Race Nr.: 7 | Date: 13.06.2021 | Time of Liberation: 06:00:00

Organizer: OZ Terchová | Processed by: Pavol Struharňanský

GPS Coordinates: 49:58:35.5 | 11:36:32.3

Range: 533.341 km - 542.728 km

Series: 25 / 5

Point System: 84 / 3 / 2 %




Nr. of Pigeons: 698 | 20 %: 140

Nr. of Fanciers: 34

Average Distance 539 km

Race Duration: 00:28:19

First Pigeon:

SK-2016-0405-98 | Arrival: 1 | 11:43:37

Speed: 1577.505 | Distance: 542.057 km

Fancier: Janošik M+M+J+D | Club: 0405 Terchová

Last Pigeon:

SK-2018-0405-1340 | Arrival: 1 | 12:11:58

Speed: 1457.381 | Distance: 542.097 km

Fancier: Podhorsky Mario + B | Club: 0405 Terchová

Last re-calculation: 14.06.2021, 19:26 | Pavol Struharňanský
ClubFanciersNr. of PigeonsPrizes% of Prizes% of Birds with PrizesPoints
0401 - Belá122773323.57 %11.91 %2 001
0405 - Terchová2242110776.43 %25.42 %5 133
Sum346981407 134
Prize - fromPrize - toPoints
1 14 84
15 28 81
29 42 78
43 56 75
57 70 72
71 84 69
85 98 66
99 112 63
113 126 60
127 140 57

# 1 | Janošik M+M+J+D

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 278

Distance: 542.0570068359375 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 35 | Clocked : 17 (49 %)

Total Points : 2 782 | Overall Standing : 3

Display route on Map
2 (414)
Standing in Race
3 (2 782)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
1 1 SK-2016-0405-98 11:43:37 1 577,505 1.433 84
7 33 DV-2019-06687-911 11:46:15 1 565,508 10.029 84
9 18 DV-2019-06687-908 11:46:37 1 563,852 12.894 84
12 9 SK-2018-0405-517 11:47:05 1 561,749 17.192 84
13 15 SK-2018-0405-593 11:47:14 1 561,074 18.625 84
34 16 SK-2018-0405-574 11:58:35 1 511,663 48.711 78
43 30 SK-2019-0405-2021 12:01:00 1 501,543 61.605 75
44 20 DV-2019-06687-902 12:01:10 1 500,850 63.037 75
55 2 SK-2017-0405-255 12:03:33 1 491,011 78.797 75
67 26 SK-2019-0405-2087 12:04:49 1 485,834 95.989 72
68 8 SK-2019-0405-2001 12:04:50 1 485,766 97.421 72
74 3 SK-2018-0405-533 12:05:25 1 483,394 106.017 69
76 24 CZ-2017-0153-406 12:05:29 1 483,124 108.883 69
101 25 SK-2019-0405-2076 12:08:56 1 469,255 144.699 63
119 13 SK-2016-0405-83 12:10:47 1 461,924 170.487 60
121 12 SK-2017-0405-1772 12:10:49 1 461,792 173.352 60
123 19 SK-2019-0405-2134 12:10:51 1 461,661 176.218 60
Sum 414

No photograph

# 2 | Hajas Vaclav

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 6068

Distance: 541.97802734375 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 25 | Clocked : 7 (28 %)

Total Points : 2 492 | Overall Standing : 7

Display route on Map
7 (369)
Standing in Race
7 (2 492)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
2 18 SK-2018-0405-332 11:43:43 1 576,816 2.865 84
39 20 SK-2019-0405-608 11:59:57 1 505,704 55.874 78
65 8 SK-2019-0405-614 12:04:31 1 486,840 93.123 72
79 7 SK-2016-0405-255 12:06:27 1 478,996 113.181 69
93 5 SK-2016-0405-212 12:08:03 1 472,566 133.238 66
105 12 SK-2017-0405-367 12:09:11 1 468,046 150.430 63
124 15 SK-2014-0405-1269 12:10:51 1 461,448 177.650 60
Sum 369

No photograph

# 3 | Holúbek Viktor ml + st

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 6072

Distance: 540.5800170898438 km | Clock Deviation [s]: -1

Basketed : 30 | Clocked : 14 (47 %)

