Dobre vedieť predtým, ako začnete

  • Every district should enter its Race plan as soon before the season as possible. It is important for combined races (regional and national). Combine admins need to have district races available to lock them under combine / national level races.
  • If you plan to use some point system for your race results, you can enter default point system parameters for every race. This will be used as defaultsystem for every results, where score calculation is enabled.
  • If you need different point system for each type of results that you calculate per race, you can use alternative point systems. You can create as many as you need, define desired point parameters for each race, then just connect your point system to type of results where it should be used (in Types of results administration).

Potrebné právomoci

You need to be District administrator of district, where you want to manage race plan. Club administrators do not have access to this feature. You can easily check existing district admin rights on your organisation page.

1 | Listed existing district administrators
Listed existing district administrators Kliknite pre zväčšenie

Accessing race plan administration

Race plan administration link is placed under your district race plan. It is displayed only to district administrators. If you can not access it, please check if you are logged in and if you are set as district administrator.

1 | Administration links under race plan visible only for District administrators
Administration links under race plan visible only for District administrators Kliknite pre zväčšenie

Adding new race

Adding new race is only a process of filling simple form with basic data about new race. After submitting a form, new race will be created with status "Planned"

1 | New race form
New race form Kliknite pre zväčšenie
2 | New race form with Season field enabled
New race form with Season field enabled Kliknite pre zväčšenie

Basic parameters explained
  • Krajina vypustenia: List of countries generated from liberation points saved in our database. If a country is missing here, it means that your desired liberation point is not in database or it is entered with worng country. Please ask you country administrator to fix it.
  • Vypustenie holubov: List of liberation points saved in our database. Description (if available) is displayed in brackets. Your country administrator is responsible for managing this list. Please contact him, if list is not complete.
  • Race name: By default, race name is the same as name of liberation point. You can change it if you feel that is appropriate. Good example is case when you have more races from same liberation point in one season and you want to distinguish them by numbers (1,2,3...)
  • Vyberte dátum preteku: Datepicker for choosing planned date of liberation.
  • Veková kategória: If you country has also young birds season, it is important to distinguish races for old birds and young birds. This setting cannot be change for existing race. In case you save wrong value, please delete race and create new one.
  • Sezóna: This field is enabled only for countries where season is overlapping 2 calendar years (fe middle eastern countries). When season starts in december and ends in march next year, you need to manually set season (year) where each race belongs. Example: when your season starts in December 2016 and ends in March 2017, please select 2017 as season for all your races.

Point system parameters are only optional, but if you plan to have some score calculated in your results, it is good to define default values here. On screenshots below you can see 3 different point systems used in calculated results.

1 | Dropdown system with calculated point table
Dropdown system with calculated point table Kliknite pre zväčšenie
2 | Linear system for team competition in Hungary
Linear system for team competition in Hungary Kliknite pre zväčšenie
3 | Point by point system used in Baghdad results
Point by point system used in Baghdad results Kliknite pre zväčšenie

Point system parameters explained
  • Skokový systém / Lineárny systém: Selection will show / hide correct fields for desired point system.
  • Skokový systém : system used in Slovakia for calculating points for arrived pigeons based on point table. Arrived pigeons (first 20%) is divided to prize groups by percentual dropdown value, often 2% = 10 groups by 2% of pigeons = 20%. Each group of pigeons receives the same point value. Next group receives less points by point dropdown value. Points are calculated as whole numbers, without decimals.
  • Lineárny systém : with this system, every pigeon receives different point value based on his prize in results. First pigeon gets the maximum point value, every next pigeon gets less by calculated linear difference based on number of prizes and last pigeon point percentage value. Points are calculated with 2 decimal values precision.
  • Point by point system : system used in Iraq. First pigeon get maximum points. Every next scoring pigeon receives less by 1 point down to zero. Only used field in Race administration is maximum points, nothing else is necessary for this system. Points are calculated as whole numbers, without decimals.
  • Maximum bodov : values used by all point systems. It is the point value that either first pigeon or first group of pigeons receives in results.
  • Percentuálny pokles : divides arrived pigeons in groups by %. Usual values are 1,2, sometimes 3%. 1% provides the finest division.
  • Bodový pokles :
  • Posledný holub - percento bodov z maxima : used in linear system only. Defines points for last arrived pigeon in results by percentage from maximum points. If maximum points is 50, point percentage for last pigeon is 40, last pigeon receives 20 points. All pigeons between first and last will receive linearry incremental part between these values.
  • Bodujúca séria : maximum nomination (basketing order) of pigeon that allows him to receive score for competition. If this value is set to 20, pigeons that are basketed as 21st and later will not receive score for primary competition in results. Score will be calculated and it can be used for secondary competitions but not for primary championship displayed in results. It is used to limit number of pigeons that have chance for scoring in primary competition, so also fanciers with less pigeons have a good chance of winning. Fanciers with more pigeons need to select their scoring team for basketing.
  • Max. bodujúce holuby : maximum number of pigeons for 1 fancier or 1 team to receive score for primary competition. If this value is set to 5, only 5 first pigeons of fancier or team will receive score for primary competition. Next pigeons' score will not be used for team score result.
Pozrite si video ukážku
Adding new race to race plan
Adding new race to race plan with custom season (middle eastern countries)

