Race Nr.: 14 | Date: 16.07.2017 | Time of Liberation: 07:00:00

Organizer: OZ Terchová | Processed by: Jozef Sivák

GPS Coordinates: 52:41:12.9 | 9:14:50.3

Range: 777.524 km - 790.352 km

Series: 10 / 3

Point System: 140 / 4 / 2 %


Liberation: Zamračené, teplota 15 C, slabý J vietor


Nr. of Pigeons: 201 | 20 %: 40

Nr. of Fanciers: 30

Race Duration: 02:01:28

First Pigeon:

SK-2013-0401-873 | Arrival: 1 | 17:31:27

Speed: 1233.786 | Distance: 779.095 km

Fancier: Babiš L+Cvinger | Club: 0401 Belá

Last Pigeon:

SK-2013-0405-297 | Arrival: 1 | 19:43:49

Speed: 1034.740 | Distance: 790.352 km

Fancier: Viglaš Ján | Club: 0405 Terchová

Last re-calculation: 07.08.2017, 09:26 | Jozef Sivák
ClubFanciersNr. of PigeonsPrizes% of Prizes% of Birds with PrizesPoints
0401 - Belá15921537.5 %16.3 %1 868
0405 - Terchová151092562.5 %22.94 %2 560
Sum30201404 428
Prize - fromPrize - toPoints
1 4 127
5 8 127
9 12 127
13 16 127
17 20 124
21 24 120
25 28 116
29 32 112
33 36 108
37 40 104

No photograph

# 1 | Babis L + Cvinger

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 4034

Distance: 779.094970703125 km | Clock Deviation [s]: -1

Basketed : 5 | Clocked : 2 (40 %)

Total Points : 1 348 | Overall Standing : 27

Display route on Map
9 (264)
Standing in Race
27 (1 348)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
1 2 SK-2013-0401-873 17:31:27 1 233,786 4.975 140
19 4 SK-2014-03105-217 18:46:26 1 102,831 94.527 124
Sum 264

No photograph

# 2 | Holubek Viktor ml.

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 6072

Distance: 783.4290161132812 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 1

Basketed : 10 | Clocked : 2 (20 %)

Total Points : 5 142 | Overall Standing : 2

Display route on Map
8 (264)
Standing in Race
2 (5 142)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
2 6 SK-2014-01403-412 17:35:27 1 232,873 9.950 140
20 8 SK-2015-0405-521 18:55:04 1 095,603 99.502 124
Sum 264

# 3 | Pucek Miroslav

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 225

Distance: 777.7269897460938 km | Clock Deviation [s]: -2

Basketed : 10 | Clocked : 2 (20 %)

Total Points : 4 668 | Overall Standing : 3

Display route on Map
7 (276)
Standing in Race
3 (4 668)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
3 10 SK-2013-0401-102 17:44:56 1 205,841 14.925 140
5 8 SK-2014-0401-565 17:55:20 1 186,705 24.876 136
Sum 276

# 4 | Chabada B.+ Boháč R .

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 250

Distance: 779.3989868164062 km | Clock Deviation [s]: -2

Basketed : 4 | Clocked : 1 (25 %)

Total Points : 2 772 | Overall Standing : 15

Display route on Map
13 (140)
Standing in Race
15 (2 772)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
4 2 SK-2014-0401-286 17:49:27 1 200,029 19.900 140
Sum 140

No photograph

# 5 | Šmehyl Frantiek

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 274

Distance: 783.06298828125 km | Clock Deviation [s]: -4

Basketed : 10 | Clocked : 2 (20 %)

Total Points : 4 648 | Overall Standing : 4

Display route on Map
10 (264)
Standing in Race
4 (4 648)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
6 10 SK-2015-0405-636 18:00:13 1 185,950 29.851 136
14 4 SK-2013-0405-475 18:35:40 1 125,522 69.652 128
Sum 264

No photograph

# 6 | Boháč Karol + Vrábel Miroslav

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 259

Distance: 779.719970703125 km | Clock Deviation [s]: -2

Basketed : 10 | Clocked : 1 (10 %)

Total Points : 2 324 | Overall Standing : 22

Display route on Map
14 (136)
Standing in Race
22 (2 324)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
7 4 SK-2014-0401-665 18:13:39 1 157,398 34.826 136
Sum 136

No photograph

# 7 | Adamec Jozef

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 6065

Distance: 782.8330078125 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 5 | Clocked : 3 (60 %)

Total Points : 3 868 | Overall Standing : 9

Display route on Map
4 (356)
Standing in Race
9 (3 868)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
8 2 SK-2014-0403-127 18:16:58 1 156,383 39.801 136
30 1 SK-2013-0405-554 19:14:01 1 066,506 149.254 112
35 5 SK-2011-0405-445 19:26:38 1 048,484 174.129 108
Sum 356

# 8 | Hanuliak F + Jellus

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 273

Distance: 785.1430053710938 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 13 | Clocked : 5 (38 %)

Total Points : 5 386 | Overall Standing : 1

Display route on Map
3 (360)
Standing in Race
1 (5 386)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
9 13 SK-2014-0405-1041 18:21:01 1 152,898 44.776 132
18 10 SK-2013-0405-976 18:51:12 1 103,969 89.552 124
22 3 SK-2015-0405-1830 18:57:01 1 095,014 109.453 120
25 5 SK-2015-0405-372 19:02:30 1 086,703 124.378 116
39 7 DV-2014-06687-276 19:36:32 1 037,817 194.030 104
Sum 360

No photograph

# 9 | Durana Martin

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 6044

Distance: 777.5239868164062 km | Clock Deviation [s]: -1

Basketed : 5 | Clocked : 2 (40 %)

