 MICHALEK MIRO Not available OZ Poprad
SK-2024-03301-2722 Able to fly 07.11.2024 Jaroslav Musil Not available OZ Bytča
SK-2024-01307-164 Able to fly 07.11.2024 Jaroslav Musil Not available OZ Považská Bystrica
SK-2024-M-55-173 Able to fly 07.11.2024 Jaroslav Musil Not available Not available
SK-2024-01701-290 Able to fly 07.11.2024 Růžička Břetislav Not available OZ Martin
SK-2024-02607-141 Able to fly 07.11.2024 Ján Jaco Jozef OZ Bardejov
SK-2023-01281-1701 Injured 07.11.2024 ING. Jan Silaj Not available Not available
SK-2024-01009-1519 Able to fly 06.11.2024 Michal Gazdík Not available OZ Nitra
SK-2024-01401-685 Able to fly 06.11.2024 Ján Oravec Not available OZ Žilina
SK-2024-01610-937 Able to fly 06.11.2024 Ján Oravec Not available OZ Čadca
SK-2024-02102-23 Able to fly 06.11.2024 Ján Oravec Not available OZ Rimavská Sobota
SK-2024-0604-128 Able to fly 06.11.2024 Ján Oravec PERÁČEK ĽUBOŠ OZ Trenčín
SK-2024-0999-7764 Able to fly 06.11.2024 Miloslav Vávra Blahovský Milan +Dávid OZ Spiš
SK-2022-0604-1124 Able to fly 06.11.2024 Jaroslav Karliček Not available OZ Trenčín
SK-2024-01504-569 Able to fly 05.11.2024 Vlado Not available OZ Kysucké Nové Mesto
SK-2024-03401-1429 Able to fly 05.11.2024 Vlado Not available OZ Dubeň
SK-2024-01011-368 Able to fly 05.11.2024 Bielik Zdenko ml. Not available OZ Nitra
SK-2023-02002-255 Able to fly 04.11.2024 Maria Gavorova Not available OZ Pezinok
SK-2024-M-55-4679 Able to fly 04.11.2024 Radoslav Not available Not available
SK-2024-M-55-4139 Able to fly 04.11.2024 Peter Not available Not available
DV-2023-07608-567 Able to fly 03.11.2024 Deser Not available Not available
SK-2024-02311-509 Able to fly 03.11.2024 Ján Not available OZ Spišská Nová Ves
SK-2024-01003-39 Able to fly 03.11.2024 Ifliger Károly Čepílek Ladislav OZ Nitra
SK-2024-0805-114 Able to fly 03.11.2024 Géza Vincze Kroták Ján OZ Spiš
SK-2024-02516-282 Able to fly 03.11.2024 Jerzy Król Not available Not available
PL-2024-0224-8959 Able to fly 03.11.2024 Małgorzata Not available Not available
SK-2024-01607-718 Injured 03.11.2024 Géza Nagy Not available OZ Čadca
SK-2024-0611-589 Able to fly 02.11.2024 Miroslav Badinka Not available OZ Trenčín
RO-2017-9002053 Able to fly 02.11.2024 KMEC Not available OZ Trnava
SK-2024-0307-555 Able to fly 02.11.2024 Anton Gaššo Not available OZ Ružomberok
SK-2024-0701-1124 Able to fly 02.11.2024 Karol Bauer Krasztenics T OZ Komárno
AK-2024-0701-1124 Able to fly 02.11.2024 Karol Bauer Not available OZ Komárno
SK-2023-03507-510 Able to fly 02.11.2024 marek ondrejcak Not available OZ Sabinov
HU-2023-32A454-8 Able to fly 02.11.2024 Vladimír Polák Not available Not available
SK-2024-M-55-475 Able to fly 01.11.2024 Balogh Tibor Ing. Topor Dušan OZ Nitra
PL-2024-0400-5171 Able to fly 01.11.2024 Peter Not available Not available
UKR-2024-2286746 Able to fly 01.11.2024 KMEC Not available OZ Trnava
SK-2024-0101-159 Able to fly 01.11.2024 Valápka Not available OZ Bratislava
