Race Nr.: 14 | Date: 12.07.2020 | Time of Liberation: 06:00:00

Organizer: OZ Terchová | Processed by: Pavol Struharňanský

GPS Coordinates: 50:36:34.9 | 8:54:15

Range: 724.108 km - 741.917 km

Series: 10 / 3

Point System: 140 / 4 / 2 %


Liberation: Jasno, 11 stupňov, slabý SZ vietor

Arrival: Polooblačno 19°C S vietor

Nr. of Pigeons: 320 | 20 %: 64

Nr. of Fanciers: 42

Average Distance 735 km

Race Duration: 01:10:13

First Pigeon:

SK-2016-0405-98 | Arrival: 1 | 15:39:27

Speed: 1279.249 | Distance: 741.282 km

Fancier: Janošik M+M+J+D | Club: 0405 Terchová

Last Pigeon:

SK-2018-0405-324 | Arrival: 1 | 16:49:37

Speed: 1140.987 | Distance: 741.204 km

Fancier: Hajas Václav + Holúbek Viktor | Club: 0405 Terchová

Last re-calculation: 28.07.2020, 17:58 | Pavol Struharňanský
ClubFanciersNr. of PigeonsPrizes% of Prizes% of Birds with PrizesPoints
0401 - Belá10821218.75 %14.63 %1 288
0402 - Gbeľany4321117.19 %34.38 %1 120
0403 - Stráža74357.81 %11.63 %604
0404 - Teplička nad Váhom217710.94 %41.18 %712
0405 - Terchová151172335.94 %19.66 %1 960
0406 - Varín42969.38 %20.69 %732
Sum42320646 416
Prize - fromPrize - toPoints
1 6 127
7 13 127
14 19 127
20 26 127
27 32 124
33 38 120
39 45 116
46 51 112
52 58 108
59 64 104

# 1 | Janošik M+M+J+D

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 278

Distance: 741.281982421875 km | Clock Deviation [s]: -1

Basketed : 10 | Clocked : 6 (60 %)

Total Points : 5 658 | Overall Standing : 1

Display route on Map
2 (408)
Standing in Race
1 (5 658)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
1 2 SK-2016-0405-98 15:39:27 1 279,249 3.125 140
8 5 SK-2018-0301-810 15:55:10 1 245,468 25.000 136
14 9 SK-2017-0405-1772 16:03:38 1 228,000 43.750 132
28 7 SK-2016-0405-83 16:15:18 1 204,716 87.500 124
33 6 SK-2016-0405-2 16:21:00 1 193,659 103.125 120
63 3 SK-2018-0405-533 16:46:14 1 147,051 196.875 104
Sum 408

No photograph

# 2 | Radočani Roman

Club : 0403 - Stráža | Fancier ID: 186

Distance: 731.9920043945312 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 10 | Clocked : 1 (10 %)

Total Points : 4 953 | Overall Standing : 7

Display route on Map
15 (140)
Standing in Race
7 (4 953)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
2 3 SK-2018-0403-666 15:34:34 1 273,990 6.250 140
Sum 140

No photograph

# 3 | Tomášov Milan + Jana

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 6050

Distance: 732.8400268554688 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 13 | Clocked : 5 (38 %)

Total Points : 2 680 | Overall Standing : 29

Display route on Map
1 (408)
Standing in Race
29 (2 680)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
3 2 SK-2018-0401-400 15:36:38 1 270,894 9.375 140
6 4 SK-2018-0401-305 15:43:37 1 255,687 18.750 140
7 11 SK-2017-1904-395 15:46:35 1 249,337 21.875 136
24 9 SK-2017-0401-1259 16:04:15 1 212,809 75.000 128
45 3 SK-2010-0999-678 16:26:07 1 170,453 140.625 116
Sum 408

# 4 | Ďurana Miroslav + Jana

Club : 0402 - Gbeľany | Fancier ID: 215

Distance: 728.4119873046875 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 10 | Clocked : 5 (50 %)

Total Points : 5 169 | Overall Standing : 5

Display route on Map
3 (404)
Standing in Race
5 (5 169)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
4 3 SK-2016-01505-544 15:35:57 1 264,714 12.500 140
10 4 CZ-2017-0153-232 15:49:14 1 236,203 31.250 136
20 1 SK-2018-0777-9 15:57:02 1 220,052 62.500 128
35 7 SK-2018-0777-20 16:12:44 1 188,791 109.375 120
48 9 SK-2017-999-201 16:25:44 1 164,093 150.000 112
Sum 404

