Race Nr.: 5 | Date: 04.06.2017 | Time of Liberation: 06:00:00

Organizer: OZ Ružomberok | Processed by: Zuzana Urbaníková

GPS Coordinates: 50:0:24 | 14:20:36

Range: 363.995 km - 373.323 km

Series: 999 / 7

Point System: 60 / 3 / 2 %




Nr. of Pigeons: 271 | 20 %: 54

Nr. of Fanciers: 11

Race Duration: 00:48:11

First Pigeon:

SK-2013-02907-418 | Arrival: 1 | 11:32:48

Speed: 1121.764 | Distance: 373.323 km

Fancier: Maretta Jozef | Club: 0303 Dolný Kubín

Last Pigeon:

SK-2015-0305-1298 | Arrival: 1 | 12:14:41

Speed: 979.907 | Distance: 367.155 km

Fancier: Čáni Ľudovít | Club: 0303 Dolný Kubín

Last re-calculation: 06.06.2017, 15:50 | Peter Kurek
Prize - fromPrize - toPoints
1 5 60
6 11 57
12 16 54
17 22 51
23 27 48
28 33 45
34 38 42
39 43 39
44 49 36
50 54 33

No photograph

# 1 | Maretta Jozef

Club : 0303 - Dolný Kubín | Fancier ID: 2096

Distance: 373.322998046875 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 25 | Clocked : 16 (64 %)

Total Points : 1 893 | Overall Standing : 2

Display route on Map
1 (402)
Standing in Race
2 (1 893)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Points
1 23 SK-2013-02907-418 11:32:48 1 121,764 60
2 19 SK-2014-01706-1307 11:35:46 1 111,852 60
4 22 SK-2016-0303-1210 11:41:24 1 093,506 60
6 11 SK-2016-0303-1230 11:42:23 1 090,366 57
7 21 DV-2015-05138-1035 11:45:11 1 081,521 57
12 13 SK-2015-0303-955 11:50:18 1 065,724 54
15 10 SK-2016-0303-1206 11:53:42 1 055,479 54
18 1 SK-2015-0303-932 11:55:04 1 051,417 51
21 15 SK-2016-0303-1257 11:56:58 1 045,820 51
22 7 SK-2016-0303-1240 11:57:40 1 043,774 51
26 2 SK-2012-02907-761 11:58:42 1 040,767 48
31 24 SK-2013-02907-441 11:59:52 1 037,393 45
38 9 SK-2016-0303-1202 12:09:15 1 011,030 42
42 17 SK-2012-02907-737 12:10:44 1 006,985 39
50 5 SK-2014-01706-1297 12:19:15 984,372 33
52 12 SK-2015-0303-903 12:20:00 982,429 33

# 2 | Čáni Ľudovít

Club : 0303 - Dolný Kubín | Fancier ID: 5962

Distance: 367.1549987792969 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 39 | Clocked : 15 (38 %)

Total Points : 1 857 | Overall Standing : 3

Display route on Map
3 (354)
Standing in Race
3 (1 857)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Points
3 27 SK-2012-02907-375 11:35:03 1 095,822 60
13 22 SK-2015-0305-1220 11:45:49 1 061,704 54
14 32 SK-2015-0305-1280 11:46:17 1 060,273 54
23 36 PL-2015-0204-5781 11:51:53 1 043,400 48
25 30 SK-2015-0305-1275 11:52:31 1 041,525 48
28 19 SK-2014-01706-1410 11:53:00 1 040,099 45
29 12 SK-2015-0305-1249 11:53:02 1 040,001 45
30 26 SK-2015-0305-1397 11:53:42 1 038,041 45
32 11 SK-2016-0303-853 11:55:12 1 033,657 45
36 35 SK-2011-02907-1459 11:58:45 1 023,429 42
40 3 SK-2014-01706-1352 12:04:07 1 008,344 39
41 23 SK-2016-0303-849 12:04:28 1 007,376 39
46 6 SK-2012-02907-575 12:08:01 997,659 36
49 31 SK-2015-0305-1270 12:12:45 984,990 36
54 4 SK-2015-0305-1298 12:14:41 979,907 33

No photograph

# 3 | Ing.Emil Lorenc

Club : 0303 - Dolný Kubín | Fancier ID: 5519

Distance: 369.6130065917969 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 1

Basketed : 33 | Clocked : 3 (9 %)