SK-2024-0MARATONM5-4841 Able to fly 01.11.2024 Antonín Kubita Not available Not available
SK-2024-01610-914 Able to fly 31.10.2024 Jindřich Dluhoš Not available OZ Čadca
SK-2024-02703-1907 Able to fly 31.10.2024 milan Not available OZ Michalovce
SK-2024-0601-64 Able to fly 31.10.2024 Ifj Fejes Imre Not available OZ Trenčín
SK-2024-02403-1535 Able to fly 30.10.2024 Surman Mihály Not available OZ Košice
SK-2024-0407-299 Able to fly 30.10.2024 Jiří Hošek Not available OZ Terchová
SK-2024-0703-455 Dead 30.10.2024 Laura Elisabeth Rajtár Not available OZ Komárno
SK-2024-03506-1166 Exhausted 30.10.2024 Lucia Rušinová Not available OZ Sabinov
SK-2024-02208-336 Able to fly 30.10.2024 Mikunda Not available OZ Poprad
SK-2024-0102-293 Able to fly 29.10.2024 Leoš vild Horváth Peter OZ Bratislava
PL-2023-0288-149 Exhausted 29.10.2024 Baranec Anton Not available Not available
SK-2024-0802-1384 Able to fly 29.10.2024 jarosław Not available OZ Spiš
SK-2024-01704-618 Able to fly 29.10.2024 Anton Ďurana Not available OZ Martin
HU-2024-11-16471 Able to fly 29.10.2024 Juraj Marcinkech Not available Not available
HU-2024-43-20591 Able to fly 29.10.2024 Juraj Marcinkech Not available Not available
CZ-2024-0277-328 Able to fly 28.10.2024 Komáromi Tibor Not available Not available
SK-2024-0999-3113 Able to fly 28.10.2024 Komáromi Tibor Not available Not available
SK-2024-03301-1558 Able to fly 28.10.2024 Jiří Hošek Not available OZ Bytča
SK-2024-01608-338 Able to fly 28.10.2024 Michaela Jakušová Not available OZ Čadca
SK-2024-0305-1055 Able to fly 28.10.2024 Mikunda Not available OZ Ružomberok
SK-2024-0305-562 Able to fly 28.10.2024 Mikunda Kaprál Viliam OZ Ružomberok
SK-2024-03501-1526 Able to fly 28.10.2024 Mikunda Not available OZ Sabinov
SK-2024-02306-102 Able to fly 28.10.2024 Mikuška Ladislav Not available OZ Spišská Nová Ves
SK-2024-0999-8470 Able to fly 28.10.2024 Tomáš Leikep Not available Not available
SK-2024-0338-1608 Able to fly 28.10.2024 Michaela Jakušová Not available Not available
ŠK-2024-0804-1215 Injured 27.10.2024 Jaromír Krempaský Not available OZ Spiš
SK-2022-03306-17 Able to fly 27.10.2024 Peter Galschneider Hrinik František OZ Bytča
PL-2023-0451-11670 Able to fly 27.10.2024 Ladislav Kyseľ Not available Not available
SK-2024-02001-905 Able to fly 27.10.2024 Milan Not available OZ Pezinok
SK-2024-02701-690 Able to fly 27.10.2024 Jaroslav Beres Peter Kmec OZ Michalovce
RO-2023-600474 Dead 27.10.2024 ΧΡΗΣΤΟΣ ΖΑΚΚΑΣ Not available OZ Trnava
SK-2024-0107-1487 Able to fly 27.10.2024 František Hlava Jozef Manczal OZ Bratislava
SK-2024-01205-751 Able to fly 27.10.2024 František KAŠK Rybár Stanislav OZ Prievidza
SK-2022-0301-876 Able to fly 26.10.2024 Mikuška Ladislav Not available OZ Ružomberok
SK-2024-0608-47 Able to fly 26.10.2024 Kinc lPetr Not available OZ Trenčín
SK-2024-03210-695 Able to fly 26.10.2024 Barborka Holík Milan OZ Brezno