Total Points : 2 794 | Overall Standing : 2

Display route on Map
1 (414)
Standing in Race
2 (2 794)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
3 16 SK-2019-01403-326 11:43:21 1 574,352 4.298 84
5 20 SK-2019-0777-967 11:44:53 1 567,353 7.163 84
14 17 SK-2019-0777-939 11:47:15 1 556,671 20.057 84
19 12 SK-2019-01403-301 11:49:10 1 548,127 27.221 81
22 8 SK-2019-0999-914 11:52:08 1 535,084 31.519 81
23 18 SK-2019-0405-903 11:52:09 1 535,012 32.951 81
33 22 SK-2019-0405-941 11:57:14 1 513,170 47.278 78
66 23 SK-2019-0405-921 12:03:38 1 486,539 94.556 72
83 1 SK-2019-0777-943 12:05:37 1 478,476 118.911 69
86 25 SK-2018-0402-200 12:05:56 1 477,196 123.209 66
97 9 SK-2018-0777-107 12:07:32 1 470,766 138.968 66
111 13 SK-2019-01403-314 12:08:48 1 465,715 159.026 63
122 10 SK-2019-0405-951 12:09:48 1 461,751 174.785 60
133 3 SK-2019-0777-724 12:10:17 1 459,843 190.544 57
Sum 414

No photograph

# 4 | Lacuch Peter+D+M

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 4038

Distance: 542.6950073242188 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 10 | Clocked : 2 (20 %)

Total Points : 1 215 | Overall Standing : 20

Display route on Map
24 (141)
Standing in Race
20 (1 215)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
4 8 SK-2019-0405-386 11:46:01 1 568,407 5.731 84
131 3 SK-2019-0405-372 12:11:32 1 460,690 187.679 57
Sum 141

No photograph

# 5 | Šmehyl František

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 299

Distance: 542.0570068359375 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 20 | Clocked : 2 (10 %)

Total Points : 931 | Overall Standing : 23

Display route on Map
21 (165)
Standing in Race
23 (931)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
6 17 SK-2019-0405-1765 11:46:13 1 565,658 8.596 84
20 19 SK-2017-0405-188 11:50:48 1 545,202 28.653 81
Sum 165

# 6 | Hanuliak F + Jelluš

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 273

Distance: 542.72802734375 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 31 | Clocked : 10 (32 %)

Total Points : 2 862 | Overall Standing : 1

Display route on Map
3 (393)
Standing in Race
1 (2 862)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
8 2 SK-2017-0405-59 11:46:54 1 564,509 11.461 84
31 31 DV-2018-06687-187 11:58:21 1 514,519 44.413 78
32 18 SK-2018-0405-1046 11:58:29 1 513,956 45.845 78
35 12 SK-2019-0405-722 11:59:33 1 509,465 50.143 78
42 3 SK-2016-0405-2072 12:01:22 1 501,876 60.172 78
46 11 SK-2019-0777-2021 12:01:59 1 499,318 65.903 75
49 26 SK-2019-0405-33 12:03:27 1 493,267 70.201 75
57 14 DV-2019-06687-930 12:04:12 1 490,192 81.662 72
69 1 DV-2019-06687-935 12:05:28 1 485,027 98.854 72
89 19 DV-2016-06687-2964 12:07:52 1 475,339 127.507 66
Sum 393

No photograph

# 7 | Holúbek Daniel + Struharňanský Pavol

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 3170

Distance: 540.5980224609375 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 25 | Clocked : 9 (36 %)

Total Points : 2 695 | Overall Standing : 4

Display route on Map
4 (384)
Standing in Race
4 (2 695)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
10 7 SK-2019-0405-1927 11:45:48 1 563,326 14.327 84
36 9 SK-2017-0405-1436 11:58:20 1 508,646 51.576 78
37 3 SK-2019-0405-1917 11:58:24 1 508,365 53.009 78
54 1 SK-2015-0405-406 12:02:32 1 491,168 77.364 75
77 4 SK-2019-0405-1918 12:05:08 1 480,550 110.315 69
88 15 SK-2015-0405-575 12:06:07 1 476,573 126.074 66
110 21 SK-2019-0405-215 12:08:46 1 465,962 157.593 63
116 10 SK-2018-0405-1781 12:09:26 1 463,317 166.189 60
137 5 SK-2018-0405-1795 12:10:41 1 458,382 196.275 57
Sum 384

