Report lost pigeon

* At least one contact field is required

You should find 3 or 4 pieces of data on pigeon's ring (depending on country). Every pigeon has unique combination of ring data.

  1. Country code: usually 2 or more characters describing country of origin. Examples: SK, CZ, HUNG, AUSTRIA, NL, BELG...
  2. Year: 2 or 4 digits describing year of pigeon's hatching. Examples: 02, 10, 14 or 2002, 2010, 2014...
  3. Organisation (optional): used only by some federations (Slovak, Czech, Hungarian, German...). Code of organisation usually starts by zero. Please do not mix it with ring number. Examples: 0107, 0400, 03779... Sometimes it can be special string like DERBY, OLIMPIA, VR98, M-55, PZHGP
  4. Ring number: numeric value, unique for ring series. Examples: 12, 397, 12556...

Please always use this specific order while reporting a lost pigeon. You can separate the data by white space, dash, comma, colon or semicolon...


  • SK 12 02302 841
  • CZ 08 0245 652
  • DV 12 03548 3214
  • BELG 11 1254788
  • PL 11 PZHGP 45878
  • PL 14 0235 6874
  • HU 11 D 45878
  • HU 14 06 6548

International reporting tools for lost pigeons

List of reported pigeons


Band number Pigeon condition Date Reported by Fancier Organisation Detail
IQ-2021-IARP-4424952 Able to fly 13.02.2025 Yasir Mundher Habh Not available Not available
IQ-2019-1062278 Injured 13.02.2025 Saud Abu Amar علي دارسين بتي البصرة
ITALIA-2023-23311405 Able to fly 12.02.2025 Saud Abu Amar Not available Not available
IQ-2025-3001 Able to fly 12.02.2025 Saud Abu Amar سعود ابو عمار ذي قار
IQ-2019-104373 Able to fly 08.02.2025 علي الشمري Not available Not available
IQ-2022-1018975 Able to fly 06.02.2025 Jabbar sami Not available Not available
IQ-2024-82713 Dead 31.01.2025 Ellen Wortmann Not available Not available
IQ-2023-1002689 Able to fly 24.01.2025 محمد داودزاده احمد عبد العباس البصرة
IQ-2014-1121522 Able to fly 24.01.2025 محمد Not available Not available
KSA-2020-2117 Injured 14.01.2025 Amber Not available Not available
IQ-2024-1055505 Able to fly 27.12.2024 Mohemmed Radi Not available Not available
IQ-2023-26886 Exhausted 27.11.2024 Con Döring Not available Not available
IQ-2020-945514 Able to fly 04.11.2024 Ayad altmimi Not available Not available
IQ-2022-13918 Exhausted 12.10.2024 Sarah Winston Not available Not available
NL-2018-4000850 Dead 08.10.2024 Mateusz Not available Not available
IQ-2022-58903 Exhausted 28.09.2024 Susanne Ohlsen Not available Not available
IQ-2020-187258 Exhausted 17.09.2024 Kristin Not available Not available
IQ-2020-3126698 Able to fly 02.09.2024 Hamed Taze Not available Not available
IQ-2019-9029474 Able to fly 31.08.2024 امیر_mlw mlw مصطفى عبدالهادي البصرة
IQ-2022-1162004 Able to fly 27.08.2024 بدر بعاجی Not available Not available
IQ-2024-2244801 Exhausted 25.08.2024 Aryan adnan Not available Not available
IQ-2024-PM-16202 Able to fly 31.07.2024 Marc Wassum Not available Not available
IQ-2022-2015746 Able to fly 31.07.2024 ali ali Not available Not available
IQ-2022-15746 Able to fly 31.07.2024 ali ali Not available Not available
QTR-2012-45745677-8 Able to fly 31.07.2024 ali ali Not available Not available
IQ-2022-3453 Able to fly 31.07.2024 جلال التميمي Not available Not available
IQ-2022-093-4294967295 Exhausted 12.07.2024 Riley Not available Not available
IQ-2022-093-4294967295 Exhausted 12.07.2024 Riley Not available Not available
IQ-2022-5055451713-93 Exhausted 12.07.2024 Riley Not available Not available