CZ-2024-067-2564 Able to fly 26.10.2024 Vlado Not available Not available
RO-2023-1602509 Able to fly 26.10.2024 stanislav ištvánek Not available OZ Trnava
SK-2024-0305-546 Able to fly 25.10.2024 mirek Kaprál Viliam OZ Ružomberok
SK-2018-02906-2081 Injured 25.10.2024 Marian Not available OZ Orava
SK-2024-03605-520 Able to fly 25.10.2024 milos Not available OZ Gemer
PL-2024-0235-6507 Able to fly 25.10.2024 Miro Not available Not available
SK-2024-01801-171 Able to fly 25.10.2024 Miro Not available OZ Levice
SK-2024-03503-979 Able to fly 25.10.2024 Fero Not available OZ Sabinov
SK-2024-01404-637 Able to fly 24.10.2024 Pavol Babic Not available OZ Žilina
SK-2024-0102-1080 Able to fly 24.10.2024 maria Jozef Čechovič OZ Bratislava
SK-2023-0902-590 Able to fly 24.10.2024 Milan Žiaček Szalai Viliam OZ Šurany
SK-2023-03207-657 Able to fly 24.10.2024 Milan Žiaček Maťko Jozef OZ Brezno
SK-2024-0999-3082 Able to fly 24.10.2024 Milan Žiaček Not available Not available
SK-2024-02110-607 Able to fly 24.10.2024 Milan Žiaček Not available OZ Rimavská Sobota
SK-2021-01108-817 Dead 24.10.2024 Podhorský Jonáš Súlovský Anton+Samuel OZ Topoľčany
SK-2024-0501-764 Able to fly 24.10.2024 Vojtech Not available OZ Trnava
SK-2022-02209-1670 Able to fly 24.10.2024 Vojtech Not available OZ Poprad
SK-2024-0107-1375 Able to fly 24.10.2024 blasko ivan Vladimír MALIŠ OZ Bratislava
PL-2024-0393-11805 Able to fly 24.10.2024 Jano Not available Not available
SK-2024-0301-1114 Exhausted 24.10.2024 Niederleitner Nataša Kristián Žubor OZ Ružomberok
SK-2024-01703-99 Able to fly 23.10.2024 EMIL Not available OZ Martin
SK-2024-01305-514 Able to fly 23.10.2024 Jaromír Gelnar Not available OZ Považská Bystrica
SK-2024-0805-114 Able to fly 23.10.2024 Géza Vincze Kroták Ján OZ Spiš
SK-2023-057-6585 Able to fly 23.10.2024 Ioan Vasile Vladeanu Not available Not available
CHN-2020-2627009 Able to fly 22.10.2024 Ruth Jajo Not available OZ Trnava
SK-2024-0802-665 Able to fly 22.10.2024 Miro Not available OZ Spiš
SK-2024-02901-8 Able to fly 22.10.2024 Matúš Angleta Kardas Michal OZ Orava
SK-2024-02404-173 Able to fly 22.10.2024 Czeaław Hajduk D+J OZ Košice
SK-2021-0405-2232 Injured 22.10.2024 Samuel Mokriš Not available OZ Terchová
SK-2021-02232-405 Injured 22.10.2024 Samuel Mokriš Not available Not available
SK-2024-01905-1481 Able to fly 22.10.2024 Kráľ Frantisek Not available OZ Zvolen
PL-2024-0236-2535 Able to fly 21.10.2024 Štefan Not available Not available
SK-2024-01810-42 Dead 21.10.2024 Ján Povoda Not available OZ Levice
SK-2024-042-1810 Dead 21.10.2024 Ján Povoda Not available Not available
SK-2024-02109-863 Able to fly 21.10.2024 Zámečník Not available OZ Rimavská Sobota
SK-2024-01202-265 Able to fly 21.10.2024 Zamecnik Not available OZ Prievidza
SK-2024-01305-889 Able to fly 21.10.2024 Laco Not available OZ Považská Bystrica
SK-2013-02009-3900 Dead 21.10.2024 Dominik Hanáček Not available OZ Pezinok