# 8 | Chabada B.+ Boháč R .

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 250

Distance: 534.9349975585938 km | Clock Deviation [s]: -1

Basketed : 25 | Clocked : 6 (24 %)

Total Points : 2 484 | Overall Standing : 8

Display route on Map
5 (381)
Standing in Race
8 (2 484)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
11 7 SK-2018-0777-272 11:42:25 1 562,158 15.759 84
21 13 SK-2019-0401-262 11:48:15 1 535,993 30.086 81
48 3 SK-2019-0401-219 11:57:26 1 496,531 68.768 75
58 10 SK-2019-0401-229 11:59:00 1 490,000 83.095 72
81 12 SK-2017-0401-762 12:01:41 1 478,947 116.046 69
84 11 SK-2017-0301-1308 12:01:56 1 477,925 120.344 69
Sum 381

No photograph

# 9 | Krištofik Štefan st.

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 285

Distance: 539.9749755859375 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 21 | Clocked : 2 (10 %)

Total Points : 1 916 | Overall Standing : 14

Display route on Map
22 (156)
Standing in Race
14 (1 916)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
15 1 SK-2019-0405-473 11:47:02 1 555,974 21.490 81
52 9 SK-2019-0405-448 12:01:53 1 492,125 74.499 75
Sum 156

# 10 | Podhorsky Mario + B

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 5337

Distance: 542.0969848632812 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 27 | Clocked : 8 (30 %)

Total Points : 2 242 | Overall Standing : 11

Display route on Map
6 (381)
Standing in Race
11 (2 242)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
16 1 SK-2019-0105-800 11:48:24 1 555,962 22.923 81
26 13 SK-2019-0405-1698 11:55:17 1 525,816 37.249 81
41 3 SK-2019-0105-694 12:00:35 1 503,389 58.739 78
56 5 SK-2018-0405-1313 12:03:40 1 490,643 80.229 75
85 8 SK-2019-0405-1667 12:06:53 1 477,573 121.777 66
108 15 SK-2019-0405-1684 12:09:34 1 466,845 154.728 63
138 20 SK-2018-0405-1319 12:11:47 1 458,099 197.708 57
140 12 SK-2018-0405-1340 12:11:58 1 457,381 200.573 57
Sum 381

No photograph

# 11 | Lysičan Alojz

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 288

Distance: 542.114013671875 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 20 | Clocked : 3 (15 %)

Total Points : 321 | Overall Standing : 28

Display route on Map
16 (231)
Standing in Race
28 (321)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
17 1 SK-2017-0405-230 11:49:07 1 552,816 24.355 81
50 2 SK-2019-0777-2078 12:03:07 1 492,947 71.633 75
53 10 SK-2019-0405-1956 12:03:20 1 492,057 75.931 75
Sum 231

No photograph

# 12 | Mahut Jozef

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 253

Distance: 535.1209716796875 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 25 | Clocked : 2 (8 %)

Total Points : 1 349 | Overall Standing : 18

Display route on Map
23 (147)
Standing in Race
18 (1 349)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
18 3 SK-2019-0406-684 11:44:55 1 551,450 25.788 81
87 11 SK-2019-0406-690 12:02:19 1 476,943 124.642 66
Sum 147

No photograph

# 13 | Krištofik Vladimír

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 220

Distance: 541.7440185546875 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 22 | Clocked : 5 (23 %)

Total Points : 2 395 | Overall Standing : 9

Display route on Map
8 (369)
Standing in Race
9 (2 395)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
24 13 SK-2019-0405-1779 11:54:01 1 530,278 34.384 81
27 18 SK-2019-0405-1773 11:55:26 1 524,179 38.682 81
38 22 SK-2019-0405-714 11:59:21 1 507,566 54.441 78
92 11 SK-2019-0405-739 12:07:46 1 473,064 131.805 66
102 21 SK-2019-0405-79 12:08:50 1 468,804 146.132 63
Sum 369

# 14 | Púček Miroslav

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 225

Distance: 533.3460083007812 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 25 | Clocked : 7 (28 %)

Total Points : 2 534 | Overall Standing : 5

Display route on Map
11 (336)
Standing in Race
5 (2 534)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
25 2 CZ-2019-0114-478 11:49:17 1 526,972 35.817 81
73 21 SK-2019-0406-530 11:59:32 1 483,440 104.585 69
94 5 SK-2019-0777-931 12:02:13 1 472,450 134.670 66
114 12 SK-2019-0401-75 12:04:10 1 464,566 163.324 60
117 3 CZ-2019-0114-532 12:04:47 1 462,090 167.622 60
117 6 SK-2017-0401-1362 12:04:47 1 462,090 167.622 60
120 16 SK-2017-0401-913 12:04:50 1 461,889 171.920 60
Sum 336

