Race Nr.: 11 | Date: 05.07.2020 | Time of Liberation: 06:00:00

Organizer: OZ Terchová | Processed by: Pavol Struharňanský

GPS Coordinates: 50:53:49.8 | 10:43:24.6

Range: 613.325 km - 622.062 km

Series: 10 / 3

Point System: 140 / 4 / 2 %


Liberation: Zamračené,teplota 15°C, JZ vietor, odlet holubov okamžite

Arrival: Jasno, teplota 29°C, JZ vietor

Nr. of Pigeons: 250 | 20 %: 50

Nr. of Fanciers: 30

Average Distance 618 km

Race Duration: 01:00:24

First Pigeon:

SK-2018-0405-639 | Arrival: 1 | 12:43:50

Speed: 1538.768 | Distance: 621.406 km

Fancier: Janošik M+M+J+D | Club: 0405 Terchová

Last Pigeon:

SK-2017-0401-399 | Arrival: 1 | 13:39:26

Speed: 1338.565 | Distance: 615.026 km

Fancier: Cabadaj Lubomir | Club: 0401 Belá

Last re-calculation: 28.07.2020, 17:49 | Pavol Struharňanský
ClubFanciersNr. of PigeonsPrizes% of Prizes% of Birds with PrizesPoints
0401 - Belá131041632 %15.38 %1 816
0405 - Terchová171463468 %23.29 %3 844
Sum30250505 660
Prize - fromPrize - toPoints
1 5 127
6 10 127
11 15 127
16 20 127
21 25 124
26 30 120
31 35 116
36 40 112
41 45 108
46 50 104

# 1 | Janošik M+M+J+D

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 278

Distance: 621.406005859375 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 10 | Clocked : 4 (40 %)

Total Points : 4 479 | Overall Standing : 1

Display route on Map
2 (408)
Standing in Race
1 (4 479)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
1 10 SK-2018-0405-639 12:43:50 1 538,768 4.000 140
6 9 SK-2018-0777-316 12:57:40 1 487,804 24.000 136
15 6 SK-2017-0405-255 13:16:03 1 425,080 60.000 132
48 7 SK-2016-0405-94 13:43:06 1 341,840 192.000 104
Sum 408

# 2 | Podhorsky Mario + B

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 5337

Distance: 620.8070068359375 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 10 | Clocked : 3 (30 %)

Total Points : 2 569 | Overall Standing : 13

Display route on Map
5 (388)
Standing in Race
13 (2 569)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
2 8 SK-2015-0405-481 12:49:17 1 516,815 8.000 140
13 4 SK-2018-0405-1340 13:08:30 1 448,791 52.000 132
34 2 SK-2018-M-55-2879 13:29:37 1 380,747 136.000 116
Sum 388

# 3 | Hanuliak F + Jelluš

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 273

Distance: 622.06201171875 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 10 | Clocked : 4 (40 %)

Total Points : 3 901 | Overall Standing : 6

Display route on Map
3 (392)
Standing in Race
6 (3 901)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
3 3 SK-2018-0405-1042 12:50:21 1 515,930 12.000 140
16 9 DV-2016-06687-2964 13:16:41 1 424,515 64.000 128
22 8 SK-2018-0405-1113 13:21:10 1 410,039 88.000 124
43 4 SK-2018-0405-1046 13:37:51 1 358,659 172.000 108
Sum 392

# 4 | Púček Miroslav

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 225

Distance: 613.3499755859375 km | Clock Deviation [s]: -1

Basketed : 10 | Clocked : 4 (40 %)

Total Points : 4 057 | Overall Standing : 4

Display route on Map
1 (408)
Standing in Race
4 (4 057)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
4 4 SK-2017-0401-1373 12:47:08 1 506,447 16.000 140
9 2 SK-2016-0401-711 12:56:04 1 474,104 36.000 136
12 3 SK-2017-0401-1361 13:01:34 1 454,873 48.000 132
24 6 CZ-2019-0114-470 13:17:32 1 401,783 96.000 124
Sum 408

No photograph

# 5 | Holúbek Viktor ml + st

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 6072

Distance: 620.0609741210938 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 10 | Clocked : 3 (30 %)

Total Points : 4 204 | Overall Standing : 2

Display route on Map
4 (388)
Standing in Race
2 (4 204)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
5 3 SK-2018-0777-845 12:55:14 1 493,283 20.000 140
10 1 SK-2017-999-114 13:02:59 1 465,923 40.000 136
39 6 SK-2018-0405-864 13:33:51 1 366,225 156.000 112
Sum 388

