Race Nr.: 17 | Date: 25.07.2020 | Time of Liberation: 06:15:00

Organizer: OZ Terchová | Processed by: Pavol Struharňanský

GPS Coordinates: 49:58:35.5 | 11:36:32.3

Range: 533.341 km - 542.728 km

Series: 25 / 5

Point System: 84 / 3 / 2 %




Nr. of Pigeons: 609 | 20 %: 122

Nr. of Fanciers: 24

Average Distance 538 km

Race Duration: 00:38:50

First Pigeon:

SK-2018-0777-810 | Arrival: 1 | 13:28:11

Speed: 1247.924 | Distance: 540.58 km

Fancier: Holúbek Viktor ml + st | Club: 0405 Terchová

Last Pigeon:

SK-2018-0405-1200 | Arrival: 1 | 14:08:54

Speed: 1145.237 | Distance: 542.728 km

Fancier: Hanuliak F + Jelluš | Club: 0405 Terchová

Last re-calculation: 28.07.2020, 18:00 | Pavol Struharňanský
ClubFanciersNr. of PigeonsPrizes% of Prizes% of Birds with PrizesPoints
0401 - Belá102122822.95 %13.21 %1 416
0405 - Terchová143979477.05 %23.68 %3 357
Sum246091224 773
Prize - fromPrize - toPoints
1 12 84
13 24 81
25 37 78
38 49 75
50 61 72
62 73 69
74 85 66
86 97 63
98 110 60
111 122 57

No photograph

# 1 | Holúbek Viktor ml + st

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 6072

Distance: 540.5800170898438 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 106 | Clocked : 26 (25 %)

Total Points : 6 193 | Overall Standing : 2

Display route on Map
3 (390)
Standing in Race
2 (6 193)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
1 78 SK-2018-0777-810 13:28:11 1 247,924 1.642 84
4 4 SK-2017-999-731 13:29:45 1 243,427 6.568 84
6 22 SK-2017-999-110 13:30:33 1 241,143 9.852 84
9 63 SK-2018-0777-868 13:31:56 1 237,214 14.778 84
13 21 SK-2018-0402-200 13:32:01 1 236,978 21.346 81
18 40 SK-2018-03301-373 13:34:45 1 229,289 29.557 81
19 91 SK-2018-03301-369 13:34:53 1 228,917 31.199 81
28 106 SK-2019-0405-925 13:38:39 1 218,483 45.977 78
33 99 SK-2016-0777-13 13:39:39 1 215,743 54.187 78
35 43 SK-2016-0405-642 13:39:52 1 215,151 57.471 78
40 36 SK-2019-0405-941 13:45:12 1 200,755 65.681 75
41 12 SK-2017-0405-747 13:45:19 1 200,444 67.323 75
55 60 SK-2016-0405-643 13:52:06 1 182,630 90.312 72
56 104 SK-2018-0777-117 13:52:09 1 182,500 91.954 72
74 86 SK-2015-0405-514 13:55:23 1 174,195 121.511 66
76 74 SK-2018-0777-834 13:55:36 1 173,643 124.795 66
77 13 SK-2017-999-708 13:55:38 1 173,558 126.437 66
84 90 SK-2019-0777-943 13:57:15 1 169,454 137.931 66
86 15 SK-2019-0999-925 13:57:42 1 168,316 141.215 63
87 92 SK-2019-01403-332 13:57:49 1 168,022 142.857 63
93 20 SK-2019-0777-967 14:00:18 1 161,788 152.709 63
94 30 SK-2018-0777-101 14:00:19 1 161,746 154.351 63
103 35 SK-2017-0405-737 14:01:57 1 157,683 169.130 60
105 73 SK-2016-0507-381 14:02:04 1 157,394 172.414 60
114 47 SK-2016-0999-14 14:05:05 1 149,966 187.192 57
121 19 SK-2017-999-724 14:06:36 1 146,268 198.686 57
Sum 390

# 2 | Janošik M+M+J+D

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 278

Distance: 542.0570068359375 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 42 | Clocked : 14 (33 %)