HU-2009-19-91538 Dead 21.10.2024 Dominik Hanáček Not available Not available
SK-2023-01108-321 Able to fly 21.10.2024 Laco Súlovský Anton+Samuel OZ Topoľčany
PL-2024-0444-10167 Injured 21.10.2024 Laura Rainer Not available Not available
SK-2024-02908-59 Able to fly 20.10.2024 Michaela V. Allmen Not available OZ Orava
SK-2022-01003-183 Injured 20.10.2024 Hana Šplehová Barbirik Igor OZ Levice
SK-2024-01704-817 Able to fly 20.10.2024 Baláž Not available OZ Martin
SK-2024-01702-244 Able to fly 20.10.2024 Baláž Not available OZ Martin
SK-2020-03402-1412 Able to fly 20.10.2024 Vladimír Vernarský Not available OZ Dubeň
SK-2024-01306-735 Exhausted 20.10.2024 Jiří Zvoníček Not available OZ Považská Bystrica
HU-2000-08-45432 Able to fly 20.10.2024 Vladimír Polák Not available Not available
PL-2024-04167-161 Exhausted 20.10.2024 Juraj Hudec Not available Not available
SK-2024-059102-908 Able to fly 20.10.2024 Michaela Not available Not available
SK-2022-03204-636 Dead 20.10.2024 Gemery Peter Not available OZ Brezno
SK-2023-02301-329 Dead 20.10.2024 Gemery Peter Not available OZ Spišská Nová Ves
SK-2023-02501-333 Dead 20.10.2024 Gemery Peter Not available OZ Prešov
SK-2024-02703-1136 Dead 20.10.2024 Gemery Peter Not available OZ Michalovce
SK-2023-02701-1041 Dead 20.10.2024 Gemery Peter Marián Petruš OZ Michalovce
SK-2023-02703-1403 Dead 20.10.2024 Gemery Peter Not available OZ Michalovce
SK-2024-03606-484 Dead 20.10.2024 Gemery Peter Not available OZ Gemer
SK-2023-02504-1152 Dead 20.10.2024 Gemery Peter Not available OZ Prešov
SK-2023-02601-597 Dead 20.10.2024 Gemery Peter Not available OZ Bardejov
SK-2014-03603-211 Dead 20.10.2024 Mihok Štefan Not available OZ Gemer
SK-2008-01301-2167 Dead 20.10.2024 Aneta Rechtorovicova Not available OZ Považská Bystrica
SK-2014-0211-3603 Dead 20.10.2024 Mihok Štefan Not available Not available
SK-2024-0802-1144 Able to fly 19.10.2024 Jozef Not available OZ Spiš
SK-2020-0105-1711 Able to fly 19.10.2024 stanislav Sýkora Vladimír Špindor OZ Bratislava
BE-2024-5094110 Able to fly 19.10.2024 Ľubomír Jasovský Not available OZ Trnava
SK-2024-01409-3 Exhausted 19.10.2024 Jiří Mencl Not available OZ Žilina
SK-2007-024-144 Exhausted 19.10.2024 Florian Mussgay Not available Not available
PL-2024-0170-3072 Injured 19.10.2024 Czesław Not available Not available
SK-2024-02702-253 Able to fly 19.10.2024 Marek Plesko Not available OZ Michalovce
CZ-2024-0221-5006 Able to fly 19.10.2024 Marek Plesko Not available Not available
SK-2024-0404-150 Able to fly 19.10.2024 Marek Plesko Markus Pavol OZ Terchová
SK-2008-02167-1301 Dead 19.10.2024 Aneta Rechtorovicova Not available Not available
SK-2024-01906-328 Able to fly 19.10.2024 Pavel Šutinský Not available OZ Zvolen
SK-2024-03502-389 Dead 19.10.2024 Gemery Peter Not available OZ Sabinov
SK-2024-02503-670 Dead 19.10.2024 Gemery Peter Not available OZ Prešov