# 15 | Chabada Miroslav

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 265

Distance: 534.198974609375 km | Clock Deviation [s]: -1

Basketed : 20 | Clocked : 5 (25 %)

Total Points : 1 203 | Overall Standing : 21

Display route on Map
12 (324)
Standing in Race
21 (1 203)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
28 4 SK-2019-0401-1078 11:51:02 1 521,718 40.115 81
90 3 SK-2018-0401-88 12:02:08 1 475,077 128.940 66
126 7 SK-2018-0401-83 12:05:33 1 461,290 180.516 60
126 6 SK-2016-0401-912 12:05:33 1 461,290 180.516 60
132 10 SK-2018-0401-107 12:05:47 1 460,358 189.112 57
Sum 324

No photograph

# 16 | Tomášov Milan + Jana

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 6050

Distance: 533.3410034179688 km | Clock Deviation [s]: -1

Basketed : 53 | Clocked : 6 (11 %)

Total Points : 1 970 | Overall Standing : 13

Display route on Map
10 (342)
Standing in Race
13 (1 970)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
29 16 SK-2020-0401-601 11:51:25 1 517,616 41.547 78
51 22 SK-2019-0401-591 11:57:20 1 492,489 73.066 75
70 37 SK-2020-0401-678 11:59:13 1 484,665 100.287 72
91 9 SK-2017-0401-1207 12:01:59 1 473,318 130.372 66
109 21 SK-2019-0401-560 12:03:44 1 466,230 156.160 63
125 4 SK-2019-0401-509 12:04:56 1 461,408 179.083 60
Sum 342

No photograph

# 17 | Davidik Radovan + T

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 270

Distance: 542.4949951171875 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 17 | Clocked : 3 (18 %)

Total Points : 1 714 | Overall Standing : 16

Display route on Map
17 (210)
Standing in Race
16 (1 714)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
30 12 SK-2017-1407-351 11:57:44 1 516,479 42.980 78
82 16 SK-2019-0405-809 12:06:53 1 478,658 117.479 69
103 11 SK-2019-0405-885 12:09:21 1 468,783 147.564 63
Sum 210

No photograph

# 18 | Halas Miroslav

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 7117

Distance: 539.6270141601562 km | Clock Deviation [s]: -1

Basketed : 13 | Clocked : 3 (23 %)

Total Points : 1 101 | Overall Standing : 22

Display route on Map
18 (204)
Standing in Race
22 (1 101)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
40 11 SK-2019-0405-1905 11:58:44 1 504,187 57.307 78
98 10 SK-2019-02901-797 12:07:02 1 470,173 140.401 66
113 2 SK-2018-0405-2521 12:08:22 1 464,852 161.891 60
Sum 204

No photograph

# 19 | Krištofik Ján st.

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 281

Distance: 542.5989990234375 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 20 | Clocked : 4 (20 %)

Total Points : 2 391 | Overall Standing : 10

Display route on Map
15 (258)
Standing in Race
10 (2 391)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
45 16 SK-2019-0405-555 12:01:33 1 500,758 64.470 75
72 13 SK-2018-0405-215 12:05:44 1 483,592 103.152 69
135 1 BELG-2019-0108950 12:11:48 1 459,384 193.410 57
139 20 SK-2019-0405-560 12:12:12 1 457,816 199.140 57
Sum 258

No photograph

# 20 | Maťko + Struharňanský

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 4035

Distance: 535.0419921875 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 15 | Clocked : 6 (40 %)

Total Points : 2 529 | Overall Standing : 6

Display route on Map
9 (357)
Standing in Race
6 (2 529)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
47 5 SK-2018-0777-130 11:56:57 1 498,927 67.335 75
62 8 SK-2018-0401-1367 11:59:33 1 488,088 88.825 72
63 4 SK-2019-0777-972 11:59:36 1 487,881 90.258 72
78 2 SK-2019-0999-630 12:01:45 1 479,038 111.748 69
80 15 SK-2019-0777-966 12:01:46 1 478,970 114.613 69
96 7 SK-2019-0777-940 12:03:33 1 471,715 137.536 66
Sum 357

