Document generated by MyPigeons (21.09.2024 01:57:58) . Visit live online version

Race Nr.: 18 | Date: 01.08.2022 | Time of Liberation: 06:30:00

Organizer: OZ Terchová | Processed by: Pavol Struharňanský

GPS Coordinates: 49:53:15 | 8:39:28

Range: 734.376 km - 753.057 km

Series: 10 / 3

Point System: 140 / 4 / 2 %


Liberation: Oblačno, bezvetrie, 20 stupňov


Nr. of Pigeons: 258 | 20 %: 52

Nr. of Fanciers: 35

Average Distance 745 km

Race Duration: 01:02:33

First Pigeon:

SK-2020-0403-591 | Arrival: 1 | 14:47:59

Speed: 1494.175 | Distance: 744.124 km

Fancier: Lacek Dušan | Club: 0403 Stráža

Last Pigeon:

SK-2019-0401-591 | Arrival: 1 | 15:50:07

Speed: 1327.455 | Distance: 743.552 km

Fancier: Tomášov Milan + Jana | Club: 0401 Belá

Last re-calculation: 14.08.2022, 16:57 | Pavol Struharňanský
ClubFanciers     Nr. of Pigeons Prizes         % of Prizes% of Birds with PrizesPoints
0401 - Belá42947.69 %13.79 %464
0402 - Gbeľany431713.46 %22.58 %788
0403 - Stráža846815.38 %17.39 %976
0404 - Teplička nad Váhom32323.85 %8.7 %252
0405 - Terchová151263159.62 %24.6 %2 928
0406 - Varín Kamence1300 %0 %0
Sum35258525 408

Score Table

Prize - fromPrize - toPoints
1 5 127
6 10 127
11 15 127
16 21 127
22 26 124
27 31 120
32 36 116
37 41 112
42 46 108
47 52 104

# 1 | Lacek Dušan

Club: 0403- Stráža | ID:181
Distance:744.1240234375 km
Clock Deviation [s]:-2
Basketed:4 | Clocked:1 (25 %)
Total Points: 3 419
Overall Standing: 28
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
1 2 SK-2020-0403-591 H EV 14:47:59 1 494,175 3.876 140
Sum 140

# 2 | Ďuraňa Ján+Lukaš

Club: 0402- Gbeľany | ID:212
Distance:737.1430053710938 km
Clock Deviation [s]:0
Basketed:7 | Clocked:2 (29 %)
Total Points: 5 827
Overall Standing: 6
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
2 1 SK-2017-0402-25 H EV 14:50:38 1 472,421 7.752 140
46 7 SK-2018-0402-203 A EV 15:39:39 1 341,113 178.295 108
Sum 248

# 3 | Ďurana Miroslav + Jana

Club: 0402- Gbeľany | ID:215
Distance:738.6370239257812 km
Clock Deviation [s]:-1
Basketed:10 | Clocked:4 (40 %)
Total Points: 6 045
Overall Standing: 5
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
3 3 SK-2018-0777-9 A EV 14:55:32 1 461,056 11.628 140
7 7 SK-2020-0402-209 A EV 15:01:46 1 443,261 27.132 136
16 10 SK-2019-0777-725 H EV 15:16:15 1 403,541 62.016 128
42 2 SK-2017-1305-1856 A EV 15:39:29 1 344,198 162.791 108
Sum 404

# 4 | Hajas Vaclav

Club: 0405- Terchová | ID:6068
Distance:752.3060302734375 km
Clock Deviation [s]:0
Basketed:10 | Clocked:2 (20 %)
Total Points: 4 633
Overall Standing: 17
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
4 4 SK-2019-0405-688 H EV 15:05:14 1 460,127 15.504 140
29 1 SK-2017-0405-390 H N 15:39:01 1 370,279 112.403 120
Sum 260

# 5 | Holúbek Viktor ml + st

Club: 0405- Terchová | ID:6072
Distance:750.8829956054688 km
Clock Deviation [s]:0
Basketed:10 | Clocked:2 (20 %)
Total Points: 6 220
Overall Standing: 3
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
5 2 SK-2019-0777-902 A EV 15:06:40 1 453,322 19.380 140
9 5 SK-2018-01303-732 A EV 15:16:24 1 426,449 34.884 136
Sum 276

# 6 | Krištofik Ján st.

Club: 0405- Terchová | ID:281
Distance:752.9329833984375 km
Clock Deviation [s]:0
Basketed:10 | Clocked:2 (20 %)
Total Points: 4 893
Overall Standing: 14
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
6 4 SK-2020-0405-653 H EV 15:09:22 1 449,714 23.256 136
51 2 SK-2020-02908-330 A EV 15:55:59 1 330,309 197.674 104
Sum 240