SK-2023-02507-791 Dead 19.10.2024 Gemery Peter Not available OZ Prešov
SK-2023-02516-417 Dead 19.10.2024 Gemery Peter Grega Milan OZ Prešov
SK-2024-0802-541 Dead 19.10.2024 Gemery Peter Miloš Boron OZ Spiš
SK-2023-02606-368 Dead 19.10.2024 Gemery Peter Not available OZ Bardejov
SK-2024-0109-1133 Able to fly 19.10.2024 Mareš Karel Horváth Peter OZ Bratislava
SK-2023-02007-506 Able to fly 19.10.2024 Mareš Karel Not available OZ Pezinok
SK-2022-02007-723 Able to fly 19.10.2024 Mareš Karel Not available OZ Pezinok
SK-2024-0102-319 Able to fly 19.10.2024 Kalina Josef Not available OZ Bratislava
SK-2024-0109-420 Able to fly 19.10.2024 Kalina Josef Horváth Peter OZ Bratislava
SK-2024-02606-1025 Able to fly 19.10.2024 Marian Bernat Kľoc Peter OZ Bardejov
SK-2018-0777-2018 Exhausted 19.10.2024 Ruben Gemery Miroslav OZ Sabinov
HU-2024-12-95539 Dead 19.10.2024 Tomas Kovacovsky Not available Not available
SK-2024-0901-126 Able to fly 18.10.2024 iFLINGER kÁROLY Not available OZ Šurany
SK-2024-01701-72 Able to fly 18.10.2024 Da Not available OZ Martin
RO-2024-785731 Able to fly 18.10.2024 František Genčur Not available OZ Trnava
HU-2024-D-824858 Able to fly 18.10.2024 Martin Not available Not available
SK-2024-M-55-1974 Able to fly 18.10.2024 Tibor Not available Not available
ŠK-2024-03604-130 Able to fly 18.10.2024 Pavel Frák Not available OZ Gemer
SK-2024-01204-1435 Able to fly 18.10.2024 peter mikušiak Not available OZ Prievidza
SK-2024-01806-458 Able to fly 18.10.2024 Surman Mihály Not available OZ Levice
NL-2021-51 Able to fly 18.10.2024 Stadler Sebastian Not available OZ Trnava
SK-2024-0999-5944 Able to fly 17.10.2024 Laco Not available Not available
SK-2024-M-55-4848 Able to fly 17.10.2024 Jano JANDO MIROSLAV OZ Trenčín
SK-2024-M-55-55 Exhausted 17.10.2024 Tibor Not available Not available
SK-2022-03101-283 Able to fly 17.10.2024 stanislav Sýkora Not available OZ Liptovský Mikuláš
SK-2024-0404-532 Able to fly 17.10.2024 Emil Not available OZ Terchová
SK-2024-01010-1106 Able to fly 17.10.2024 Emil Not available OZ Nitra
SK-2024-0101-159 Able to fly 17.10.2024 Peter Dorotčin Not available OZ Bratislava
SK-2024-M-55-5953 Able to fly 17.10.2024 Balla Not available Not available
SK-2023-02901-893 Able to fly 17.10.2024 Milan Trúchly Not available OZ Orava
PL-2024-0234-6310 Able to fly 17.10.2024 jozef Harvánek Not available Not available
CZ-2019-069-6 Dead 17.10.2024 Maik Falkmeier Not available Not available
PL-2023-060-12106 Able to fly 17.10.2024 Vlado Not available Not available
SK-2024-02901-16 Able to fly 17.10.2024 miloslav prediger Kidon Robert OZ Orava
CZ-2024-0205-307 Able to fly 17.10.2024 Ján Not available OZ Senica
SK-2024-01002-9 Able to fly 17.10.2024 Miloslav Pisko Poliak Štefan OZ Nitra
SK-2023-01106-1096 Able to fly 16.10.2024 Jaroslav Not available OZ Topoľčany
HU-2023-29-1426 Able to fly 16.10.2024 Krzysztof Not available Not available
SK-2020-02503-477 Able to fly 16.10.2024 VOJTECH Not available OZ Prešov