Total Points : 6 527 | Overall Standing : 1

Display route on Map
1 (417)
Standing in Race
1 (6 527)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
2 13 SK-2019-0405-2001 13:29:27 1 247,686 3.284 84
3 4 SK-2016-0405-94 13:30:46 1 243,916 4.926 84
5 5 SK-2018-0405-501 13:30:57 1 243,393 8.210 84
11 37 SK-2018-0405-522 13:33:10 1 237,102 18.062 84
12 12 SK-2018-0405-561 13:33:12 1 237,008 19.704 84
15 6 SK-2018-0405-517 13:33:36 1 235,880 24.631 81
24 1 SK-2018-0405-639 13:36:51 1 226,790 39.409 81
29 42 SK-2019-0405-2032 13:39:54 1 218,379 47.619 78
30 20 SK-2018-0405-574 13:40:13 1 217,513 49.261 78
34 2 SK-2017-0405-255 13:40:55 1 215,602 55.829 78
47 8 SK-2018-0405-527 13:50:09 1 190,941 77.176 75
66 19 DV-2019-06687-908 13:55:27 1 177,233 108.374 69
89 17 SK-2017-0405-1783 13:59:52 1 166,048 146.141 63
100 7 SK-2019-0405-2003 14:03:05 1 158,035 164.204 60
Sum 417

# 3 | Púček Miroslav

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 225

Distance: 533.3460083007812 km | Clock Deviation [s]: -1

Basketed : 25 | Clocked : 10 (40 %)

Total Points : 5 816 | Overall Standing : 3

Display route on Map
4 (384)
Standing in Race
3 (5 816)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
7 7 SK-2019-0401-117 13:25:36 1 238,563 11.494 84
20 2 SK-2019-0406-527 13:29:07 1 228,530 32.841 81
38 14 SK-2019-0401-120 13:36:48 1 207,166 62.397 75
39 3 SK-2019-0777-931 13:37:40 1 204,803 64.039 75
71 8 CZ-2019-0114-532 13:48:51 1 175,116 116.585 69
72 1 SK-2018-0401-199 13:48:57 1 174,857 118.227 69
80 25 SK-2019-0406-530 13:50:05 1 171,931 131.363 66
82 11 SK-2018-0401-231 13:50:11 1 171,674 134.647 66
99 9 CZ-2019-0114-466 13:55:30 1 158,147 162.562 60
102 17 SK-2019-0401-112 13:55:38 1 157,812 167.488 60
Sum 384

# 4 | Hanuliak F + Jelluš

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 273

Distance: 542.72802734375 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 44 | Clocked : 15 (34 %)

Total Points : 5 473 | Overall Standing : 5

Display route on Map
2 (399)
Standing in Race
5 (5 473)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
8 8 DV-2019-06687-935 13:33:18 1 238,257 13.136 84
22 6 SK-2019-0777-1813 13:37:14 1 227,244 36.125 81
25 24 DV-2019-06687-930 13:39:07 1 222,039 41.051 78
26 34 SK-2019-0777-2046 13:39:12 1 221,810 42.693 78
27 20 SK-2019-0405-33 13:39:52 1 219,979 44.335 78
36 1 SK-2016-0405-2072 13:41:47 1 214,745 59.113 78
62 11 DV-2016-06687-2922 13:55:57 1 177,412 101.806 69
67 19 SK-2019-0777-2021 13:56:10 1 176,859 110.016 69
85 13 DV-2016-06687-2964 13:59:17 1 168,959 139.573 66
101 4 SK-2019-0777-4234 14:03:41 1 157,984 165.846 60
111 18 SK-2019-0105-1369 14:05:03 1 154,618 182.266 57
112 30 DV-2019-06687-924 14:06:12 1 151,800 183.908 57
113 12 SK-2019-0777-2056 14:06:47 1 150,376 185.550 57
118 23 SK-2019-0405-722 14:07:54 1 147,659 193.760 57
122 16 SK-2018-0405-1200 14:08:54 1 145,237 200.328 57
Sum 399

No photograph

# 5 | Tomášov Milan + Jana

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 6050

Distance: 533.3410034179688 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 29 | Clocked : 8 (28 %)

Total Points : 3 528 | Overall Standing : 13

Display route on Map
5 (375)
Standing in Race
13 (3 528)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
10 15 SK-2019-03306-779 13:26:05 1 237,211 16.420 84
23 5 SK-2019-0401-591 13:29:39 1 227,059 37.767 81
44 25 SK-2019-M-55-1289 13:40:20 1 197,622 72.250 75
68 12 SK-2017-1904-395 13:48:17 1 176,617 111.658 69
75 2 SK-2018-0401-400 13:49:20 1 173,898 123.153 66
78 6 SK-2019-0401-548 13:49:29 1 173,511 128.079 66
96 9 SK-2019-0401-554 13:54:27 1 160,825 157.635 63
109 23 SK-2019-0401-509 13:56:40 1 155,251 178.982 60
Sum 375