No photograph

# 6 | Hajas Vaclav

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 6068

Distance: 621.3300170898438 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 10 | Clocked : 1 (10 %)

Total Points : 3 656 | Overall Standing : 7

Display route on Map
14 (136)
Standing in Race
7 (3 656)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
7 7 SK-2017-0405-2105 12:58:41 1 484,009 28.000 136
Sum 136

No photograph

# 7 | Krištofik Jan st.

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 281

Distance: 621.9140014648438 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 10 | Clocked : 3 (30 %)

Total Points : 4 159 | Overall Standing : 3

Display route on Map
7 (360)
Standing in Race
3 (4 159)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
8 10 SK-2017-0405-11 12:59:10 1 483,691 32.000 136
33 6 SK-2016-0405-805 13:30:19 1 381,059 132.000 116
44 1 SK-2018-0405-215 13:37:56 1 358,089 176.000 108
Sum 360

No photograph

# 8 | Cabadaj Lubomir

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 6041

Distance: 615.0260009765625 km | Clock Deviation [s]: -2

Basketed : 5 | Clocked : 3 (60 %)

Total Points : 1 300 | Overall Standing : 25

Display route on Map
8 (360)
Standing in Race
25 (1 300)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
11 1 SK-2013-0999-2173 13:02:08 1 456,832 44.000 132
23 5 SK-2017-0401-567 13:16:59 1 407,328 92.000 124
50 3 SK-2017-0401-399 13:39:26 1 338,565 200.000 104
Sum 360

No photograph

# 9 | Križo Michal

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 283

Distance: 619.552978515625 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 10 | Clocked : 2 (20 %)

Total Points : 3 351 | Overall Standing : 9

Display route on Map
11 (252)
Standing in Race
9 (3 351)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
14 1 SK-2017-0405-602 13:10:43 1 438,424 56.000 132
30 7 SK-2017-0405-631 13:27:22 1 384,889 120.000 120
Sum 252

# 10 | Chabada B.+ Boháč R .

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 250

Distance: 615.0029907226562 km | Clock Deviation [s]: -1

Basketed : 8 | Clocked : 2 (25 %)

Total Points : 2 948 | Overall Standing : 10

Display route on Map
12 (240)
Standing in Race
10 (2 948)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
17 8 SK-2016-0301-110 13:11:50 1 424,113 68.000 128
40 4 SK-2016-0777-93 13:31:00 1 363,593 160.000 112
Sum 240

No photograph

# 11 | Vrabel Tibor

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 264

Distance: 614.3489990234375 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 4 | Clocked : 1 (25 %)

Total Points : 734 | Overall Standing : 29

Display route on Map
15 (128)
Standing in Race
29 (734)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
18 1 SK-2017-0401-935 13:12:36 1 420,132 72.000 128
Sum 128

No photograph

# 12 | Maťko + Struharňanský

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 4035

Distance: 615.1079711914062 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 9 | Clocked : 3 (33 %)

Total Points : 3 928 | Overall Standing : 5

Display route on Map
6 (368)
Standing in Race
5 (3 928)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
19 4 SK-2018-0401-1352 13:13:55 1 417,572 76.000 128
25 7 SK-2018-0401-1386 13:18:49 1 401,743 100.000 124
32 5 SK-2018-0777-129 13:24:39 1 383,353 128.000 116
Sum 368

No photograph

# 13 | Holúbek Daniel + Struharňanský Pavol

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 3170

Distance: 619.916015625 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 11 | Clocked : 2 (18 %)

Total Points : 2 117 | Overall Standing : 19

Display route on Map
10 (252)
Standing in Race
19 (2 117)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
20 2 SK-2018-02007-1192 13:18:25 1 413,988 80.000 128
21 1 SK-2015-0405-443 13:19:28 1 410,610 84.000 124
Sum 252

No photograph

# 14 | Šmehyl František

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 299

Distance: 620.7689819335938 km | Clock Deviation [s]: -1

Basketed : 4 | Clocked : 1 (25 %)

Total Points : 827 | Overall Standing : 28

Display route on Map
18 (120)
Standing in Race
28 (827)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
26 2 SK-2017-0405-888 13:23:13 1 400,547 104.000 120
Sum 120

# 15 | Chabada Miroslav

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 265

Distance: 614.2139892578125 km | Clock Deviation [s]: -1

Basketed : 5 | Clocked : 1 (20 %)