Total Points : 1 032 | Overall Standing : 6

Display route on Map
4 (138)
Standing in Race
6 (1 032)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Points
5 27 SK-2015-02003-1180 11:38:36 1 091,592 60
37 30 SK-2014-02907-523 12:02:19 1 020,138 42
44 5 SK-2015-0203-513 12:08:18 1 003,565 36

No photograph

# 4 | Ing. + Dr. Kozlík Ondrej

Club : 0303 - Dolný Kubín | Fancier ID: 2118

Distance: 369.0610046386719 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 54 | Clocked : 9 (17 %)

Total Points : 1 989 | Overall Standing : 1

Display route on Map
2 (357)
Standing in Race
1 (1 989)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Points
8 7 SK-2015-0303-627 11:42:02 1 079,021 57
9 6 SK-2014-02907-195 11:42:47 1 076,660 57
10 25 SK-2015-0303-761 11:44:05 1 072,592 57
19 28 SK-2016-0999-8073 11:51:27 1 050,110 51
27 15 SK-2015-0303-603 11:54:42 1 040,488 48
33 40 SK-2016-0777-1916 11:57:07 1 033,447 45
34 1 SK-2015-0303-628 11:57:09 1 033,350 42
43 46 SK-2016-0999-8009 12:06:36 1 006,713 39
53 3 SK-2015-0303-605 12:16:30 980,242 33

No photograph

# 5 | Mišun Pavol

Club : 0303 - Dolný Kubín | Fancier ID: 5041

Distance: 365.4639892578125 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 7

Basketed : 21 | Clocked : 2 (10 %)

Total Points : 300 | Overall Standing : 9

Display route on Map
6 (108)
Standing in Race
9 (300)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Points
11 11 SK-2016-0303-455 11:42:08 1 068,192 57
20 15 SK-2014-02907-943 11:48:42 1 048,076 51

No photograph

# 6 | Jaroslav Juriga

Club : 0303 - Dolný Kubín | Fancier ID: 2098

Distance: 371.8559875488281 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 15 | Clocked : 2 (13 %)

Total Points : 570 | Overall Standing : 7

Display route on Map
7 (105)
Standing in Race
7 (570)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Points
16 15 SK-2011-02907-719 11:52:59 1 053,466 54
17 4 SK-2014-02907-84 11:53:29 1 051,976 51

No photograph

# 7 | Vnenk Ján

Club : 0303 - Dolný Kubín | Fancier ID: 5036

Distance: 368.8529968261719 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 6

Basketed : 21 | Clocked : 1 (5 %)

Total Points : 261 | Overall Standing : 11

Display route on Map
9 (48)
Standing in Race
11 (261)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Points
24 8 SK-2016-0303-33 11:54:05 1 041,712 48

No photograph

# 8 | Babic J+P

Club : 0303 - Dolný Kubín | Fancier ID: 2117

Distance: 366.7340087890625 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 20 | Clocked : 2 (10 %)

Total Points : 420 | Overall Standing : 8

Display route on Map
8 (78)
Standing in Race
8 (420)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Points
35 15 CZ-2014-0334-30 11:57:57 1 024,540 42
48 13 SK-2015-0303-247 12:11:21 987,570 36

No photograph

# 9 | Peter Prilepok

Club : 0303 - Dolný Kubín | Fancier ID: 5516

Distance: 363.9949951171875 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 2

Basketed : 25 | Clocked : 3 (12 %)

Total Points : 1 347 | Overall Standing : 4

Display route on Map
5 (108)
Standing in Race
4 (1 347)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Points
39 20 SK-2016-0303-1538 12:00:19 1 010,209 39
45 2 SK-2014-02907-1086 12:03:14 1 002,097 36
51 6 SK-2011-02907-1059 12:10:30 982,443 33

No photograph

# 10 | MUDr.Fr.Izsof

Club : 0303 - Dolný Kubín | Fancier ID: 2100

Distance: 365.635009765625 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 8 | Clocked : 1 (13 %)

Total Points : 243 | Overall Standing : 12

Display route on Map
10 (36)
Standing in Race
12 (243)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Points
47 3 SK-2011-02907-538 12:06:36 997,368 36
Lofts on Map

Connected competitions

Connected results

Other Race Participants

1 5514 | Štefan Harezník 371.51300048828125 km 0303 Dolný Kubín 10