No photograph

# 6 | Krištofik Jan st.

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 281

Distance: 542.5989990234375 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 20 | Clocked : 6 (30 %)

Total Points : 5 620 | Overall Standing : 4

Display route on Map
6 (369)
Standing in Race
4 (5 620)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
14 14 SK-2017-0405-2 13:33:47 1 236,599 22.989 81
42 2 SK-2018-0405-202 13:47:11 1 199,954 68.966 75
54 1 SK-2017-0405-37 13:53:18 1 183,938 88.670 72
58 8 SK-2016-0405-813 13:55:04 1 179,392 95.238 72
64 3 SK-2016-0405-819 13:55:52 1 177,345 105.090 69
70 5 BELG-2019-1068950 13:56:14 1 176,409 114.943 69
Sum 369

No photograph

# 7 | Hajas Vaclav

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 6068

Distance: 541.97802734375 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 49 | Clocked : 11 (22 %)

Total Points : 5 274 | Overall Standing : 6

Display route on Map
7 (360)
Standing in Race
6 (5 274)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
16 30 SK-2019-0405-687 13:34:52 1 232,142 26.273 81
21 15 SK-2017-0405-2105 13:36:13 1 228,372 34.483 81
43 5 SK-2015-0405-1656 13:47:17 1 198,315 70.608 75
46 48 SK-2019-0405-675 13:49:41 1 191,990 75.534 75
51 49 SK-2018-0999-1857 13:52:36 1 184,392 83.744 72
52 31 SK-2019-0405-669 13:52:37 1 184,349 85.386 72
60 18 SK-2018-0405-332 13:54:56 1 178,384 98.522 72
79 11 SK-2018-0405-311 13:57:25 1 172,056 129.721 66
81 12 SK-2018-0405-351 13:57:30 1 171,844 133.005 66
91 10 SK-2019-0405-618 14:01:07 1 162,752 149.425 63
98 7 SK-2017-0405-390 14:02:54 1 158,320 160.920 60
Sum 360

No photograph

# 8 | Davidik Radovan + T

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 270

Distance: 542.4949951171875 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 9 | Clocked : 4 (44 %)

Total Points : 3 538 | Overall Standing : 12

Display route on Map
10 (291)
Standing in Race
12 (3 538)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
17 1 SK-2019-0405-811 13:36:16 1 229,404 27.915 81
37 6 SK-2019-0405-809 13:42:46 1 211,557 60.755 78
45 9 SK-2019-0405-804 13:49:51 1 192,690 73.892 75
120 3 SK-2016-0405-328 14:08:01 1 146,883 197.044 57
Sum 291

No photograph

# 9 | Ondruš František

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 292

Distance: 540.64599609375 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 15 | Clocked : 2 (13 %)

Total Points : 4 636 | Overall Standing : 8

Display route on Map
13 (150)
Standing in Race
8 (4 636)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
31 11 SK-2018-0405-916 13:39:05 1 217,443 50.903 78
61 6 SK-2015-0405-83 13:54:06 1 177,621 100.164 72
Sum 150

No photograph

# 10 | Boháč Karol + Vrábel Miroslav

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 259

Distance: 535.0960083007812 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 20 | Clocked : 2 (10 %)

Total Points : 3 190 | Overall Standing : 14

Display route on Map
14 (138)
Standing in Race
14 (3 190)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
32 11 SK-2017-0406-302 13:35:05 1 215,897 52.545 78
106 10 SK-2018-0401-1016 13:57:21 1 157,340 174.056 60
Sum 138

No photograph

# 11 | Babiš L+Cvinger

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 4034

Distance: 534.7030029296875 km | Clock Deviation [s]: -1

Basketed : 9 | Clocked : 1 (11 %)

Total Points : 3 103 | Overall Standing : 16

Display route on Map
17 (75)
Standing in Race
16 (3 103)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
48 6 SK-2018-0401-584 13:45:43 1 186,296 78.818 75
Sum 75

# 12 | Podhorsky Mario + B

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 5337

Distance: 542.0969848632812 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 20 | Clocked : 6 (30 %)

Total Points : 3 667 | Overall Standing : 11

Display route on Map
8 (354)
Standing in Race
11 (3 667)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
49 15 SK-2018-M-55-2878 13:51:58 1 186,294 80.460 75
50 3 SK-2018-0405-1314 13:52:01 1 186,165 82.102 72
59 4 SK-2018-0405-1340 13:54:58 1 178,557 96.880 72
69 18 SK-2019-0405-174 13:55:47 1 176,468 113.300 69
83 5 SK-2018-M-55-2860 13:58:27 1 169,699 136.289 66
88 13 CZ-2018-0141-188 13:59:45 1 166,427 144.499 63
Sum 354

