Dobre vedieť predtým, ako začnete

  • Pigeon listing can decrease typing mistakes in case your administrators import race arrivals manually - system will look for entered arrived pigeon in listing database and display warning icon in case it is not found
  • Administrators can use pigeon listing to speed up process of manual import of race arrivals by using pigeon index from listing to enter instead of whole ring number.
  • If you change pigeon sex in pigeon listing, it will be changed also in pigeon profile in My Pigeons section. If you change sex in pigeon profile, sex in pigeon listing will not be affected for restriction purposes.

Prečo použiť evidenciu?

Evidencia holubov je jednoduché vytvorenie zoznamu holubov pre chovateľa a sezónu v našej online databáze. Zoznam môže obsahovať všetky holuby chovateľa alebo len limitovaný počet podľa nastavenia v OZ

In some countries purpose of pigeon listing is to control all pigeons that will be racing in coming season, gather them in central database to have complete overview for statistical reports, chip ring code pairings in online database etc...

Some federations or smaller organisations use pigeon listing to limit number of pigeons attending certain competitions fe. national championship, district point championship. Good example is Polish national championship, that allows only 50 pigeons selected before season for each fancier to collect score for national categories. Other pigeons can still compete in other competitions.

Potrebné právomoci

Required access level can vary among different countries. Some federations apply more strict rules for managing pigeon listing database.

Users who can manage pigeon listing for selected fancier:
  • Country administrator - can manage all fanciers, even after expired time limit
  • District administrator - can manage fanciers in all clubs within his district, only within defined time limit
  • Club administrator - can manage fanciers in his club, only within defined time limit
  • Registered user with approved account pairing to selected fancier - only in countries that allow fanciers to manage their own listings

Limits for pigeon listing

Pigeon listing can be defined for every district, every season - for old birds and young birds separately. Every district can define their own limits regarding maximum number of birds and due date after which listing cannot be edited.

Limits are shown on fancier listing page
Limits are shown on fancier listing page Kliknite pre zväčšenie
Limits can be changed only by Country administrator
Limits can be changed only by Country administrator Kliknite pre zväčšenie

Manual data operations

Basic operations like adding a pigeon, editing or deleting records can be done manually for users that have appropriate access level.

Link to access manual operations on fancier listing page
Link to access manual operations on fancier listing page Kliknite pre zväčšenie
Form to enter pigeon ring number
Form to enter pigeon ring number Kliknite pre zväčšenie
Pozrite si video ukážku
Quick preview of possible manual operations on video
Pigeons can be added to listing also from My Pigeons section

Data import from ETS output

Fanciers that own any ETS system usually make chip-pairing before season. Normally any ETS system can export list of pigeons to some electronic format. This file can be used to create pigeon listing and import all available data to online database.

MyPigeons can import all common ETS outputs and also MS excel sheets for universal import option.

Access ETS data import from organisation listing page
Access ETS data import from organisation listing page Kliknite pre zväčšenie
Access ETS data import from fancier listing page
Access ETS data import from fancier listing page Kliknite pre zväčšenie
Pozrite si video ukážku
Example how to import data from Benzing Pidexx file

Race data import integration

Pigeon listing plays nicely with manual race data import. When administrator types pigeon ring number while manually entering arrivals, system displays if pigeon is listed for current season or not. If not, that could be first clue that arrival might not be ok.

If pigeon listing display is turned on for results, listing status is also displayed directly in results, so fanciers can see if everything is OK with their arrivals or they can report possible mistake right away, so there are no surprises with missing performance records after season.

Listing indicator is displayed on race data import panel
Listing indicator is displayed on race data import panel Kliknite pre zväčšenie
You can use pigeon index to find pigeon from listing
You can use pigeon index to find pigeon from listing Kliknite pre zväčšenie
Listing indicator can be displayed also in results
Listing indicator can be displayed also in results Kliknite pre zväčšenie

Vaccination management

In some countries fanciers need to secure vaccination certificate before season to be able to race pigeons from neighbouring countries. Pigeons that are transported across borders need to be vaccinated against paramyxovirus or additional known diseases. Fancier usually sends this certificate to his federation where all the documents are stored as proofs of vaccination.

This process can be optimised using our online listing database combined with vaccination feature. Documents can be scanned to electronic format such as pdf and uploaded to our servers. Accessing online vaccination certificates is very quick and easy either via fancier listing page or directly via race results, clicking on pigeon profile and his medical records. Each vaccination is easily traceable online.

Starting new vaccination

To start new vaccination process, just click the button in the left panel. All pigeons that are present in current listing in moment of starting new vaccination will be given new medical record with this particular vaccination.

After creating new vaccination, you will be able to download pdf certificate with list of your pigeons. You can print out the document, have it signed by your veterinary with some additional information.

Fill out basic info about your veterinary and start new vaccination
Fill out basic info about your veterinary and start new vaccination Kliknite pre zväčšenie
New record will be created with pigeons in your listing
New record will be created with pigeons in your listing Kliknite pre zväčšenie
Your vaccination certificate is ready for download and print
Your vaccination certificate is ready for download and print Kliknite pre zväčšenie
Finish vaccination process

After you vaccinated your pigeons and got your certificate signed by your vet, you can scan the document back to electronic form and upload it to our server to close the vaccination process. Vaccination will be marked as finished and certificate will be available online via your listing page or your pigeon profiles.

Select your pending vaccination
Select your pending vaccination Kliknite pre zväčšenie
Upload your scanned certificate
Upload your scanned certificate Kliknite pre zväčšenie
Certificate is now available online
Certificate is now available online Kliknite pre zväčšenie
Accessing vaccination records via pigeon profiles

Vaccination certificate is easily available also via pigeon profiles accessed by clickin a pigeon in results or competition. In pigeon's medical records you will find also his finished vaccinations with link to corresponding certificate

Click pigeon in results to access his profile
Click pigeon in results to access his profile Kliknite pre zväčšenie
Click his medical records tab
Click his medical records tab Kliknite pre zväčšenie
All vaccinations for this pigeon are displayed here
All vaccinations for this pigeon are displayed here Kliknite pre zväčšenie
Pozrite si video ukážku
Watch whole process with data import, vaccination start and finish to tracing vaccination in race results