# 7 | Holúbek + Struharňanský Pavol

Club: 0405- Terchová | ID:3170
Distance:750.93798828125 km
Clock Deviation [s]:0
Basketed:10 | Clocked:2 (20 %)
Total Points: 6 075
Overall Standing: 4
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
8 2 SK-2020-0405-287 H EV 15:13:20 1 434,913 31.008 136
20 5 SK-2020-0405-286 A EV 15:31:53 1 385,793 77.519 128
Sum 264

# 8 | Stanko + Chovan

Club: 0402- Gbeľany | ID:5174
Distance:735.1380004882812 km
Clock Deviation [s]:0
Basketed:10 | Clocked:1 (10 %)
Total Points: 3 411
Overall Standing: 29
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
10 6 SK-2017-999-268 A EV 15:06:36 1 423,031 38.760 136
Sum 136

# 9 | Markuš M+M

Club: 0404- Teplička nad Váhom | ID:236
Distance:734.3759765625 km
Clock Deviation [s]:0
Basketed:10 | Clocked:1 (10 %)
Total Points: 5 380
Overall Standing: 9
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
11 8 SK-2015-0404-139 A N 15:07:09 1 420,044 42.636 132
Sum 132

# 10 | Tavačiak Vlado

Club: 0403- Stráža | ID:189
Distance:743.1339721679688 km
Clock Deviation [s]:0
Basketed:10 | Clocked:2 (20 %)
Total Points: 4 767
Overall Standing: 16
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
12 3 SK-2020-0403-369 H EV 15:16:34 1 411,282 46.512 132
40 6 SK-2019-0403-484 H EV 15:40:31 1 349,885 155.039 112
Sum 244

# 11 | Lacuch Peter+D+M

Club: 0405- Terchová | ID:4038
Distance:753.02197265625 km
Clock Deviation [s]:-1
Basketed:18 | Clocked:7 (39 %)
Total Points: 4 458
Overall Standing: 18
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
13 5 SK-2019-0301-47 H EV 15:23:49 1 410,594 50.388 132
23 16 SK-2020-0405-463 A EV 15:35:56 1 379,287 89.147 124
26 11 SK-2019-0405-392 A N 15:38:52 1 371,916 100.775 124
27 12 SK-2019-0405-395 H N 15:39:05 1 371,375 104.651 120
43 10 SK-2018-0405-1670 A EV 15:50:19 1 343,882 166.667 108
48 1 SK-2020-0405-467 A EV 15:52:37 1 338,389 186.047 104
50 3 SK-2019-0301-53 H N 15:52:42 1 338,190 193.798 104
Sum 344

# 12 | Tomášov Milan + Jana

Club: 0401- Belá | ID:6050
Distance:743.552001953125 km
Clock Deviation [s]:-1
Basketed:11 | Clocked:3 (27 %)
Total Points: 3 936
Overall Standing: 20
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
14 8 SK-2019-03306-786 A EV 15:18:06 1 407,931 54.264 132
39 7 SK-2017-0401-1280 A EV 15:39:29 1 353,143 151.163 112
52 1 SK-2019-0401-591 H EV 15:50:07 1 327,455 201.550 104
Sum 348

# 13 | Radočani Roman

Club: 0403- Stráža | ID:186
Distance:742.426025390625 km
Clock Deviation [s]:-2
Basketed:10 | Clocked:2 (20 %)
Total Points: 5 568
Overall Standing: 7
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
15 1 SK-2020-0403-428 H EV 15:17:31 1 407,309 58.140 132
28 8 SK-2020-0403-404 H EV 15:31:41 1 370,506 108.527 120
Sum 252

# 14 | Janošik M+M+J+D

Club: 0405- Terchová | ID:278
Distance:752.385009765625 km
Clock Deviation [s]:-1
Basketed:10 | Clocked:5 (50 %)
Total Points: 6 455
Overall Standing: 2
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
17 6 SK-2018-0405-583 A EV 15:30:51 1 391,073 65.891 128
18 8 SK-2019-0405-2003 A EV 15:32:20 1 387,268 69.767 128
19 1 SK-2020-0405-1103 H EV 15:32:23 1 387,140 73.643 128
22 3 SK-2020-0405-1175 H N 15:35:24 1 379,468 85.271 124
34 10 CZ-2017-0153-406 A EV 15:40:22 1 367,020 131.783 116
Sum 384

# 15 | Podhorsky Mario + B

Club: 0405- Terchová | ID:5337
Distance:752.5650024414062 km
Clock Deviation [s]:0
Basketed:3 | Clocked:2 (67 %)
Total Points: 3 789
Overall Standing: 24
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
21 3 SK-2019-0105-799 A EV 15:33:59 1 383,434 81.395 128
45 1 SK-2019-0105-800 A N 15:50:31 1 342,627 174.419 108
Sum 236

# 16 | Maťko + Struharňanský

Club: 0405- Terchová | ID:4035
Distance:745.2260131835938 km
Clock Deviation [s]:0
Basketed:10 | Clocked:2 (20 %)
Total Points: 5 232
Overall Standing: 10
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
24 6 SK-2018-0777-129 H EV 15:30:58 1 377,582 93.023 124
36 1 SK-2019-0777-972 H EV 15:37:27 1 361,268 139.535 116
Sum 240