Deleting a race

You can delete only races that have no race data uploaded. In case they do, you need to delete all race data first. Country administrators can delete all races without deleting race data first, they will be deleted for them automatically.

For races that can be deleted, red delete button is shown. After clicking it, you will be asked for confirmation of your action.

1 | Delete button is available only for races without race data
Delete button is available only for races without race data Kliknite pre zväčšenie

Editing a race

Normally, district administrators can edit all existing parameters for races they created. However, some federations apply restrictions for changing selected race parameters during running season

Also, once race is in status "locked", district administrators cannot change any parameters (edit button will not be available)

1 | Locked races cannot be edited
Locked races cannot be edited Kliknite pre zväčšenie
2 | Modal window for editing a race
Modal window for editing a race Kliknite pre zväčšenie
3 | Edit restrictions during season
Edit restrictions during season Kliknite pre zväčšenie
Race order explained

There is 1 more parameter available, when editing a race, which is not available in "New race form" - Race order. This is set automatically for each race when creating race plan and it normally goes from 1 to number of races.

Order of races should be consistent with their dates. If you change dates (switch races in race plan), you need to change also the order of races, so championship score after each race is correctly calculated and displayed.

When you have multiple races on the same day, race order will be used to calculate and display championship standing after each race. Recommended option is to set lower order to races which will be evaluated first, higher to those later. If you race 1 short distance + 1 long distance race, it is better to set lower race order to the short distance race as it has a better chance to be evaluated sooner.

1 | Race order values should be consistent with race dates
Race order values should be consistent with race dates Kliknite pre zväčšenie
2 | Overall standing in results primary competition depends on correct order value
Overall standing in results primary competition depends on correct order value Kliknite pre zväčšenie

Alternatívne bodovanie

This feature will allow you to use different point systems for all results calculated within 1 race. Most of the times, all results use the same system that is set as default for the race. But it often happens that 1 or more clubs want to use diferrent score calculation than the rest of the district. In such case, this feature is what they need.

1 | Link is placed under district race plan
Link is placed under district race plan Kliknite pre zväčšenie
2 | There is also link in race plan administration for quick access
There is also link in race plan administration for quick access Kliknite pre zväčšenie
Creating new alternative point system

Creating new system is very easy, just pick a name for you new system and click "Add" button to save it. It will be automatically displayed among existing systems in the top panel.

After creating a system, click its name in the systems list in the top to select it. When a system is selected, you will get season race plan on the right side. There you can define your custom point system for each race individually.

1 | Pick a name for your new point system and click "Add" button
Pick a name for your new point system and click Kliknite pre zväčšenie
2 | Select your new system to get available races
Select your new system to get available races Kliknite pre zväčšenie
3 | Modal window with point system parameters for selected race
Modal window with point system parameters for selected race Kliknite pre zväčšenie

To use your new point system, go to Types of results administration, edit Type of results where it should be used ad select it. In case you did not define new parameters for all the races, those without them will use default parameters set for Race.

Pozrite si video ukážku
Creating new alternative point system