No photograph

# 5 | Cvacho- DUO + Trizuliak

Club : 0406 - Varín | Fancier ID: 195

Distance: 730.7579956054688 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 12 | Clocked : 3 (25 %)

Total Points : 5 315 | Overall Standing : 4

Display route on Map
7 (360)
Standing in Race
4 (5 315)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
5 4 SK-2017-0406-493 15:40:15 1 259,385 15.625 140
42 3 SK-2017-0406-533 16:19:44 1 179,149 131.250 116
61 7 SK-2016-02302-1949 16:35:04 1 150,679 190.625 104
Sum 360

No photograph

# 6 | Davidik Radovan + T

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 270

Distance: 741.43798828125 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 7 | Clocked : 1 (14 %)

Total Points : 2 984 | Overall Standing : 25

Display route on Map
16 (136)
Standing in Race
25 (2 984)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
9 3 SK-2018-0405-1211 15:56:23 1 243,224 28.125 136
Sum 136

No photograph

# 7 | Lacuch Peter+D+M

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 4038

Distance: 741.9169921875 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 9 | Clocked : 1 (11 %)

Total Points : 1 378 | Overall Standing : 43

Display route on Map
17 (136)
Standing in Race
43 (1 378)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
11 1 SK-2018-0405-1682 16:02:05 1 232,250 34.375 136
Sum 136

# 8 | Murarik Marian

Club : 0406 - Varín | Fancier ID: 6095

Distance: 730.7219848632812 km | Clock Deviation [s]: -1

Basketed : 8 | Clocked : 3 (38 %)

Total Points : 5 115 | Overall Standing : 6

Display route on Map
6 (372)
Standing in Race
6 (5 115)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
12 8 SK-2017-999-4961 15:54:10 1 229,792 37.500 136
26 7 SK-2015-0406-562 16:03:22 1 211,041 81.250 128
53 5 SK-2016-0406-325 16:29:38 1 160,521 165.625 108
Sum 372

# 9 | Púček Miroslav

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 225

Distance: 732.85400390625 km | Clock Deviation [s]: -1

Basketed : 7 | Clocked : 2 (29 %)

Total Points : 4 945 | Overall Standing : 8

Display route on Map
12 (248)
Standing in Race
8 (4 945)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
13 7 SK-2017-0304-231 15:55:58 1 229,655 40.625 136
46 6 SK-2017-0401-1362 16:26:17 1 170,133 143.750 112
Sum 248

No photograph

# 10 | Babiš L+Cvinger

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 4034

Distance: 734.22802734375 km | Clock Deviation [s]: -1

Basketed : 8 | Clocked : 1 (13 %)

Total Points : 2 806 | Overall Standing : 28

Display route on Map
18 (132)
Standing in Race
28 (2 806)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
15 4 SK-2018-0401-562 15:58:48 1 226,132 46.875 132
Sum 132

No photograph

# 11 | Holúbek Viktor ml + st

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 6072

Distance: 739.8629760742188 km | Clock Deviation [s]: -1

Basketed : 10 | Clocked : 7 (70 %)

Total Points : 5 332 | Overall Standing : 3

Display route on Map
4 (388)
Standing in Race
3 (5 332)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
16 2 SK-2018-0777-108 16:04:54 1 223,083 50.000 132
22 8 SK-2018-01303-732 16:08:13 1 216,413 68.750 128
25 4 SK-2016-0405-665 16:10:09 1 212,559 78.125 128
37 6 SK-2017-999-114 16:24:44 1 184,255 115.625 120
40 3 SK-2018-01303-774 16:26:53 1 180,193 125.000 116
55 7 SK-2018-0777-107 16:38:22 1 158,964 171.875 108
58 9 SK-2018-0405-864 16:40:56 1 154,322 181.250 108
Sum 388

No photograph

# 12 | Boháč Karol + Vrábel Miroslav

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 259

Distance: 734.6719970703125 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 10 | Clocked : 1 (10 %)

Total Points : 2 342 | Overall Standing : 34

Display route on Map
19 (132)
Standing in Race
34 (2 342)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
17 3 SK-2018-0406-235 16:01:24 1 221,603 53.125 132
Sum 132