No photograph

# 13 | Križo Michal

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 283

Distance: 540.0750122070312 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 12 | Clocked : 5 (42 %)

Total Points : 4 428 | Overall Standing : 9

Display route on Map
9 (333)
Standing in Race
9 (4 428)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
53 10 SK-2018-0405-1848 13:51:10 1 183,942 87.028 72
65 12 SK-2019-0405-120 13:53:44 1 177,318 106.732 69
73 4 SK-2018-0405-1849 13:54:55 1 174,289 119.869 69
90 1 SK-2017-0405-631 13:58:29 1 165,252 147.783 63
108 3 SK-2018-0405-1845 14:02:02 1 156,395 177.340 60
Sum 333

No photograph

# 14 | Vrabel Tibor

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 264

Distance: 534.3300170898438 km | Clock Deviation [s]: -1

Basketed : 25 | Clocked : 2 (8 %)

Total Points : 1 354 | Overall Standing : 27

Display route on Map
15 (135)
Standing in Race
27 (1 354)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
57 3 SK-2018-0401-631 13:47:50 1 179,927 93.596 72
95 7 SK-2016-0401-774 13:55:13 1 160,998 155.993 63
Sum 135

No photograph

# 15 | Bohač Rudolf

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 262

Distance: 534.9550170898438 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 17 | Clocked : 3 (18 %)

Total Points : 3 053 | Overall Standing : 17

Display route on Map
11 (195)
Standing in Race
17 (3 053)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
63 17 SK-2019-0401-970 13:49:21 1 177,407 103.448 69
92 11 SK-2019-0401-983 13:55:18 1 162,188 151.067 63
97 4 SK-2016-0401-557 13:56:38 1 158,831 159.278 63
Sum 195

No photograph

# 16 | Maťko + Struharňanský

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 4035

Distance: 535.0419921875 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 14 | Clocked : 3 (21 %)

Total Points : 5 016 | Overall Standing : 7

Display route on Map
12 (174)
Standing in Race
7 (5 016)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
104 7 SK-2019-0777-972 13:57:15 1 157,473 170.772 60
115 14 SK-2018-0777-130 14:00:23 1 149,680 188.834 57
116 8 SK-2019-0999-630 14:00:26 1 149,557 190.476 57
Sum 174

No photograph

# 17 | Adamec Jozef

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 6065

Distance: 539.6010131835938 km | Clock Deviation [s]: 0

Basketed : 13 | Clocked : 1 (8 %)

Total Points : 1 798 | Overall Standing : 24

Display route on Map
19 (60)
Standing in Race
24 (1 798)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
107 11 SK-2019-0405-264 14:01:25 1 156,908 175.698 60
Sum 60

No photograph

# 18 | Lacuch Peter+D+M

Club : 0405 - Terchová | Fancier ID: 4038

Distance: 542.6950073242188 km | Clock Deviation [s]: -1

Basketed : 14 | Clocked : 1 (7 %)

Total Points : 1 683 | Overall Standing : 25

Display route on Map
18 (60)
Standing in Race
25 (1 683)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
110 2 SK-2018-0301-875 14:04:51 1 154,998 180.624 60
Sum 60

# 19 | Chabada B.+ Boháč R .

Club : 0401 - Belá | Fancier ID: 250

Distance: 534.9349975585938 km | Clock Deviation [s]: -1

Basketed : 25 | Clocked : 2 (8 %)

Total Points : 3 980 | Overall Standing : 10

Display route on Map
16 (114)
Standing in Race
10 (3 980)
Overall Standing
# Nom. Pigeon Arrival Speed Coef. Points
117 10 SK-2017-0777-784 14:00:32 1 149,039 192.118 57
119 7 SK-2017-0777-882 14:01:09 1 147,519 195.402 57
Sum 114
Lofts on Map

Connected competitions

Connected results

Other Race Participants

1 6043 | Dendis Jozef 535.1610107421875 km 0401 Belá 18
2 288 | Lysican Alojz 542.114013671875 km 0405 Terchová 18
3 6047 | Mucka Viktor + Maria+Marcel+Dominika 535.1690063476562 km 0401 Belá 19
4 269 | Brezny Milan 540.9219970703125 km 0405 Terchová 21
5 253 | Mahut Jozef 535.1209716796875 km 0401 Belá 25