IQ-2023-1049644 Able to fly 06.07.2024 عباس مقدم Not available Not available
IQ-2023-120384 Injured 27.06.2024 Ирина Not available Not available
IQ-2018-IARP-1255141 Exhausted 17.06.2024 Raed Kamil Naser Not available Not available
IQ-2023-1234 Able to fly 15.06.2024 Oleg Not available Not available
IQ-2022-21644 Able to fly 03.06.2024 Crismencocamas Not available Not available
IQ-2022-54452 Injured 17.05.2024 Matt ferruzzi Not available Not available
IQ-2022-422843 Able to fly 15.05.2024 Tom Stouffer Not available Not available
IQ-2022-61948 Dead 03.05.2024 A.M. Hottinga Not available Not available
KUW-2010-128166 Able to fly 07.04.2024 Ali Not available Not available
IQ-2023-185668 Able to fly 01.04.2024 patricia Not available Not available
IQ-2023-1174598 Exhausted 31.03.2024 Abbas Not available Not available
IQ-2022-73641 Dead 29.03.2024 Günter Eggink Not available Not available
IQ-2023-185668 Able to fly 22.03.2024 Patricia moraes Not available Not available
+44-2024-IRAQ-2023 Able to fly 22.03.2024 Patricia moraes Not available Not available
IQ-2023-251940 Able to fly 22.03.2024 Samir Dagglavi Not available Not available
IQ-2020-1049636 Able to fly 21.03.2024 حيدر علي محمد Not available Not available
IQ-2020-IARP-7079855 Exhausted 21.03.2024 sheref Not available Not available
IQ-2023-58129 Dead 08.03.2024 Eric Kehler Not available Not available
IQ-2023-11005811 Able to fly 21.02.2024 AHMAD ELANI Not available Not available
FR-2023-515269 Injured 17.02.2024 RJ Brubio Not available Not available
IQ-2022-7707233 Able to fly 09.02.2024 Ahmed Raheem غانم جبار واسط / الكوت
HU-2014-O-36990 Able to fly 31.01.2024 Balázs József. Not available Not available
IQ-2023-1222742 Exhausted 27.01.2024 جلال التميمي Not available Not available
IQ-2022-6643516 Able to fly 19.01.2024 Ahmed Burhan Not available Not available
IQ-2023-1026961 Able to fly 15.01.2024 AhmedRaheem احمد عبد الزهرة البصرة
IQ-2017-753456 Able to fly 07.01.2024 fh Not available Not available
IQ-2019-18546 Able to fly 24.12.2023 AHMAD ELANI ابو رضا الحجيمي ذي قار
IQ-2019-9028 Able to fly 24.12.2023 AHMAD ELANI رحيم ابو كاظم ذي قار
KSA-2020-5222 Injured 15.12.2023 Samir Not available Not available
IQ-2020-5222 Injured 15.12.2023 Samir سعدي جاسم ذي قار
IQ-2022-1111789 Able to fly 09.12.2023 ahmed Not available Not available
IQ-2014-4643 Able to fly 02.12.2023 Whatcom Humane Not available Not available
IQ-2002-1160 Able to fly 02.12.2023 Shajjad shah Not available Not available
IQ-2022-31287 Able to fly 30.11.2023 Hasan Not available Not available
IQ-2016-4618 Dead 11.11.2023 Isabelle Bradbury Not available Not available
IQ-2020-187302 Able to fly 31.10.2023 P Shepard Not available Not available
IQ-2021-110505 Injured 26.10.2023 Jennifer Gould Not available Not available
IQ-2022-39860 Injured 24.10.2023 S Wiggers Not available Not available
IQ-2020-39423 Able to fly 29.09.2023 باسم رحمان باسم محسن واسط / الكوت
HU-2023-D-411596 Able to fly 19.09.2023 Triebl károly Not available Not available
NL-2017-2569 Able to fly 26.08.2023 srood Not available Not available
IQ-2023-43538 Able to fly 25.08.2023 Necdet Not available Not available
IQ-2020-15275 Able to fly 19.08.2023 richard westerhoven Not available Not available
KUWAITCLUB-2018-FCI-220046 Able to fly 11.08.2023 AhmedRaheem Not available Not available
KUWAIT-2018-FCI-220046 Able to fly 11.08.2023 AhmedRaheem Not available Not available
IQ-2020-FCI-39423 Able to fly 11.08.2023 AhmedRaheem Not available Not available
IQ-2019-888101 Exhausted 29.07.2023 Anna Not available Not available