# 13 | Markuš M+M+J

Club : 0404 - Teplička nad Váhom | Fancier ID: 236

Distance: 724.1079711914062 km | Clock Deviation [s]: -1

Basketed : 10 | Clocked : 4 (40 %)

Total Points : 4 922 | Overall Standing : 9

Display route on Map
8 (360)
Standing in Race
9 (4 922)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
18 9 SK-2016-0999-320 15:53:05 1 220,887 56.250 132
44 8 SK-2015-0999-285 16:15:24 1 176,614 137.500 116
47 1 SK-2013-0404-139 16:19:26 1 168,953 146.875 112
54 6 SK-2015-0404-139 16:24:17 1 159,872 168.750 108
Sum 360

No photograph

# 14 | Ďuraňa Ján+Lukaš

Club : 0402 - Gbeľany | Fancier ID: 212

Distance: 726.5050048828125 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 7 | Clocked : 3 (43 %)

Total Points : 5 509 | Overall Standing : 2

Display route on Map
5 (380)
Standing in Race
2 (5 509)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
19 2 SK-2016-0999-166 15:55:12 1 220,607 59.375 132
29 4 SK-2016-0777-41 16:04:22 1 202,093 90.625 124
30 7 SK-2018-0402-223 16:04:27 1 201,927 93.750 124
Sum 380

No photograph

# 15 | Bohač Rudolf

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 262

Distance: 734.5040283203125 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 10 | Clocked : 2 (20 %)

Total Points : 2 098 | Overall Standing : 36

Display route on Map
11 (252)
Standing in Race
36 (2 098)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
21 10 SK-2015-0401-819 16:03:47 1 216,503 65.625 128
31 6 SK-2015-0401-817 16:11:16 1 201,610 96.875 124
Sum 252

No photograph

# 16 | Maťko + Struharňanský

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 4035

Distance: 734.583984375 km | Clock Deviation [s]: -2

Basketed : 5 | Clocked : 1 (20 %)

Total Points : 4 270 | Overall Standing : 16

Display route on Map
20 (128)
Standing in Race
16 (4 270)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
23 4 SK-2017-0401-866 16:04:27 1 215,226 71.875 128
Sum 128

No photograph

# 17 | Markuš Pavol

Club : 0404 - Teplička nad Váhom | Fancier ID: 208

Distance: 727.3280029296875 km | Clock Deviation [s]: -1

Basketed : 7 | Clocked : 3 (43 %)

Total Points : 4 405 | Overall Standing : 14

Display route on Map
9 (352)
Standing in Race
14 (4 405)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
27 5 SK-2016-0404-14 16:03:34 1 205,017 84.375 124
36 4 SK-2016-0404-48 16:13:51 1 184,831 112.500 120
52 2 SK-2016-0404-297 16:25:54 1 162,021 162.500 108
Sum 352

No photograph

# 18 | Lacek Dušan

Club : 0403 - Stráža | Fancier ID: 181

Distance: 733.7579956054688 km | Clock Deviation [s]: -1

Basketed : 5 | Clocked : 3 (60 %)

Total Points : 4 264 | Overall Standing : 17

Display route on Map
10 (348)
Standing in Race
17 (4 264)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
32 3 SK-2017-0403-818 16:13:28 1 196,052 100.000 124
43 4 SK-2018-0403-78 16:23:30 1 176,806 134.375 116
57 2 SK-2017-0403-806 16:33:43 1 157,834 178.125 108
Sum 348

No photograph

# 19 | Halas Miroslav

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 7117

Distance: 738.6740112304688 km | Clock Deviation [s]: -2

Basketed : 3 | Clocked : 1 (33 %)

Total Points : 861 | Overall Standing : 51

Display route on Map
21 (120)
Standing in Race
51 (861)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
34 2 SK-2018-0405-2521 16:19:38 1 192,051 106.250 120
Sum 120

No photograph

# 20 | Stanko + Chovan

Club : 0402 - Gbeľany | Fancier ID: 5174

Distance: 724.85400390625 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 5 | Clocked : 1 (20 %)

Total Points : 3 698 | Overall Standing : 20

Display route on Map
22 (120)
Standing in Race
20 (3 698)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
38 1 SK-2017-0402-212 16:13:12 1 182,084 118.750 120
Sum 120

No photograph

# 21 | Vrabel Tibor

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 264

Distance: 733.8480224609375 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 4 | Clocked : 1 (25 %)