SK-2024-02604-674 Able to fly 16.10.2024 Roman Not available OZ Bardejov
SK-2024-01302-1237 Dead 16.10.2024 D. Not available OZ Považská Bystrica
SK-2022-0303-199 Dead 16.10.2024 Monika Žideková Not available OZ Ružomberok
SK-2022-03404-723 Dead 16.10.2024 Monika Žideková Jopek Stanislav OZ Dubeň
SK-2024-01302-745 Exhausted 16.10.2024 Erika Kováčová Not available OZ Považská Bystrica
BE-2024-190789 Injured 16.10.2024 Kathy Not available OZ Trnava
SK-2020-02503-147 Able to fly 15.10.2024 Pavel Svoboda Grega Milan OZ Prešov
CZ-2022-0319-362 Dead 15.10.2024 Robert Thierfelder Not available Not available
SK-2020-02303-147 Able to fly 15.10.2024 Pavel Svoboda Not available Not available
SK-2024-01404-637 Able to fly 15.10.2024 Pavel Svoboda Not available OZ Žilina
SK-2024-02601-1592 Able to fly 15.10.2024 Miloš Boron Not available OZ Bardejov
SK-2024-03501-1735 Able to fly 15.10.2024 Miloš Boron Jozef Gajdoš OZ Michalovce
FR-2024-143814 Able to fly 15.10.2024 Karla Not available OZ Trnava
FR-2024-1438 Exhausted 15.10.2024 Amanda Clairmonte Not available OZ Trnava
HU-2024-23-61116 Able to fly 15.10.2024 ADOLF Štaubert Not available Not available
SK-2024-02107-416 Exhausted 15.10.2024 Mihaly Kakas Not available OZ Rimavská Sobota
DV-2024-09546-200 Exhausted 15.10.2024 Ján sevcik Stanislav Ovšák OZ Orava
SK-2024-0102-29 Exhausted 15.10.2024 Diana Migalova Jančovič Vladimír OZ Bratislava
SK-2024-0100-352 Able to fly 15.10.2024 peter Not available Not available
SK-2024-01003-424 Able to fly 15.10.2024 Pavol Bachar Not available OZ Nitra
CHN-2023-885813 Exhausted 15.10.2024 Petráš Vladimír Not available OZ Trnava
SK-2023-0707-109 Able to fly 15.10.2024 Pavel Váchal Not available OZ Komárno
SK-2023-03304-722 Able to fly 15.10.2024 Pavel Váchal Not available OZ Bytča
SK-2020-02904-786 Able to fly 14.10.2024 Pavel Skokan Not available OZ Orava
SK-2022-01101-428 Able to fly 14.10.2024 EK Not available OZ Topoľčany
SK-2024-01003-730 Able to fly 14.10.2024 Jano SK TRNAVA Not available OZ Nitra
PL-2019-0287-5402 Exhausted 14.10.2024 Roman Not available Not available
SK-2020-M-55-3701 Dead 14.10.2024 Dohňanský František Not available Not available
SK-2024-02404-42 Able to fly 14.10.2024 krankovics jánosné Not available OZ Košice
PL-2024-0234-6310 Exhausted 14.10.2024 jozef Harvánek Not available Not available
SK-2020-M-55-55 Dead 14.10.2024 Miroslav Flimel Kadaš Peter OZ Čadca
SK-2024-0501-418 Able to fly 14.10.2024 Michal Burian Not available OZ Trnava
SK-2024-0108-766 Able to fly 14.10.2024 Kostrhun Josef Not available OZ Bratislava
SK-2013-0999-7981 Dead 14.10.2024 Roman Not available Not available
SK-2024-02109-568 Able to fly 14.10.2024 Milan Pšenek Not available OZ Rimavská Sobota
HU-2024-14-83049 Able to fly 14.10.2024 Riedl elisabeth Not available Not available
SK-2006-017-6192 Able to fly 14.10.2024 Grzegorz Not available Not available