IQ-2020-39911 Exhausted 20.07.2023 Stefanie Stewart Not available Not available
IQ-2018-IARP-108495 Dead 03.07.2023 طارق Not available Not available
IQ-2023-181885 Exhausted 03.07.2023 Scott Not available Not available
IQ-2022-55250 Able to fly 27.06.2023 Samantha Not available Not available
IQ-2022-101183 Able to fly 05.06.2023 Herczeg-Csomós Szilvia Not available Not available
IQ-2022-310900 Able to fly 04.06.2023 Tom O'Mara Not available Not available
IQ-2015-9435 Able to fly 18.05.2023 حمزه العامري Not available Not available
KUW-2019-53148 Able to fly 13.05.2023 مهدي خالد Not available Not available
IQ-2014-1 Able to fly 06.05.2023 مهدي خالد Kazem Majek Syria
IQ-2017-72497 Able to fly 06.05.2023 مهدي خالد Not available Not available
IQ-2019-4422 Able to fly 06.05.2023 مهدي خالد عباس جاسب ميسان / العماره
IQ-2020-113335 Exhausted 04.05.2023 Amber Hackney Not available Not available
IQ-2022-30421 Exhausted 25.04.2023 V Not available Not available
IQ-2020-118185 Dead 22.04.2023 Greg VanLaere Not available Not available
IQ-2022-7707206 Able to fly 09.04.2023 AhmedRaheem غانم جبار واسط / الكوت
IQ-2021-0196969-196838 Dead 03.04.2023 John Not available Not available
IQ-2022-8810339 Able to fly 16.03.2023 AhmedRaheem Not available Not available
IQ-2022-228986 Able to fly 16.03.2023 AhmedRaheem احمد رحيم واسط / الكوت
IQ-2021-4008732 Able to fly 16.03.2023 AhmedRaheem Not available Not available
IQ-2022-93881 Able to fly 16.03.2023 AhmedRaheem Not available Not available
IQ-2020-7072628 Able to fly 16.03.2023 AhmedRaheem Not available Not available
IQ-2022-2299488 Able to fly 16.03.2023 AhmedRaheem Not available Not available
IQ-2021-228644 Exhausted 16.03.2023 AhmedRaheem Not available Not available
IQ-2022-8697 Able to fly 16.03.2023 AhmedRaheem عمار احسان البصرة
IQ-2021-1028021 Able to fly 08.03.2023 Hassan Not available Not available
IQ-2021-8888882 Able to fly 15.02.2023 Meqo Not available Not available
IQ-2019-8888882 Able to fly 15.02.2023 Meqo Not available Not available
IQ-2020-220360 Dead 30.01.2023 Logan Ale Not available Not available
IQ-2020-18443 Dead 10.01.2023 Samir Daghlavo Not available Not available
IQ-2019-9023 Able to fly 10.01.2023 H Not available Not available
IQ-2018-1053807 Able to fly 07.12.2022 وحيد سليمانى Not available Not available
IQ-2021-4048603 Able to fly 07.12.2022 وحيد سليمانى Not available Not available
IQ-2019-9038745 Dead 03.12.2022 Mahmood al Basra Not available Not available
IQ-2020-158990 Able to fly 22.11.2022 Brendo Not available Not available
IQ-2018-1916412 Able to fly 10.11.2022 ابراهيم Not available Not available
IQ-2021-168627 Injured 24.10.2022 Amber Ridenhour Not available Not available
IQ-2021-016-8627 Injured 24.10.2022 Amber Ridenhour Not available Not available
BANGLADESH-2019-NOT-157 Able to fly 15.10.2022 Sakib Not available Not available
+964-2019-NOT-157 Able to fly 15.10.2022 Sakib Not available Not available
IQ-2020-117571 Able to fly 15.10.2022 Joseph Not available Not available
IQ-2022-0059646-685029315 Dead 26.09.2022 ED van DIJK Not available Not available
IQ-2019-319003 Able to fly 16.09.2022 Ruth Not available Not available
IQ-2020-2090239 Able to fly 12.09.2022 sadegh Not available Not available
IQ-2022-8082967 Dead 24.08.2022 Mia Andersson Not available Not available
IQ-2022-330316 Dead 08.08.2022 Julien Not available Not available
IQ-2020-226649 Exhausted 06.08.2022 Peters Wassens Not available Not available
IQ-2022-8082964 Able to fly 05.08.2022 Linda Not available Not available