# 17 | Šupica Jan + Jan ml.

Club: 0405- Terchová | ID:297
Distance:750.9819946289062 km
Clock Deviation [s]:0
Basketed:4 | Clocked:1 (25 %)
Total Points: 3 476
Overall Standing: 27
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
25 3 SK-2018-0405-1440 H EV 15:37:02 1 372,827 96.899 124
Sum 124

# 18 | Križo Michal

Club: 0405- Terchová | ID:283
Distance:750.3800048828125 km
Clock Deviation [s]:0
Basketed:9 | Clocked:1 (11 %)
Total Points: 4 848
Overall Standing: 15
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
30 6 SK-2017-0405-602 A EV 15:37:37 1 370,265 116.279 120
Sum 120

# 19 | Markuš Pavol

Club: 0404- Teplička nad Váhom | ID:208
Distance:737.6220092773438 km
Clock Deviation [s]:0
Basketed:9 | Clocked:1 (11 %)
Total Points: 4 961
Overall Standing: 13
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
31 1 SK-2020-0404-254 H EV 15:28:50 1 368,924 120.155 120
Sum 120

# 20 | Hanuliak F + Jelluš

Club: 0405- Terchová | ID:273
Distance:753.0570068359375 km
Clock Deviation [s]:0
Basketed:12 | Clocked:2 (17 %)
Total Points: 6 504
Overall Standing: 1
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
32 2 SK-2019-0405-33 A EV 15:40:11 1 368,738 124.031 116
47 11 SK-2020-0405-1382 A EV 15:52:17 1 339,284 182.171 104
Sum 116

# 21 | Púček Miroslav

Club: 0401- Belá | ID:225
Distance:743.552001953125 km
Clock Deviation [s]:0
Basketed:10 | Clocked:1 (10 %)
Total Points: 5 452
Overall Standing: 8
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
33 1 SK-2017-0401-1362 H EV 15:33:26 1 368,249 127.907 116
Sum 116

# 22 | Radočani Dalibor+Dáša

Club: 0403- Stráža | ID:184
Distance:742.8790283203125 km
Clock Deviation [s]:-1
Basketed:4 | Clocked:1 (25 %)
Total Points: 5 039
Overall Standing: 11
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
35 2 SK-2019-0403-234 A EV 15:34:46 1 363,623 135.659 116
Sum 116

# 23 | Peknuša Jaroslav + Chovanculiak Peter

Club: 0403- Stráža | ID:191
Distance:743.0499877929688 km
Clock Deviation [s]:-2
Basketed:4 | Clocked:1 (25 %)
Total Points: 3 586
Overall Standing: 25
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
37 2 SK-2020-0999-993 A N 15:36:02 1 360,731 143.411 112
Sum 112

# 24 | Krištofik Štefan st.

Club: 0405- Terchová | ID:285
Distance:750.291015625 km
Clock Deviation [s]:0
Basketed:7 | Clocked:2 (29 %)
Total Points: 3 791
Overall Standing: 23
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
38 2 SK-2018-0405-1710 A EV 15:42:29 1 358,034 147.287 112
49 4 SK-2018-0405-1713 H EV 15:50:38 1 338,292 189.922 104
Sum 216

# 25 | Bielka Pavol

Club: 0403- Stráža | ID:173
Distance:741.7440185546875 km
Clock Deviation [s]:0
Basketed:5 | Clocked:1 (20 %)
Total Points: 2 425
Overall Standing: 33
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
41 1 SK-2019-0403-298 A EV 15:40:41 1 346,952 158.915 112
Sum 112

# 26 | Krištofik Vladimír

Club: 0405- Terchová | ID:220
Distance:752.0670166015625 km
Clock Deviation [s]:0
Basketed:5 | Clocked:1 (20 %)
Total Points: 5 030
Overall Standing: 12
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
44 2 DV-2019-06687-295 H EV 15:49:41 1 343,737 170.543 108
Sum 108

Other Race Participants

1 291 | Nemcek Jozef 748.8980102539062 km 0405 Terchová 3
2 196 | Tichak Pavol 740.72998046875 km 0406 Varín Kamence 3
3 250 | Chabada B.+ Boháč R . 745.1199951171875 km 0401 Belá 3
4 247 | Peknuša Ľubomír + Jozef 733.97802734375 km 0404 Teplička nad Váhom 4
5 216 | Holubek Rudolf + Michal 738.3629760742188 km 0402 Gbeľany 4
6 176 | Durana Anton 743.1690063476562 km 0403 Stráža 4
7 190 | Mahut Jaroslav 741.8289794921875 km 0403 Stráža 5
8 6047 | Mucka Viktor + Maria+Marcel+Dominika 745.35400390625 km 0401 Belá 5
9 288 | Lysican Alojz 752.5390014648438 km 0405 Terchová 5