Report lost pigeon

* At least one contact field is required

You should find 3 or 4 pieces of data on pigeon's ring (depending on country). Every pigeon has unique combination of ring data.

  1. Country code: usually 2 or more characters describing country of origin. Examples: SK, CZ, HUNG, AUSTRIA, NL, BELG...
  2. Year: 2 or 4 digits describing year of pigeon's hatching. Examples: 02, 10, 14 or 2002, 2010, 2014...
  3. Organisation (optional): used only by some federations (Slovak, Czech, Hungarian, German...). Code of organisation usually starts by zero. Please do not mix it with ring number. Examples: 0107, 0400, 03779... Sometimes it can be special string like DERBY, OLIMPIA, VR98, M-55, PZHGP
  4. Ring number: numeric value, unique for ring series. Examples: 12, 397, 12556...

Please always use this specific order while reporting a lost pigeon. You can separate the data by white space, dash, comma, colon or semicolon...


  • SK 12 02302 841
  • CZ 08 0245 652
  • DV 12 03548 3214
  • BELG 11 1254788
  • PL 11 PZHGP 45878
  • PL 14 0235 6874
  • HU 11 D 45878
  • HU 14 06 6548

International reporting tools for lost pigeons

List of reported pigeons


Band number Pigeon condition Date Reported by Fancier Organisation Detail
DV-2024-061608-680 Able to fly 12.09.2024 heather Not available Not available
PL-2022-094-6748 Exhausted 25.08.2024 Johanna Precht Not available Not available
DV-2023-0680-84016 Able to fly 18.08.2024 Steve O'Dea Not available Not available
DV-2024-06401-928 Able to fly 04.08.2024 Paweł Not available Not available
HU-2024-14-85457 Able to fly 03.08.2024 sandra Not available Not available
DV-2017-07854-467 Dead 16.06.2024 Aniri Not available Not available
DV-2022-03247-6 Exhausted 04.06.2024 Josef Liška Not available Not available
DV-2023-0397-57 Dead 03.06.2024 Silke Kämpfer Not available Not available
CZ-2023-0169-713 Exhausted 27.05.2024 Egon Walther Not available Not available
DV-2019-06030-19 Dead 24.05.2024 Adam Jeczmionka Not available Not available
BE-2023-1006525 Dead 10.04.2024 Nina Mashänser Not available Not available
NL-2023-2326592 Able to fly 09.04.2024 Susanne Risthaus Not available Not available
ITALIA-2013-33981 Able to fly 01.04.2024 Sofia Wurzer Not available Not available
DV-2001-023-4486 Injured 10.03.2024 Stephanie Wedemeyer Not available Not available
BELG-2017-6007547 Able to fly 05.11.2023 Ali Öktem Not available Not available
DV-2015-0537-7572 Able to fly 29.10.2023 Daan Roux Not available Not available
BELG-2004-2213000 Dead 07.10.2023 Michaela Preyl Not available Not available
DV-2023-03825-178 Exhausted 22.09.2023 Teodor-Petre Cioaca Not available Not available
PL-2023-0256-5529 Dead 17.09.2023 Axmann Not available Not available
EE-2020-D-6957 Injured 10.09.2023 Kriesel.Sonja Not available Not available
PL-2023-0309-3218 Dead 27.08.2023 Felix W. Not available Not available
PL-2023-0261-3260 Exhausted 25.08.2023 Caroline Konrad Not available Not available
DV-2023-03639-19 Exhausted 22.08.2023 Janette Wrba Not available Not available
PL-2023-083-2534 Exhausted 21.08.2023 Martin Preuße Not available Not available
DAN-2024-2022-376 Able to fly 21.07.2023 Lieselotte Klings Not available Not available
NL-2022-8629126 Able to fly 15.07.2023 Seelmann Not available Not available
CZ-2021-0394-6 Able to fly 29.06.2023 Werner NUTZ Not available Not available
PL-2022-0193-3074 Able to fly 28.06.2023 Tommy Not available Not available
DV-2021-08915-244 Exhausted 22.06.2023 Petra Burr Not available Not available
DV-2021-08921-244 Able to fly 22.06.2023 Christoph Sindakowski Not available Not available
NL-2022-8559116 Injured 20.06.2023 Dahm Not available Not available
DV-2021-08915-244 Exhausted 20.06.2023 Christoph Sindakowski Not available Not available
DV-2023-02887-2129 Dead 18.06.2023 Jennie Huber Not available Not available
DAN-2022-055-1831 Dead 07.06.2023 Lieselotte Klings Not available Not available
NL-2022-8051997 Able to fly 07.05.2023 Lieselotte Klings Not available Not available
GB-2020-S-38475 Able to fly 21.04.2023 Lieselotte Klings Not available Not available
DV-2022-02407-207 Able to fly 23.08.2022 Emily savage Not available Not available
PL-2022-01683-370 Able to fly 18.08.2022 Mariela Leon Not available Not available
SK-2019-0406-22 Injured 30.07.2022 Bianca Sokol Not available Not available
DV-2022-05470-400 Exhausted 28.07.2022 Sandra Engelmann Not available Not available
DV-2022-054-70 Exhausted 28.07.2022 Sandra Engelmann Not available Not available
DV-2022-05-470 Exhausted 28.07.2022 Sandra Engelmann Not available RegV Allgäu-Schwaben
AUSTRIA-2000-413-500 Exhausted 25.07.2022 Karl Leitl Not available Not available
DV-2014-0699-230 Dead 08.06.2022 Fadel Not available Not available
DV-2021-04500-229 Able to fly 06.06.2022 Müller Manuela Not available Not available
DV-2021-06723-1524 Able to fly 31.05.2022 János Nyitrai Not available Not available
CHN-2021-101752 Exhausted 22.05.2022 Peter Edelmann Not available Not available
DV-2021-05453-71 Dead 02.05.2022 Wolkerstorfer Not available Not available
BELG-2021-3089903 Exhausted 29.07.2021 Hartmut Not available Not available
DV-2016-03849-86 Dead 03.10.2020 Mathias Drometer Rudolf Kraus RegV Allgäu-Schwaben
DV-2016-086-3849 Dead 03.10.2020 Mathias Drometer Not available Not available
DV-2018-029-338 Able to fly 11.09.2020 Evgeni Mitev Not available Not available
NL-2019-1704507 Dead 18.08.2020 André Not available Not available
DV-2019-NL-1704507 Dead 18.08.2020 André Not available Not available
PL-2020-034240-416 Able to fly 17.08.2020 Holz stefanie Not available Not available
DV-2008-03971-740 Exhausted 04.08.2020 Braun Not available Not available
DV-2018-04176-561 Able to fly 02.08.2020 ChalakIbrahim Not available Not available
DV-2020-01007-347 Exhausted 07.07.2020 johan Not available Not available
SK-2019-0610-969 Able to fly 06.07.2020 Iris Albold Not available Not available
DV-2009-02690-693 Able to fly 18.06.2020 Sylwester Not available Not available
DV-2014-0182-1182 Able to fly 08.06.2020 issam lakbir Not available Not available
NL-2017-1643503 Able to fly 23.01.2018 Michael Göttel Not available Not available