SK-2024-02802-85 Able to fly 13.10.2024 laco Not available OZ Kežmarok
PL-2024-0199-1214 Injured 13.10.2024 Konrad Not available Not available
SK-2021-0999-6118 Able to fly 13.10.2024 Tibor Brešťanský Peter OZ Rimavská Sobota
SK-2024-M-55-55 Exhausted 13.10.2024 Peter Not available Not available
SK-2022-01303-37 Able to fly 13.10.2024 Mikuška ladislav Luhový Miroslav OZ Považská Bystrica
HU-2024-11-24692 Able to fly 13.10.2024 Mokus Not available Not available
HU-2024-D-815059 Able to fly 13.10.2024 Jozef Not available Not available
SK-2024-02501-8 Able to fly 13.10.2024 Pavol Dlugos Not available OZ Prešov
BE-2024-190789 Injured 13.10.2024 Agnes Bretzke Not available OZ Trnava
SK-2024-01004-1048 Able to fly 13.10.2024 Jan Pesko Not available OZ Nitra
SK-2024-0902-300 Able to fly 13.10.2024 Jan Pesko Not available OZ Šurany
SK-2024-01201-1037 Able to fly 13.10.2024 Jan Pesko Not available OZ Prievidza
SK-2024-01204-605 Able to fly 13.10.2024 Jan Pesko Kalinay Juraj OZ Prievidza
SK-2024-01009-176 Able to fly 13.10.2024 Jan Pesko Not available OZ Nitra
CZ-2024-031-1062 Able to fly 13.10.2024 Jan Pesko Not available Not available
SK-2024-M-55-3195 Able to fly 13.10.2024 Jan Pesko Not available Not available
SK-2024-01704-408 Able to fly 13.10.2024 Jan Pesko Not available OZ Martin
HU-2024-06-68105 Able to fly 13.10.2024 Jan Pesko Not available Not available
HU-2024-D-817490 Able to fly 13.10.2024 Jan Pesko Not available Not available
RO-2023-490945 Able to fly 13.10.2024 Jan Pesko Not available OZ Trnava
SK-2024-03505-182 Able to fly 13.10.2024 Anton Gaššo Not available OZ Sabinov
SK-2024-0108-298 Able to fly 13.10.2024 Monika Kleinschuster Not available OZ Bratislava
HU-2024-D-832204 Able to fly 13.10.2024 Milan Dvořák Not available Not available
SK-2024-0605-735 Able to fly 13.10.2024 Josef Pavelka Kišš Ladislav OZ Trenčín
SK-2023-03501-259 Able to fly 13.10.2024 Růžička Břetislav Záleta Jozef OZ Sabinov
CZ-2023-0182-104 Able to fly 13.10.2024 Jozef Béder Not available Not available
SK-2022-02306-1073 Injured 13.10.2024 Vinco Mikuláš Kešelák OZ Spiš
HU-2024-M-195636 Exhausted 13.10.2024 Km Not available Not available
SK-2024-03506-612 Able to fly 12.10.2024 Jaroslav Gryc Not available OZ Sabinov
SK-2024-0609-805 Able to fly 12.10.2024 Jaroslav Gryc Not available OZ Trenčín
SK-2021-0510-196 Able to fly 12.10.2024 Jaroslav Gryc Hlavatovič Jozef OZ Trnava
SK-2024-03404-70 Able to fly 12.10.2024 Jaroslav Gryc Not available OZ Dubeň
SK-2024-0603-956 Able to fly 12.10.2024 Jakubec MAŠAN DANIEL OZ Trenčín
SK-2024-03504-323 Able to fly 12.10.2024 Vincent Revicky Jozef OZ Sabinov
SK-2024-0999-5944 Able to fly 12.10.2024 Laco Not available Not available
SK-2024-01303-1622 Able to fly 12.10.2024 Josef josef Not available OZ Považská Bystrica
PL-2024-030-729 Injured 12.10.2024 Mária Klusová Not available Not available
SK-2024-01808-185 Able to fly 12.10.2024 Ondřej Fajmon Gaži Lukáš, Ing. OZ Levice
