Registration, Login, Pairing you Account, Access to your Pigeon Profiles, changing your Photograph in results, recovering password...
First online calculation and ranking of best Arrivals from Race in real time, calculation of speed, aggregating best pigeons in Organisation / Combine
What is Pigeon Listing, adding new records, deleting existing records, importing data from ETS, vaccination management...
Create, download and print cage cards for local or national pigeon exhibitions with few clicks. Automatic best coefficients selection for every olympic category
Entering time of Liberation for Races, editing existing records, tracking changes, starting races for Combined races, requesting Access for starting Races
Basic Manual for Administration of Fancier Database. Adding new records, editing or searching for existing records
Race Plan Creation, adding new Races, editing and deleting existing Races, terms definition
Basic logic of combining Races of base organisations to bigger entities (regions, national results etc) for Combined Results Calculations. Required access and detailed steps how to Combine races
Creating new types of Results, explanation of parameters and options, defining Results composition
Creating new Competitions, official vs. custom Competitions, options and parameters, connection to Race Plan and Types of results
Basic means of Data gathering from common ETS brands, scanning and OCR techniques, direct export, data capturing etc...
Basic means for Data import, manual input, import options, shortcuts, data handling and more...
How to calculate, re-calculate or delete Results, multiple data transaction, data editing and re-importing etc...
Guide for special Applications designed for Administrators such as Access Control, Race Unlocking, Pigeon searching, ETS version Control etc..