Select Season : 2024 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2020 | 2018 | 2019 |


  • Nr. of Fanciers: 77
  • Provided Pigeon Listings: 0
  • Nr. of listed pigeons: 0
  • Average Nr. of listed pigeons per Fancier: 0
View Manual


Club Nr. of Fanciers: Provided Pigeon Listings:
0401 Belá 15 0
0402 Gbeľany 6 0
0405 Terchová 23 0
0403 Stráža 13 0
0404 Teplička nad Váhom 6 0
0407 Teplička - Rínok 5 0
Sum 68 0


# Fancier Club Nr. of listed pigeons
{{ $index + 1 }} {{ fancier.fancier_ext_id }} | {{ fancier.fancier_name }} {{ fancier.club_name }} {{ fancier.pigeon_count }} |