SK-2024-0407-236 Able to fly 12.10.2024 Michal Burian Not available OZ Terchová
SK-2024-01305-500 Able to fly 12.10.2024 Michal Burian Ridoško Jozef OZ Považská Bystrica
ŠK-2024-01201-214 Able to fly 12.10.2024 Michal Burian Horniak Marián OZ Prievidza
SK-2024-02007-906 Able to fly 12.10.2024 Hubert Špaňúr Not available OZ Pezinok
SK-2024-01106-284 Able to fly 12.10.2024 Rechtotík Pavol Not available OZ Topoľčany
HU-2024-08-54146 Able to fly 12.10.2024 Gábor Kiss Not available Not available
SK-2024-01002-15 Exhausted 11.10.2024 Rado Poliak Štefan OZ Nitra
SK-2024-02606-371 Able to fly 11.10.2024 Michal Štefanko Not available OZ Bardejov
SK-2024-03606-256 Able to fly 11.10.2024 Michal Štefanko Not available OZ Gemer
SK-2004-02404-132 Able to fly 11.10.2024 Michal Štefanko Not available OZ Košice
SK-2004-03603-477 Able to fly 11.10.2024 Stano Not available OZ Gemer
SK-2024-02209-951 Injured 11.10.2024 Jakub Marko Not available OZ Poprad
SK-2024-03306-226 Able to fly 11.10.2024 kinc jiří Not available OZ Bytča
SK-2024-02305-145 Able to fly 11.10.2024 Laura Not available OZ Spišská Nová Ves
SK-2024-02403-1299 Dead 11.10.2024 Vladimír Kunca Not available OZ Košice
SK-2024-02209-789 Able to fly 11.10.2024 Frantisek Bizovsky Not available OZ Poprad
SK-2024-03307-276 Able to fly 11.10.2024 Edo Not available OZ Bytča
SK-2019-03306-230 Dead 10.10.2024 Ivo Dopirák Škorvánek Juraj OZ Dubeň
SK-2024-01406-235 Able to fly 10.10.2024 R Chudý Prášek Ladislav OZ Žilina
SK-2024-02903-646 Exhausted 10.10.2024 Agata Jozef Florek OZ Orava
SK-2024-02408-194 Able to fly 10.10.2024 Marek Fuchs Veronika Kozlaiová+Kozlai Tomáš OZ Košice
PL-2024-0400-5171 Able to fly 10.10.2024 Peter Not available Not available
SK-2024-0705-380 Able to fly 10.10.2024 Peter Klobučník Not available OZ Komárno
SK-2024-0999-35 Able to fly 10.10.2024 Peter Klobučník Not available Not available
SK-2024-M-55-5779 Able to fly 10.10.2024 Pavel Šutinský Not available Not available
HU-2024-26-40665 Able to fly 10.10.2024 Ľubomír Jasovský Not available Not available
ŠK-2024-2408-194 Able to fly 10.10.2024 Marek Fuchs Not available Not available
ES-2024-119487 Able to fly 10.10.2024 Ľubomír Jasovský Not available OZ Trnava
SK-2024-0646-2903 Exhausted 10.10.2024 Agata Not available Not available
PL-2024-03207-422 Injured 10.10.2024 Jacek Cichoń Not available OZ Brezno
PL-2024-0422-3207 Injured 10.10.2024 Jacek Cichoń Not available Not available
SK-2020-01705-230 Able to fly 10.10.2024 Rastislav Not available OZ Martin
PL-2024-0288-9375 Able to fly 10.10.2024 dusan Not available Not available
SK-2024-0235-1406 Able to fly 10.10.2024 R Chudý Not available Not available
SK-2024-02901-2204 Able to fly 10.10.2024 peter Not available OZ Orava
SK-2024-01703-375 Able to fly 10.10.2024 miro Not available OZ Martin
SK-2024-01204-1360 Dead 10.10.2024 Zdenko Not available OZ Prievidza