Total Points : 832 | Overall Standing : 32

Display route on Map
11 (248)
Standing in Race
32 (832)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
10 1 SK-2015-0401-253 18:20:33 1 142,466 49.751 132
27 5 SK-2013-0401-193 19:02:51 1 075,612 134.328 116
Sum 248

No photograph

# 10 | Krizo Michal

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 283

Distance: 782.9390258789062 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 6 | Clocked : 3 (50 %)

Total Points : 3 930 | Overall Standing : 8

Display route on Map
5 (348)
Standing in Race
8 (3 930)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
11 3 SK-2013-0405-504 18:25:54 1 141,477 54.726 132
33 6 SK-2013-0405-502 19:24:56 1 051,019 164.179 108
34 1 SK-2014-0405-746 19:25:50 1 049,751 169.154 108
Sum 348

No photograph

# 11 | Hajas Vaclav

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 6068

Distance: 784.4660034179688 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 1

Basketed : 10 | Clocked : 3 (30 %)

Total Points : 4 618 | Overall Standing : 5

Display route on Map
1 (368)
Standing in Race
5 (4 618)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
12 10 SK-2014-0405-1269 18:27:52 1 140,433 59.701 132
24 1 SK-2014-0405-1255 18:59:47 1 089,864 119.403 120
26 9 SK-2014-0405-1263 19:03:18 1 084,565 129.353 116
Sum 368

No photograph

# 12 | Kristofik Vladimir

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 220

Distance: 784.7360229492188 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 10 | Clocked : 1 (10 %)

Total Points : 3 606 | Overall Standing : 10

Display route on Map
16 (128)
Standing in Race
10 (3 606)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
13 1 SK-2013-0405-1669 18:29:07 1 138,756 64.677 128
Sum 128

# 13 | Janosik M+M+J

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 278

Distance: 784.5339965820312 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 2

Basketed : 10 | Clocked : 5 (50 %)

Total Points : 3 478 | Overall Standing : 11

Display route on Map
2 (368)
Standing in Race
11 (3 478)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
15 9 SK-2014-0405-844 18:40:20 1 120,229 74.627 128
21 5 SK-2014-0405-784 18:56:16 1 095,310 104.478 120
23 4 SK-2015-0405-953 18:58:12 1 092,361 114.428 120
29 2 SK-2014-0405-790 19:12:53 1 070,476 144.279 112
37 10 SK-2012-0405-1792 19:32:38 1 042,385 184.080 104
Sum 368

No photograph

# 14 | Mucka Viktor + Maria+Marcel+Dominika

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 6047

Distance: 779.614990234375 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 3 | Clocked : 1 (33 %)

Total Points : 2 820 | Overall Standing : 14

Display route on Map
15 (128)
Standing in Race
14 (2 820)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
16 1 CZ-2015-090-68 18:36:26 1 119,440 79.602 128
Sum 128

No photograph

# 15 | Matko+ Struharnansky

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 4035

Distance: 779.5 km | Clock Deviation [s]: -3

Basketed : 10 | Clocked : 3 (30 %)

Total Points : 4 042 | Overall Standing : 6

Display route on Map
6 (340)
Standing in Race
6 (4 042)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
17 9 SK-2014-0401-367 18:41:40 1 110,847 84.577 124
31 7 SK-2014-0401-336 19:16:03 1 058,959 154.229 112
38 8 SK-2013-0401-530 19:30:01 1 039,241 189.055 104
Sum 340

No photograph

# 16 | Tomasov Milan + Jana

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 6050

Distance: 777.676025390625 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 7

Basketed : 10 | Clocked : 2 (20 %)

Total Points : 2 904 | Overall Standing : 13

Display route on Map
12 (228)
Standing in Race
13 (2 904)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
28 1 SK-2013-0401-313 19:04:58 1 072,706 139.303 116
32 6 SK-2013-03306-182 19:16:01 1 056,601 159.204 112
Sum 228

No photograph

# 17 | Zingora Tibor

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 263

Distance: 779.22998046875 km | Clock Deviation [s]: -2

Basketed : 4 | Clocked : 1 (25 %)

Total Points : 598 | Overall Standing : 36

Display route on Map
17 (108)
Standing in Race
36 (598)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
36 3 SK-2014-0401-388 19:26:28 1 043,845 179.104 108
Sum 108

# 18 | Viglaš Ján

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 2174

Distance: 790.3519897460938 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 2

Basketed : 6 | Clocked : 1 (17 %)

Total Points : 1 766 | Overall Standing : 26

Display route on Map
18 (104)
Standing in Race
26 (1 766)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
40 6 SK-2013-0405-297 19:43:49 1 034,740 199.005 104
Sum 104
Lofts on Map

Connected competitions

Connected results

Other Race Participants

1 6744 | Múčka Marcel 779.614990234375 km 0401 Belá 1
2 255 | Franek Peter st.1961 781.3610229492188 km 0401 Belá 2
3 5338 | Struharnansky Pavol 783.1810302734375 km 0405 Terchová 2
4 270 | Davidik Radovan + T 783.5659790039062 km 0405 Terchová 3
5 251 | Cabadaj Jan 779.3989868164062 km 0401 Belá 3
6 291 | Nemcek Jozef 781.9539794921875 km 0405 Terchová 5
7 295 | Romancik Martin 784.9569702148438 km 0405 Terchová 5
8 299 | Šmehyl Frantiek 783.0280151367188 km 0405 Terchová 5
9 6045 | Erdelyi Imrich 779.094970703125 km 0401 Belá 6
10 265 | Chabada Miroslav 778.5709838867188 km 0401 Belá 9
11 281 | Kristofik Jan st. 784.9749755859375 km 0405 Terchová 9
12 6041 | Cabadaj Lubomir 779.2969970703125 km 0401 Belá 10