Total Points : 982 | Overall Standing : 48

Display route on Map
24 (116)
Standing in Race
48 (982)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
39 1 SK-2018-0401-894 16:21:09 1 181,434 121.875 116
Sum 116

No photograph

# 22 | Tavačiak Vlado

Club : 0403 - Stráža | Fancier ID: 189

Distance: 732.6090087890625 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 9 | Clocked : 1 (11 %)

Total Points : 4 605 | Overall Standing : 12

Display route on Map
23 (116)
Standing in Race
12 (4 605)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
41 7 SK-2017-0403-742 16:21:02 1 179,661 128.125 116
Sum 116

No photograph

# 23 | Holubek Rudolf + Michal

Club : 0402 - Gbeľany | Fancier ID: 216

Distance: 728.2000122070312 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 10 | Clocked : 2 (20 %)

Total Points : 2 578 | Overall Standing : 31

Display route on Map
14 (216)
Standing in Race
31 (2 578)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
49 10 SK-2019-0402-489 16:25:37 1 163,972 153.125 112
60 7 SK-2018-0402-73 16:32:41 1 150,971 187.500 104
Sum 216

# 24 | Podhorsky Mario + B

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 5337

Distance: 741.0130004882812 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 10 | Clocked : 2 (20 %)

Total Points : 2 857 | Overall Standing : 27

Display route on Map
13 (224)
Standing in Race
27 (2 857)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
50 1 UK-2016-33-24226 16:36:53 1 163,499 156.250 112
51 3 SK-2015-03306-1220 16:37:38 1 162,130 159.375 112
Sum 224

No photograph

# 25 | Ondruš František

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 292

Distance: 739.9299926757812 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 4 | Clocked : 1 (25 %)

Total Points : 3 893 | Overall Standing : 18

Display route on Map
25 (108)
Standing in Race
18 (3 893)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
56 3 SK-2018-0405-912 16:39:00 1 157,950 175.000 108
Sum 108

No photograph

# 26 | Krištofik Jan st.

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 281

Distance: 741.8090209960938 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 10 | Clocked : 1 (10 %)

Total Points : 4 784 | Overall Standing : 10

Display route on Map
27 (104)
Standing in Race
10 (4 784)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
59 6 SK-2017-0405-11 16:43:18 1 153,131 184.375 104
Sum 104

No photograph

# 27 | Holúbek Daniel + Struharňanský Pavol

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 3170

Distance: 739.802978515625 km | Clock Deviation [s]: -2

Basketed : 13 | Clocked : 1 (8 %)

Total Points : 2 561 | Overall Standing : 32

Display route on Map
28 (104)
Standing in Race
32 (2 561)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
62 1 SK-2018-0405-2624 16:43:44 1 149,179 193.750 104
Sum 104

No photograph

# 28 | Hajas Vaclav

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 6068

Distance: 741.2039794921875 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 10 | Clocked : 1 (10 %)

Total Points : 4 307 | Overall Standing : 15

Display route on Map
26 (104)
Standing in Race
15 (4 307)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
64 8 SK-2018-0405-324 16:49:37 1 140,987 200.000 104
Sum 104
Lofts on Map

Connected competitions

Connected results

Other Race Participants

1 173 | Bielka Pavol 731.4819946289062 km 0403 Stráža 2
2 187 | Tavaciak Jozef 732.572021484375 km 0403 Stráža 3
3 283 | Krizo Michal 739.35498046875 km 0405 Terchová 4
4 190 | Mahut Jaroslav 731.5689697265625 km 0403 Stráža 4
5 288 | Lysican Alojz 741.125 km 0405 Terchová 5
6 6045 | Erdelyi Imrich 734.3159790039062 km 0401 Belá 5
7 250 | Chabada B.+ Boháč R . 734.47802734375 km 0401 Belá 7
8 295 | Romancik Martin 741.7449951171875 km 0405 Terchová 7
9 260 | Franek Peter ml.1967 734.6719970703125 km 0401 Belá 8
10 273 | Hanuliak F + Jellus 741.947998046875 km 0405 Terchová 10
11 184 | Radočani Dalibor 732.4299926757812 km 0403 Stráža 10
12 6047 | Mucka Viktor + Maria+Marcel+Dominika 734.7109985351562 km 0401 Belá 10