No photograph

# 21 | Boháč Karol + Vrábel Miroslav

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 259

Distance: 535.0960083007812 km | Clock Deviation [s]: -1

Basketed : 21 | Clocked : 1 (5 %)

Total Points : 1 346 | Overall Standing : 19

Display route on Map
25 (72)
Standing in Race
19 (1 346)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
59 11 SK-2018-0401-1012 11:59:19 1 489,135 84.527 72
Sum 72

No photograph

# 22 | Mučka V+M+M+D

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 6047

Distance: 535.1690063476562 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 23 | Clocked : 4 (17 %)

Total Points : 1 441 | Overall Standing : 17

Display route on Map
14 (270)
Standing in Race
17 (1 441)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
60 1 SK-2018-0401-1234 11:59:25 1 488,993 85.960 72
64 19 SK-2018-0401-1214 11:59:43 1 487,751 91.691 72
104 22 SK-2020-0401-599 12:04:22 1 468,765 148.997 63
112 15 SK-2019-0401-313 12:05:11 1 465,480 160.458 63
Sum 270

No photograph

# 23 | Ondruš František

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 292

Distance: 540.64599609375 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 20 | Clocked : 6 (30 %)

Total Points : 1 901 | Overall Standing : 15

Display route on Map
13 (318)
Standing in Race
15 (1 901)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
61 2 SK-2020-0405-386 12:03:13 1 488,494 87.393 72
75 18 SK-2019-0405-347 12:04:28 1 483,389 107.450 69
107 10 SK-2020-0405-406 12:08:33 1 466,954 153.295 63
128 12 SK-2018-0405-943 12:09:59 1 461,271 183.381 57
134 17 SK-2017-0405-509 12:10:27 1 459,430 191.977 57
136 13 SK-2017-0405-513 12:10:33 1 459,037 194.842 57
Sum 318

No photograph

# 24 | Franek Peter st.1961

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 255

Distance: 536.2050170898438 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 24 | Clocked : 1 (4 %)

Total Points : 526 | Overall Standing : 25

Display route on Map
26 (69)
Standing in Race
25 (526)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
71 21 SK-2020-0401-158 12:01:15 1 484,304 101.719 69
Sum 69

No photograph

# 25 | Adamec Jozef

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 6065

Distance: 539.6010131835938 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 22 | Clocked : 3 (14 %)

Total Points : 394 | Overall Standing : 27

Display route on Map
19 (192)
Standing in Race
27 (394)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
95 12 SK-2019-0403-616 12:06:28 1 472,442 136.103 66
99 5 SK-2019-0403-540 12:07:08 1 469,768 141.834 63
106 1 SK-2019-0405-955 12:07:37 1 467,836 151.862 63
Sum 192

No photograph

# 26 | Križo Michal

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 283

Distance: 540.0750122070312 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 23 | Clocked : 3 (13 %)

Total Points : 2 033 | Overall Standing : 12

Display route on Map
20 (177)
Standing in Race
12 (2 033)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
100 22 SK-2019-0405-146 12:07:31 1 469,525 143.266 63
129 7 SK-2016-0405-1171 12:09:37 1 461,176 184.814 57
130 1 SK-2018-0405-1848 12:09:39 1 461,044 186.246 57
Sum 177

No photograph

# 27 | Vrabel Tibor

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 264

Distance: 534.3300170898438 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 17 | Clocked : 1 (6 %)

Total Points : 504 | Overall Standing : 26

Display route on Map
27 (60)
Standing in Race
26 (504)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
115 8 SK-2017-0401-899 12:05:03 1 463,717 164.756 60
Sum 60
Lofts on Map

Connected competitions

Connected results

Other Race Participants

1 307 | Zuziak Štefan 540.6389770507812 km 0405 Terchová 3
2 2174 | Viglaš Ján 549.3599853515625 km 0405 Terchová 3
3 301 | Tlachac Ladislav 538.572021484375 km 0405 Terchová 7
4 6043 | Dendis Jozef 535.1599731445312 km 0401 Belá 11
5 295 | Romancik Martin 542.5239868164062 km 0405 Terchová 12
6 260 | Franek Peter ml.1967 535.0960083007812 km 0401 Belá 15
7 6045 | Erdelyi Imrich 534.8109741210938 km 0401 Belá 18