IQ-2019-60360757 Able to fly 29.07.2022 وحيد سليمانى Not available Not available
IQ-2022-37446 Exhausted 11.07.2022 Lee Wiper Not available Not available
IQ-2022-28946 Exhausted 07.07.2022 Ibrahim Mohammed Not available Not available
IQ-2022-387629 Able to fly 07.07.2022 Steve Gooder Not available Not available
IQ-2020-83282 Injured 27.06.2022 Denis McCarthy Not available Not available
IQ-2020-IARD-1096827 Exhausted 27.05.2022 Hasan Not available Not available
IQ-2018-IRAP-1398926 Injured 23.04.2022 مقتدى السوداني Not available Not available
IQ-2018-IARP-1398926 Able to fly 23.04.2022 مقتدى السوداني Not available Not available
IQ-2021-238019 Injured 14.03.2022 Jade Damirez Not available Not available
IQ-2021-238029 Injured 14.03.2022 Jade Damirez Not available Not available
IQ-2020-02-4080888 Able to fly 09.03.2022 Moustafa Delphi صدام حسين بغداد/الرصافة
IQ-2017-02-4480888 Able to fly 09.03.2022 Moustafa Delphi Not available Not available
IQ-2020-02-4080881 Able to fly 09.03.2022 Moustafa Delphi صدام حسين بغداد/الرصافة
IQ-2020-111848 Dead 07.03.2022 nick Not available Not available
IQ-2018-1126240 Able to fly 12.12.2021 وحید Not available Not available
HU-2021-R-216614 Able to fly 07.10.2021 Tasi Tibor Not available Not available
HU-2021-17-44278 Able to fly 07.10.2021 Tasi Tibor Not available Not available
IQ-2019-1846112 Able to fly 16.09.2021 Dierenambulance zuid oost friesland Not available Not available
SK-2018-033005-84 Able to fly 12.06.2021 Pouzar Not available Not available
IQ-2021-196866 Able to fly 05.06.2021 Hashim Sarmad Azeez Not available Not available
IQ-2021-96593 Injured 04.06.2021 Raffy Soliman Not available Not available
IQ-2021-96953 Injured 04.06.2021 Raffy Soliman Not available Not available
IQ-2020-IARP-4104213 Able to fly 14.05.2021 J Not available Not available
IRAK-2020-00-17158 Able to fly 07.05.2021 Onni Rautiainen Not available Not available
SK-2006-A-237 Injured 26.04.2021 Dezider BIHÁRY Not available Not available
IQ-2020-62300 Exhausted 24.04.2021 Nathiele Andrade Not available Not available
IQ-2019-3181223 Able to fly 24.04.2021 Rj loh Pinos Not available Not available
IQ-2016-2852 Able to fly 14.04.2021 Ghassan alazzawi Not available Not available
BELG-2015-6008484 Able to fly 18.03.2021 مسلم Not available Not available
IQ-2021-IRAQ-111777 Able to fly 15.03.2021 Moustafa Delphi Not available Not available
IQ-2019-IRAQ-1046402 Able to fly 06.03.2021 محمد بروایه Not available Not available
IQ-2019-3062922 Able to fly 18.02.2021 Nayefalahwazi عماد فاضل الموصل
IQ-2020-161522 Injured 09.02.2021 Don Adamson Not available Not available
IQ-2020-30877 Able to fly 03.01.2021 Dalal Not available Not available
HU-2020-07-64952 Exhausted 30.08.2020 Vaicenbacherova Not available Not available
IQ-2020-17471 Able to fly 30.07.2020 REM ELLO Not available Not available
NL-2011-1693736 Able to fly 07.02.2020 brzan Not available Not available
NL-2012-1260561 Able to fly 28.01.2020 mohammed mousa Not available Not available
LQ-2019-BENZINE-11535318 Dead 24.12.2019 AHMED SATTAR Not available Not available
LQ-2019-BENZINE-1153518 Able to fly 24.12.2019 AHMED SATTAR Not available Not available
IQ-2012-490502 Injured 05.12.2019 ali Not available Not available
IQ-2019-91 Able to fly 26.08.2019 Nayeemul Azim Abir Not available Not available
IQ-2012-302082 Injured 16.03.2018 Reza keshavarz Not available Not available
BELG-2017-6086052 Dead 14.06.2017 Ellen Horemans Not available Not available