Total Points : 1 417 | Overall Standing : 23

Display route on Map
17 (120)
Standing in Race
23 (1 417)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
27 5 SK-2016-0401-916 13:19:33 1 397,317 108.000 120
Sum 120

No photograph

# 16 | Tomášov Milan + Jana

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 6050

Distance: 613.3250122070312 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 15 | Clocked : 1 (7 %)

Total Points : 2 220 | Overall Standing : 17

Display route on Map
16 (120)
Standing in Race
17 (2 220)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
28 4 SK-2018-0401-350 13:21:35 1 388,922 112.000 120
Sum 120

No photograph

# 17 | Krištofik Štefan st + Šupica Jan st

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 285

Distance: 619.4080200195312 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 10 | Clocked : 4 (40 %)

Total Points : 2 177 | Overall Standing : 18

Display route on Map
9 (348)
Standing in Race
18 (2 177)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
29 5 SK-2016-0405-918 13:26:57 1 385,855 116.000 120
31 7 SK-2015-0405-1773 13:27:25 1 384,410 124.000 116
37 2 SK-2018-0405-1702 13:30:04 1 376,258 148.000 112
47 9 SK-2018-0405-1710 13:41:31 1 342,114 188.000 104
Sum 348

No photograph

# 18 | Lysičan Alojz

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 288

Distance: 621.0189819335938 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 5 | Clocked : 2 (40 %)

Total Points : 1 960 | Overall Standing : 20

Display route on Map
13 (224)
Standing in Race
20 (1 960)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
35 2 SK-2016-0405-764 13:30:09 1 379,582 140.000 116
45 1 SK-2018-0405-141 13:39:14 1 352,295 180.000 108
Sum 224

No photograph

# 19 | Bohač Rudolf

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 262

Distance: 615.0349731445312 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 10 | Clocked : 1 (10 %)

Total Points : 1 894 | Overall Standing : 21

Display route on Map
20 (112)
Standing in Race
21 (1 894)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
36 2 SK-2018-0401-29 13:26:00 1 379,002 144.000 112
Sum 112

No photograph

# 20 | Mučka V+M+M+D

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 6047

Distance: 615.2319946289062 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 11 | Clocked : 1 (9 %)

Total Points : 2 441 | Overall Standing : 14

Display route on Map
19 (112)
Standing in Race
14 (2 441)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
38 7 SK-2017-0401-488 13:30:09 1 366,727 152.000 112
Sum 112

No photograph

# 21 | Boháč Karol + Vrábel Miroslav

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 259

Distance: 615.2329711914062 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 10 | Clocked : 1 (10 %)

Total Points : 2 362 | Overall Standing : 16

Display route on Map
21 (108)
Standing in Race
16 (2 362)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
41 6 SK-2018-0406-238 13:31:19 1 363,196 164.000 108
Sum 108

No photograph

# 22 | Erdelyi Imrich

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 6045

Distance: 614.7990112304688 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 5 | Clocked : 1 (20 %)

Total Points : 515 | Overall Standing : 31

Display route on Map
22 (108)
Standing in Race
31 (515)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
42 3 SK-2019-0401-1213 13:31:36 1 361,380 168.000 108
Sum 108

No photograph

# 23 | Adamec Jozef

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 6065

Distance: 619.2269897460938 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 7 | Clocked : 1 (14 %)

Total Points : 1 365 | Overall Standing : 24

Display route on Map
24 (104)
Standing in Race
24 (1 365)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
46 1 SK-2017-0405-675 13:40:37 1 344,343 184.000 104
Sum 104

No photograph

# 24 | Ondruš František

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 292

Distance: 620.1279907226562 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 8 | Clocked : 1 (13 %)

Total Points : 3 435 | Overall Standing : 8

Display route on Map
23 (104)
Standing in Race
8 (3 435)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
49 6 SK-2015-0405-83 13:42:49 1 339,900 196.000 104
Sum 104
Lofts on Map

Connected competitions

Connected results

Other Race Participants

1 263 | Zingora Tibor 614.8939819335938 km 0401 Belá 3
2 7117 | Halas Miroslav 618.6229858398438 km 0405 Terchová 5
3 295 | Romancik Martin 621.8619995117188 km 0405 Terchová 7
4 4034 | Babis L + Cvinger 614.7349853515625 km 0401 Belá 8
5 270 | Davidik Radovan + T 621.2570190429688 km 0405 Terchová 10
6 253 | Mahut Jozef 615.1829833984375 km 0401 Belá 10